专栏名称: JXR锦欣生殖
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JXR锦欣生殖  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-04-09 09:43


2024年4月1日,锦欣生殖医疗集团有限公司(01951.HK)宣布与印尼PT Morula Indonesia(“Morula”)签署股权投资协议。投资完成后,锦欣生殖将成为Morula最大的战略投资人。同时,双方将达成战略合作,实现资源整合,携手开拓印尼及东南亚辅助生殖行业市场。

Morula是印尼最大的辅助生殖医疗集团,于1997年开始辅助生殖业务。经过近30年的发展壮大,Morula现已在印尼拥有10家辅助生殖中心。Morula隶属PT Bundamedik Tbk(“Bundamedik” ),Bundamedik成立于1973年,是目前印尼最大的民营妇儿专科医疗集团之一,2021年在印尼证券交易所成功上市。





Morula总裁Dr. Ivan Rizal Sini表示:“我们很高兴能与锦欣生殖达成本次战略合作,期待共同为本地区的行业发展做出贡献。”



[email protected]

Jinxin Fertility and Morula Announce Strategic Cooperation in Southeast Asia

On April 1, 2024,Jinxin Fertility Group Limited (“JXR”) and PT Morula Indonesia (“Morula”) are pleased to announce a strategic cooperation between both parties, following the execution of investment share subscription and purchase agreement, whereby JXR will become a significant shareholder of Morula upon the completion of the proposed equity investment.

As part of this strategic cooperation, JXR and Morula aim to leverage their mutual expertise and strengths in ARS to jointly capitalize on the sizeable untapped potential of the Indonesia and Southeast Asia IVF markets. This collaboration is a testament to JXR and Morula’s belief in the market prospects arising from the robust economic growth and burgeoning local populations in the Southeast Asia region.

Morula started its operations in 1997 and after nearly 30 years of growth, Morula is the largest Assisted Reproductive Service (“ARS”) specialty healthcare group in Indonesia, with 10 ARS facilities across the country. Morula is the IVF subsidiary of PT Bundamedik Tbk (“Bundamedik”), which was established in 1973 and has been listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange since 2021.Bundamedik is one of the largest private Women & Children specialty healthcare groups in Indonesia.

JXR is a leading ARS and Women & Children specialty healthcare group in China and the United States. The history of JXR can be traced back to its start in 1951, and with its medical industry track record extending more than 70 years, JXR enjoys a stellar reputation in the fields of ARS and women & children healthcare services. It has become the largest private ARS provider in China, and the largest ARS provider in the West Coast of the United States. In June 2019, JXR was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, as part of plans to further grow its international presence. JXR currently has a strong global industry presence, through its ownership of 6 hospitals and co-management of 5 hospitals in the Chinese Mainland ; 2 reproduction clinics in Hong Kong; 10 reproduction clinics operating under HRC Fertility in the United States, and 1 reproduction clinic in Laos. With ARS operations as its core focus, JXR is actively expanding into full life cycles offerings, and remains committed to providing its patients with the best quality integrated reproductive services.

JXR is well known for its visionary leadership and capability to navigate through various industry challenges, and has a proven track record of driving organizational transformation and growth of its international business operations. Morula, as JXR’s strategic partner, has consistently demonstrated operational growth and considerable business success in Indonesia, as evident from Morula’s market leading position in Indonesia and increasingly greater demand for its highly regarded ARS services.

The founders of both JXR and Morula recognize the importance and potential long-term benefits of this strategic cooperation. By combining JXR’s and Morula’s respective business strengths, JXR and Morula are positioned to build the market leading ARS operator in the region together, by offering innovative and high-quality services to meet the medical needs of their growing customer base in Indonesia and Southeast Asia.

Founders of JXR and HRC:"This strategic cooperation is not only about expanding our reach or increasing our market share. It is also about making a positive impact on the lives of people in the region. We are committed to bringing our innovative ARS services to more people and thus improving their lives."

Dr. Ivan Rizal Sini, President Director of PT Morula Indonesia added, "We are excited about this partnership with JXR and the opportunities it represents. We believe that together, we can achieve more and make a significant contribution to the region's economic growth."

For more information about this strategic cooperation and JXR’s investment in Morula, please contact our IR office.

[email protected]


锦欣生殖 (01951.HK)是专业的、具有全球影响力的辅助生殖和妇儿医疗服务提供商,旗下医疗机构分布在中国内地,香港,美国和东南亚地区。目前在中国内地拥有及经营四川锦欣西囡妇女儿童医院静秀院区、四川锦欣西囡妇女儿童医院毕昇院区、深圳中山妇产医院(原“深圳中山泌尿外科医院”)、武汉锦欣中西医结合妇产医院、云南锦欣九洲
