专栏名称: 新闻与传播学术前沿
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他们说了什么?| 中国社会科学论坛“建设性新闻:理念与实践”发言摘要

新闻与传播学术前沿  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-11-10 09:38







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Constructive Journalism: What do we know about it, and where is it going?

Karen MCINTYRE Assistant Professor of Multimedia Journalism Richard T. Robertson School of Media and Culture Virginia Commonwealth University

Constructive journalism has meant different things to different people in different media systems. Similar journalistic genres that emphasize their dedication to social responsibility such as solutions journalism, peace journalism, positive journalism and more have been used sometimes interchangeably, sometimes distinctively. According to Dr. McIntyre’s work, constructive journalism is rigorous, compelling reporting that includes positive and solution-focused elements in order to empower audiences and present a fuller picture of truth, while upholding journalism’s core functions and ethics. Dr. McIntyre will begin her talk by discussing the conceptualization of constructive journalism, including how constructive journalism and related genres fit together. She will then share findings from her own and others’ research that has examined this style of reporting. This will include research on the theory behind constructive elements of reporting, the effects of specific constructive techniques and public perceptions of the concept. Dr. McIntyre will conclude by discussing the future of constructive journalism, including challenges facing the genre, such as its definition and applicability in countries with varying degrees of press freedom.






The constructive turn in journalism education

Nico Drok  Professor of Media & Civil society at Windesheim UAS

Professional journalism in the West has arrived at a crossroads: can it move to ‘digital’ and after that continue its path in the same direction, or is a turn into a new direction required? Is it enough to only reconsider the financial and technological means that journalism needs to do its job, or does it also call for rethinking the goals and values of journalism? Scholars and practitioners alike have raised important questions for 21st century journalism. How to deal with the growing number of news avoiders? How to better connect with the public? How to be of value in an environment where news is abundant and concentrated attention is scarce? How to develop a journalism that enables the public to come to grip with its problems? How to deal with important long-term issues in a way that offers the public new perspectives instead of more disillusion?
In the field of journalism studies new labels try to grasp the direction that journalism should take, such as: communitarian journalism, conversational journalism, engaged journalism, participatory journalism, solution-oriented journalism, conciliatory journalism, care journalism. All of these express the need for innovation of journalism’s culture in a more constructive direction. However, changing a professional culture is not easy. In the process of adopting a concept of innovation that includes redefining the roles and values of professional journalism, journalism education plays a pivotal role. It has to pave the way for a journalism that fits the characteristics of the network society; not only in terms of technology and economics, but also in terms of a more constructive professional culture. Is  journalism education ready for this constructive turn? At the CASS Social Science Forum the outcomes of a large-scale survey among journalism teachers from 30 European countries about their views on these issues will be presented.




在民粹主义思潮与“后真相”交织的当下,新闻业与政界和公众日益紧张的关系引发学界与业界的关注。以批判揭丑,单纯追求“冲突性”为立足之本的新闻业实践越来越无法对社会发展和进步提供积极的价值,因此我们需要在社会思潮与媒介环境变迁的语境下重思新闻业的价值与发展路径。本文立足于“建设性新闻”这一理念,通过梳理其历史溯源、理念演进及其在世界各国的实践案例,分析这一理念如何重塑新闻业与社群、个体之间的关系。“建设性新闻” 作为一种强调问题解决导向、弘扬正向价值的新闻理论,为“后真相”时代的全球新闻业的角色重塑和价值重构绘制了新的路线图。









Steve Gunn  Professor Tsinghua University

The former editor of two U.S. newspapers will share examples on how involving citizens in the process of finding and providing news coverage can improve the quality of coverage  and benefit the community. He will primarily focus on two examples. First, including members of the community on a newspaper's editorial board to assist in determining the editorial positions of the newspaper, Second, inviting the public to participate in a citizen science project to better understand tidal flooding due to climate change in a metropolitan area. That second event set a Guinness world record for "most contributions to an environmental survey." He will also touch on other examples.








本世纪在欧美国家出现的“建设性新闻”(constructive journalism)、“方案新闻”(solution journalism,也有人译为“解困新闻”)是西方新闻界继上世纪末“公共新闻”之后的又一轮新闻改革运动。这两轮新闻改革的行动主体相仿,目标相近,策略和方法相似,体现出西方国家一部分新闻工作者的职业观念发生了转变。西方新闻界的反省与纠偏,是在人类社会面临各种危机,新闻业也面临危机的特殊历史阶段,努力重构新闻业价值的一种积极探索。


New business models through high-quality journalism, designed to inform and offer a new perspective: case histories across the world.

Silvio Malvolti
Founder and President, Italian Constructive Media Association. Trainer for journalism courses, Italian Journalists Association

Journalism has deviated from its original mission, going after click-baiting headlines and advertising metrics to make editorial products economically sustainable, forcing them to provide more and more content of poorer quality, less original and faster to consume.

This is the great illness of today's mass media: to provide more and more news, little in-depth and therefore often far from the truth, the real goal of journalism, in favor of contents that simply capture attention, and that lead the reader to click on some advertising, which pays for the contents.

Our vision, when we started in 2001, was ambitious: to build a newspaper that defined a new model for media. The first challenge was to overcome a cultural problem: the expression "if it bleeds it leads" was widely held and it was not easy to convince people and media professionals that a new model based on “good news” could work. Furthermore, along the way we made some mistakes, discovering that what we were pursuing was just positive journalism, and did not always respond to the principles of constructive journalism. That's when we realized that something needed to be changed.

We will share our experience and researches on new disruptive business models and some successful case histories across the world that run high-quality contents thanks to the new approaches of constructive and solutions journalism, allowing economic sustainability of editorial products. As a result of our studies, leave old business models adopting new ones will be the challenge for publishers to survive in the years to come.








建设性新闻——媒体发展的策略选择    中国青年报的探索实践








Seeking solutions from science: some lessons for constructive journalism practitioners

Associate Professor An Nguyen, Bournemouth University, UK
CASS Social Science Forum on Constructive Journalism: Theory and Practice
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, November 9-10, 2019

As constructive journalism shifts the focus from what is the problem to what can be done, it will undoubtedly need to seek more ideas, perspectives and answers from both natural and social sciences. Yet, integrating scientific evidence and perspectives into the news is historically not a strong part of journalism, due in part to many journalistic misunderstandings about science and its authority. With illustrative cases and examples from both developing and developed nations (including China), this paper will identify key areas where such misunderstandings should and could be mitigated for the sake of a strong knowledge-based and solution-focused journalism.
First, although science is regarded as the most rigorous form of knowledge about nature and society, it is critically important for journalists to start on the premise that scientific research must be treated with the same sort of scepticism that they exercise in news reporting about other subjects. Not all scientific knowledge is produced up to the normative standards of science and scientists are not free from human errors, non-science interests and other values. As such, instead of their usual unconditional acceptance of scientific materials that come their way, journalists must establish the authority, quality and transparency of such materials first. I will outline common factors beneath the surface of research findings and conclusions that need to be thoroughly verified and examined – such as authors’ motives, funders, peerreviewing status, scientific values and so on – before journalists decide whether to integrate them in their stories.
Second, even when the science at stake has been established as trustworthy, it is imperative for journalists to report it with caution. For one thing, as scientific truth is based on an iterative process that requires repeated research attempts over time and space, there is a need to avoid overstating the outcome of any single study – as has been seen in the familiar news headlines of “miracle cures”, “ground-breaking discoveries” and so on. Such trivialisation and sensantionalisation of science can attract audiences into the story but can create false hopes or fears and at times can lead many to act wrongly and excessively in the belief in science. For another, while science is a powerful form of knowledge that holds the answer to many problems of the world, it is important to recognise that science exists along other ways of knowing – such as popular knowledge, religious beliefs or personal biases – that could exercise more direct influences on public understanding and behaviours. As such, in order for science-based solutions to engage lay publics and to convince them to take actions for salient problems of their communities, they need to be reported in the news not as an absolute authority from the above but as something that works in tandem with their sociocultural and economic circumstances.






A case study in worldwide best practices in constructive journalism: C6overage of global climate change

Richard Dunham Co-director, Global Business Journalism Program, Tsinghua University

Across the world, media professionals are informing the public of the dangers of global warming and increasingly severe weather and working together to share possible solutions. Although our media systems differ from country to country, climate change is a challenge that transcends geographical boundaries and political differences. Reporters around the world are trying to be constructive citizens in a cross-border campaign of education leading to positive action in local communities, nationally and globally. This is an example of constructive journalism: producing stories that help society, cross cultural and national boundaries, and unite peoples. I will provide a case study in worldwide best practices in covering this vital topic, showing examples from various nations. Climate change is both a local and a global issue, and cross-border media cooperation provides us with constructive examples of ways in which we all can educate the public more effectively about our most pressing environmental challenges.






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