除了技术问题,在面试过程中,面试官往往会问你一些 “pls describe ..." "what is your ..." 等个人经验、人生目标、工作期望等 behavior questions。
1. 准备好这些题目的答案,可以写下来,捋一捋思路,整理好说话的structure, 以便可以在回答过程中多多突出你的一些重要的优秀品质。
2. 通过多读多背的方式,让自己对这些答案孰能生巧,面试能比较流利地回答,甚至可以灵活套用。
如何组织 behavior questions 的语言,可以套用我们总结的 CAR 模板。详见:
Tell me a little about yourself? (This question should be handled from a career point of view and not a personal point of view. Focus on the positive. If you are a strong problem solver with great communication skills or if you enjoy troubleshooting difficult technical issues or sharing your technical knowledge while developing a team, bring those points out.)
If there is/ was an incumbent, what went wrong? Why are they replacing that individual? Or , why did they leave? Asking questions such as these should help you learn a lot and "put issues on the table"
What did you dislike about your last/present job? (Be aware of negatives and don't downgrade people or your company. Limit your negatives i.e., "the top management has changed, and their philosophy is not one I agree with" or "the company is downsizing and future growth no longer looks positive". If you are not sure how to address a question such as this, ask your recruiter for assistance. Focus more on the positive of what motivates you. If you can relate a positive example of a project or aspect of your current situation the interviewer will get an idea of your preferences. For example "What I enjoy most about my present situation is working directly with the equipment and troubleshooting processing issues. That part of my job provides me with a lot of challenge and gives me the personal satisfaction of knowing my talent is being used to the company's advantage.)
Describe the best manager you ever worked for?
How do you compare yourself to your peers? (Be confident of your capabilities, but know you have room to grow. You may want to note individual contributions as well as team contributions.)
What are your main responsibilities?
In what way have your responsibilities changed from the time you started with your present company?
What have you accomplished in the past year, past 2 years, etc.? (Be confident and be specific whenever possible. If you saved your company money, reduced cycle time, improved yields, now is the time to tell them about it.)
What are your professional goals for the next five years?
What skills have you developed that you believe would be of value to a new employer?
What are some of your weaknesses? (Try to deal from strengths in an interview, but be realistic. Think ahead of time of a weakness which an employer can live with such as being a "workaholic" or having a low tolerance for sloppy work or being a stickler for detail.)
What do you do as a member of a team? As an individual contributor?
Do you prefer to work as part of a team, or would you rather work alone?
What steps have you taken to obtain additional training to improve your skills?
Are you an initiator (an idea person), or do you carry out the directives of someone else? Can you do both?
What motivates you to do your best?
What kind of work environment do you prefer?
Describe your ideal boss? (Do some thinking, but consider this: Did you ever work with a person who could combine his/her talents with yours and others to create synergy.... (2 + 2 = 5)?
Is overtime a problem? 20. Is travel a problem?
Is travel a problem?
What business accomplishment are you most proud of? (Don't be shy, and be prepared to give details.)
What can you do for us that other candidates can't? (What a company normally looks for in this type of question is what makes you unique. This will take an assessment of your experience, skills and traits. Summarize concisely: "I have a unique combination of strong technical skills and the ability to train others by sharing the knowledge that I have gained over the years as a (Technician or Plant Manager or Process Engineer)
Why are you considering leaving your present job? (Be light on the negatives and give as many positives as possible.)
Why should we hire you? (Explain why you believe that you will bring more values to the job and company than it will cost the company to hire you, and give examples. If the company has discussed four critical tasks that need to be tackled, and you have the experience and talent to do them, confidently review the skills you are bringing with you which will successfully accomplish their goals.)
Can we check your references? (Have a list of names and phone numbers ready.)