图2. SEM images of (a, b) CN/rGO-180, (c, d) CN/rGO-220, (e, f) CN/rGO-260, (g, h) CN/rGO-300; (i) The magnified SEM image; (j) TEM and (k) HRTEM images of CN/rGO-260; (l) The photograph of free-standing CN/rGO aerogel.
图3. (a) XRD patterns and (b) Raman spectra of all CN/rGO aerogels; (c) XPS total survey of CN/rGO-260, and high-resolution spectrum of (d) C1s, (e) O 1s, and (f) N1s.
图4. (a) Real permittivity, (b) imaginary permittivity, (c) complex permeability and (d) dielectric/magnetic loss tangent of aerogels.
图5. 3D RL contours versus frequency and thickness: (a) CN/rGO-180, (b) CN/rGO-220, (c) CN/rGO-260 and (d) CN/rGO-300. RL curves of (e) CN/rGO-220 and (f) CN/rGO-260 at given thicknesses.
图6. Probable microwave absorption mechanism of CN/rGO-260 aerogel.
图7. (a-f) Thermal infrared images of CN/rGO-260 and typical commercial thermal insulation materials PS, PU, PE at different heating times. (g) Scheme of CN/rGO-260, PS, PU and PE placed on the heating platform. (h) Surface temperature vs time curves. (i) Schematic illustration of the heat transfer mechanism of CN/rGO-260 aerogel.