【新朋友】
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Whether
you're
sick
or
not
,
you
want
to
stay
hydrated
.
But
if
you're
vomiting
,
have
diarrhoea
,
or
are
sweating
a
lot
,
it's
easier
to
become
dehydrated
.
And
that
will
just
make
you
feel
even
worse
-
and
make
it
harder
for
your
body
to
fight
off
whatever
sickness
you're
dealing
with
.
But
is
there
anything
in
particular
you
can
drink
to
feel
better
?
不管有没有生病,你的身体都需要保持水分。但如果你呕吐、腹泻或出汗很多,那就很容易脱水。而这只会让你更加难受--你的身体也更难抵抗疾病病菌。但有没有什么饮品能让你喝下去舒服一点呢?
When
it
comes
to
staying
hydrated
while
sick
,
water
is
your
best
option
-
and
should
be
your
first
choice
.
It's
boring
,
know
,
but
water
will
keep
your
sore
throat
and
airways
moist
,
the
Mayo
Clinic
explains
.
That
will
reduce
the
pain
in
your
throat
and
make
it
easier
to
cough
up
any
mucus
or
blow
out
any
snot
.
如果你生病了,那喝水则是保持水分的最佳选择--也应是你的首选。我知道,水没有味道,但却能够让你酸痛的喉咙和通气道保持湿润,梅奥诊所的工作人员解释道。这能缓解喉咙疼痛,因此咳出粘液或擤鼻涕也会变得更加容易。
But
,
depending
on
your
symptoms
,
other
drinks
may
also
help
you
feel
a
bit
better
.
For
instance
,
hot
water
or
tea
with
lemon
and
honey
can
help
soothe
a
sore
throat
and
cough
.
soup
or
broth
will
also
do