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51好读  ›  专栏  ›  唧唧堂


唧唧堂  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-02-04 23:51


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解析作者 | 唧唧堂管理学研究小组: 赵大头
审校 | 唧唧堂管理学研究小组: 明月奴
推送编辑 | 悠悠



Procurement mechanisms used by businesses have evolved from simple single-item auctions to complex multi-unit, multi-attribute, and multi-object auctions and their combinations. These state-of-the-art mechanisms offer many economic benefits but also introduce challenges such as the increased complexity in decision-making for the participants. Our primary goal in this study is to study how decision complexity affects the economic outcomes and acceptability of an advanced economic mechanism: the continuous combinatorial auction. We identify three aspects of complexity—auction size, competition, and the number of active bids. We examine these complexity aspects with five types of auctions conducted with a general consumer population in an experimental environment with real payoffs. We find that various aspects of complexity affect economic outcomes in different ways. Furthermore, competition is a critical factor for conducting efficient auctions. We also conduct a secondary analysis of bidder behavior through a granular examination of clickstream data collected during the auctions. We find that decision complexity influences bidder strategies leading to differences in auction outcomes. Based on our analysis, we develop valuable insights for auction practitioners.

参考文献:Adomavicius, G., et al. (2020). "How Decision Complexity Affects Outcomes in Combinatorial Auctions." Production and Operations Management 29(11): 2579-2600.



We study a single-period inventory planning problem for a category of substitutable products. This is an important practical problem facing category managers who have to maintain high service levels for constantly expanding product catalogs. We formulate the problem as a stochastic optimization model that minimizes the total stocking cost subject to service level requirements, which consist of product-specific and category-wide targets for inventory availability (ready rates) through the selling season. Our model accounts for stochastic customer arrivals, captures stockout-based substitutions, and determines initial stocking quantities jointly for all products. Recognizing the challenges that these aspects pose in solving the problem, we propose an optimization-based method that estimates the ready rates using a deterministic approximation and discretizes the selling season into a finite number of time intervals. This novel modeling approach permits us to recast the stochastic optimization model as a deterministic mixed integer linear program that can accommodate several common stockout-based substitution schemes. We characterize the worst-case behavior of this approach to develop performance guarantees. We also implemented and applied this model to randomly generated numerical instances featuring different types of product differentiation and varying in parameter values. We observe that the approach is robust to changes in problem parameter values and yields solutions very quickly, outperforming an enumeration-based alternative, a practical heuristic, and an approach based on extant literature. Finally, we applied our approach to data from a re-seller of Information Technology products. Results illustrate that our approach scales well and has the potential to generate savings in inventory costs.

参考文献:Akçay, Y., et al. (2020). "Category Inventory Planning With Service Level Requirements and Dynamic Substitutions." Production and Operations Management 29(11): 2553-2578.



Humanitarian disasters are highly dynamic and uncertain. The shifting situation, volatility of information, and the emergence of decision processes and coordination structures require humanitarian organizations to continuously adapt their operations. In this study, we aim to make headway in understanding adaptive decision-making in a dynamic interplay between changing situation, volatile information, and emerging coordination structures. Starting from theories of sensemaking, coordination, and decision-making, we present two case studies that represent the response to two different humanitarian disasters: Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines, and the Syria Crisis, one of the most prominent ongoing conflicts. For both, we highlight how volatile information and the urge to respond via sensemaking lead to fragmentation and misalignment of emergent coordination structures and decisions, which, in turn, slow down adaptation. Based on the case studies, we derive propositions and the need to continuously align laterally between different regions and hierarchically between operational and strategic levels to avoid persistence of coordination-information bubbles. We discuss the implications of our findings for the development of methods and theory to ensure that humanitarian operations management captures the critical role of information as a driver of emergent coordination and adaptive decisions.

参考文献:Comes, T., et al. (2020). "The Coordination-Information Bubble in Humanitarian Response: Theoretical Foundations and Empirical Investigations." Production and Operations Management 29(11): 2484-2507.

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We analytically study a value chain consisting of three independent parties: a manufacturer, a retailer, and a sales agent. Either the manufacturer or the retailer may compensate the sales agent, and a variety of supply contracts may be used between the manufacturer and the retailer: price-only, buyback, and channel rebate. We first compare the efficiency of different supply contracts under either compensation scheme, and then compare the two compensation schemes when executed with the best performing supply contract for the parameter range. Under manufacturer compensation, we find that the price-only contract may perform well in encouraging sales effort and it can dominate the distribution channel coordinating contracts in certain parameter (production and sales effort costs) range. Under retailer compensation, we find that, within the value chain, the buyback contract performs better in quantity coordination and the channel rebate contract performs better in sales effort coordination. Interestingly, our results show that an appropriate supply contract in support of a salesforce compensation scheme helps mitigate the inefficiency brought by the asymmetric sales effort information, and can lead to value chain first best for a wide range of parameters. When this is not the case, manufacturer compensation executed via the price-only contract dominates for stable demand markets and retailer compensation executed via channel rebate contract dominates when the market’s uncertain outcomes are distinct.

参考文献:Kouvelis, P. and D. Shi (2020). "Who Should Compensate the Sales Agent in a Distribution Channel?" Production and Operations Management 29(11): 2437-2460.




Direct-Store-Delivery (DSD) is an arrangement in which a retailer allows a manufacturer to execute in-store operations such as shelf replenishments. This paper studies the economic drivers and implications of DSD for retailers and manufacturers. We consider a distribution channel where two competing manufacturers sell their products via a shelf-space constrained retailer. The shelf space allocated to each product affects the cost associated with in-store operations. The retailer can offer DSD to neither, one, or both manufacturers. The manufacturers respond by accepting or rejecting the retailer’s DSD offer. After the channel arrangement is determined, the manufacturers set their wholesale prices and then the retailer sets retail prices. Our results suggest that DSD is adopted when (i) the operational cost associated with shelf replenishments is convex, and (ii) competition between the manufacturers is intense enough to ensure the retailer’s willingness to offer DSD, but not so intense to deter the manufacturers from adopting DSD. Furthermore, we find that DSD increases the wholesale prices, decreases the retail prices, and increases demand for each product. The implication of this finding is that DSD can benefit not only the involved retailer and manufacturer but also the consumers.

参考文献:Kurtuluş, M., et al. (2020). "Drivers and Implications of Direct-Store-Delivery in Distribution Channels." Production and Operations Management 29(11): 2621-2636.

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In recent years, several Global Health Organizations (GHOs) have experimented with market-based procurement contracts to encourage pharmaceutical companies to bring late-stage vaccines to developing-country markets. Pharmaceutical companies often find such markets financially unattractive because the opportunity cost of capacity commitment is high, developing countries have limited ability to pay, and demand is uncertain. A contract design recently implemented by one GHO offers the manufacturer a per-dose sales subsidy, which is paid by the GHO, on top of the base price paid by developing countries. The subsidy is required because the base price is not enough, by itself, to induce the manufacturer to commit capacity for developing-country markets. A natural question that arises in this context is whether, within a fixed budget, alternate contract designs lead to higher capacity commitment. This study proposes and analyzes three contract designs that include the current practice and two alternatives inspired by contracts studied in the operations management literature. It also considers two types of budget constraints that may arise in practice and quantifies the impact of each type of budget constraint on the manufacturer’s capacity commitment. We show that the best contract design depends on the size of the budget, and that GHOs can increase capacity commitment (over the contract design used in practice) by choosing the budget-appropriate contract design and optimal parameters for the chosen design.

参考文献:Martin, P., et al. (2020). "Vaccine Procurement Contracts for Developing Countries." Production and Operations Management 29(11): 2601-2620.



Flash sales retailers organize online campaigns where products are sold for a short period of time at a deep discount. The demand in these events is very uncertain, but clickstream data can potentially help retailers with detailed information about the shopping process, thereby allowing them to manage such risks. For this purpose, we build a predictive model for shoppers’ sequential decisions about visiting a campaign, obtaining product information and placing a purchase, which we validate using a large data set from a leading flash sales firm. The proposed hierarchical approach mirrors the different stages of the shopping funnel and allows for a direct decomposition of its main sources of variation, from customers arrival to products purchase. We identify life-cycle dynamics and heterogeneity across campaigns and products as the main sources of variation: these allow us to provide the best predictions from a statistical standpoint, which outperform machine learning alternatives in out-of-sample accuracy. Our model thus enables flash sales retailers to learn about the performance of new products in a few hours and to update prices so as to better match supply and demand forecast and improve profits. We simulate our forecasting and optimization procedures on several campaigns including thousands of products and show that our model can successfully separate popular and unpopular products and lift revenues significantly.

参考文献:Martínez-de-Albéniz, V., et al. (2020). "Using Clickstream Data to Improve Flash Sales Effectiveness." Production and Operations Management 29(11): 2508-2531.



Inspired by the World Food Programme's activity in the post-civil war food crisis in Angola, this study proposes a systematic approach to address the location distribution problem in not-for-profit settings, where a limited volume of supply has to be allocated to different demand regions. The use of utility functions is key in our framework because it allows the decision-maker to establish priorities by representing the heterogeneous effects of distributing supply to different demand locations (location effect) and to different individuals in the same demand location (diminishing returns effect). We propose the use of two fractional objectives with the utility functions embedded into them: an efficiency measure and a new inequity measure related to the Gini coefficient. The suggested problem has the form of a bi-objective integer linear fractional program and our resolution optimization technique is designed to solve for multiple fractional objective measures. Novel analytical results for the worst-case performance of the proposed resolution technique are provided. Our numerical experiments assess computational efficiency and provide concrete managerial prescriptions. Finally, an illustrative application of our approach in the context of the food crisis in Angola is presented based on an efficiency-inequity trade-off analysis.

参考文献:Park, C. H. and G. Berenguer (2020). "Supply Constrained Location-Distribution in Not-for-Profit Settings." Production and Operations Management 29(11): 2461-2483.

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