专栏名称: 广东疾控
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Guideline for Environmental Hygiene in School 学校环境卫生工作指引

广东疾控  · 公众号  · 养生  · 2017-03-20 21:40


Since infective agents can survive in the environment for a period of time, it is essential to observe proper environmental hygiene.



  Choice of Disinfectants  

Different types of disinfectants can be used to clean the environment. Household bleach, which normally contains 5.25% hypochlorite solution, is the most convenient and effective disinfectant. 

The 1 in 99 diluted household bleach (5.25%) is sufficient for general cleaning purpose and 1 in 49 diluted household bleach should be used for places contaminated with respiratory secretions, vomitus or excreta. 



1比99 稀释家用漂白水(5.25%)已足够一般清洁之用, 而1比49稀释家用漂白水应用于处理被呼吸道分泌物、呕吐物或排泄物污染的地方。

  General cleansing 

✴ Maintain good indoor ventilation, open windows wide and turn on fans or exhaust fans. Make sure air-conditioning systems are well-maintained. Clean air-filters regularly and keep them clean.


✴ Clean and disinfect the school premises including classrooms, kitchen canteen, toilets, bathrooms, and school buses with 1 in 99 diluted household bleach (mixing 1 part of 5.25% bleach with 99 parts of water), wait until the disinfectant dries up, then rinse with water and keep dry.


✴ Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces, such as furniture, toys and commonly shared items (such as computer keyboards) at least daily by using appropriate disinfectant (e.g. 1 in 99 diluted household bleach by mixing 1 part of 5.25% bleach with 99 parts of water for non-metalic surfaces; or 70% alcohol for metallic surfaces), leave for 15-30 minutes, and then rinse with water and keep dry.


✴ Use absorbent disposable towels to wipe away obvious contaminants such as respiratory secretions, vomitus or excreta, then disinfect the surface and neighbouring areas with appropriate disinfectant (e.g. 1 in 49 diluted household bleach by mixing 1 part of 5.25% bleach with 49 parts of water for non-metalic surfaces; or 70% alcohol for metallic surfaces), leave for 15-30 minutes and then rinse with water and keep dry.


✔ 保持室內空气流通,尽量打开窗户、打开风扇或排气扇。需确保空调有良好的保养,定期清洗空调防尘网,保持其清洁。

✔  用1比99稀释家用漂白水(把1份5.25%漂白水与99份清水混和)清洁和消毒学校/中心的地方,包括教室、厨房、饭堂、厕所、浴室和校车等,待干后,用水清洗並擦干。

✔  最少每天清洁和消毒经常接触的表面、如家具、玩具和共用物件(如电脑键盘)。使用适当的消毒清洁剂(如用1比99稀释家用漂白水,即把1份5.25%漂白水与99份清水混和,清洁非金属表面;或用70%酒精消毒金属表面),15至30分钟后,才用水清洗。

✔  用吸水力強的一次性抹巾清理可见的污物,如呼吸道分泌物、呕吐物及排泄物, 然后用适当的消毒清洁剂消毒被污染的地方及附近各处(如用1比49稀释家用漂白水,即把1份5.25%漂白水与49份清水混和,清洁非金属表面,或用70%火酒消毒金属表面),待15至30分钟后,用水清洗并擦干。

  Kitchen hygiene

✴ Keep the kitchen clean. Wash the exhaust fan and range hood regularly.

✴ Store eating utensils in a clean cupboard.

✴ Keep worktops in the kitchen clean.

✴ Keep the floor dry after cleaning to prevent slip.

✴ Do not store personal items such as clothes or shoes in the kitchen.

✴ Cover garbage bins properly to avoid breeding of mosquitoes, cockroaches, flies and rodents.


✔  保持厨房清洁,定时清洗排气扇及抽油烟机。

✔  餐具等须放在干净的碗柜內。

✔  厨房工作台表面须保持清洁。

✔  地面清洁后须擦干,以防跌倒。

✔  请勿把衣服鞋子等個人用品存放在厨房。

✔  垃圾桶须盖好,避免蚊子、蟑螂、苍蝇和老鼠等滋生。

Toilet and bathroom


✴ Keep toilets, changing rooms, and bathrooms clean and hygienic.

✴ Provide liquid soap and disposable tissue towels or hand dryers for hand washing.  

✴ Ensure the flushing system of the toilet is in proper function.

✴ Make sure that the drain pipes are built with U-shaped water traps and do not alter the pipelines without authorisation.  

✴ Pour about half a litre of water into each drain outlet regularly (aboutl once a week) so as to maintain the water column in the pipe as water lock to prevent the spread of micro-organisms.

✴ Make sure that the soil pipes are unobstructed and the sewage drainsl are functioning properly without leakage so as to avoid breeding of infective agents.


✔  保持厕所、更衣室或浴室清洁卫生。

✔  配置洗手液、擦手纸或干手机,供洗手。

✔  确保厕所的沖水系统运作正常。

✔  确保下水道有U型管,切勿擅自更改管道。

✔  定期(约每周一次)把约半公升清水注入每個排水口,以保持U型管中有足夠的存水,防止病原体的传播。

✔  保持排粪管畅通及下水道功能正常、无渗漏,以免病原体滋生。

 Waste disposal

✴ Cover garbage bins with lids.

✴ Wrap up rubbish properly before discarding it into garbage bins with lids.

✴ Empty garbage bins at least once a day.

✴ Wash hands thoroughly after handling garbage.



✔  垃圾桶必须有盖。

✔  垃圾要包好及放入有盖的垃圾桶內。

✔  每天最少要清理垃圾桶一次。

✔  处理垃圾后要彻底洗手。

Cleansing of utensils  

✴ Rinse floor mop, wiper or other cleaning utensils with water to remove solid or bulky waste if any.  

✴ Disinfect such utensils by immersing them in 1 in 49 diluted household bleach (5.25%) for 30 minutes.

✴ Then wash with detergents and clean water.

✴ Re-use after drying out.


✔  用清水沖洗拖把、抹布或其他清洁用具,以清除固体或体积大的垃圾。

✔  然后把该用具泡在1比49稀释家用漂白水(把1份5.25%漂白水与49份清水混和)內30分鐘。  

✔  再以清洁剂及清水冲干净。

✔  待干透后再使用。





