专栏名称: 投资圈女混混
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51好读  ›  专栏  ›  投资圈女混混


投资圈女混混  · 公众号  · 投资  · 2017-04-02 18:09


第一章 好的技术交易系统只是成功的一半?

A Good Technical System Is Just Half What You Need

A few years ago, I addressed a gathering of some 600 investors at a technical trading seminar in New Orleans. It was a three-day meeting sponsored by the Technical Analysis Group, also known as Compu-Trac -- an excellent organization whose annual seminar is designed to help members acquire a better understanding of technical trading tools and to examine the latest studies of market behavior. The topic of my address concerned the steps you need to focus on after you've developed or acquired a good technical trading system: viable market strategy and tactics combined with sound money management.


It is the combination of the two - the technical trading system and the sound strategy and tactics - that can put you in the ranks of the consistent winner. And they can keep you there most years.


Many traders feel that they can beat the markets with a good technical system or a good charting approach. In fact, a good technical system, or even an accurate trend projection, is only half of what is required for success. It is not enough to accurately identify a market trend or the price objective of a given move - and that itself is tough to do. You still have to resort to a viable strategy in order to maximize the profits on your winning positions and minimize the losses on your adverse ones.


This was brought home to me a number of years ago when I was operating my own clearing firm at 25 Broad Street in lower Manhattan. I met with some clients who were professional traders to formulate a strategy for garnering real profits from the market over the coming months. They operated as a little trading group and had been consistently losing due to their short-term focus, their lack of discipline in timing of trades, and their total disregard for any kind of consistent or viable market strategy. After reviewing a number of markets and projecting probable trends and price objective, I suggested cocoa was then trading around the 12.00 level, and I offered the thesis that we could see the market advance into the low 20.00s. We were unanimous in that analysis (which, knowing what I now know, should have gotten me very nervous). We commenced our bull operation that afternoon, with each of us picking up an initial long position around the 12.00 mark.


We were right. Over the coming months, Cocoa did get up to the 22.00 level! And I made some money on the deal, although not as much as I should have for being so accurate in my analysis. What of my colleagues? Well, over the six-month period, they actually ended up losing nearly $200,000. How could that have happened? They started buying at the 12.00 level, had correctly projected the price to the low 20.00s, and had sold off their final long contracts right up at that level. So what went wrong?


Well, they started the campaign as cautious buyers (I couldn’t figure that out, as they had plunged heavily in nearly all their other losing plays) and kept increasing the size of their buy orders as the market advanced from 12.00 to 15.00. Unfortunately, their position resembled an upside-down pyramid, and at the very first technical reaction, their account went into a big loss. When the margin clerk sent his familiar greetings, they panicked, dumping their entire position. If that weren’t dumb enough, they committed the classic blunder! They went short, reasoning that they would take advantage of the downswing to recoup their recent heavy losses. Short on a technical reaction in a major bull market! Not surprisingly, they weren’t quick enough to reverse back to long when the market inevitably resumed its advance. They took a beating on the short position as well. This typified their trading during the ensuing months. By the time the dust settled and we all sold out our final longs around the 22.00 level, they had contributed some $200,000 in trading losses to the other, not necessarily smarter but more disciplined and strategically superior, players.


Clearly, their strategy and tactics represented the perfect example of how not to trade the markets. They zigged (sold) when they should have zagged (bought); they zagged when they should have done nothing but watch the market and count their profits. You can almost profile good market strategy by describing the exact opposite of what these hapless professional traders did.


This little cocoa misadventure is just one of the more graphic examples of the lengths to which futures traders will go in ignoring the most basic tenets of good market strategy and money management on the way to becoming big losers. Most speculators create these disasters unintentionally, but the result is still the same: big losses.


Some time ago, Mr. A. phoned and complained that the trading system he had been using at my recommendation wasn’t working. He had just taken a big hit and was down to some 35 percent of his original capital. On the face of It, this spoke poorly for the technical system. His declaration seemed extraordinary to me, since I too had been following this particular system and knew that it had been performing quite satisfactorily. “How much capital did you start with,” I inquired, “and what was the largest position you’ve had since going on the system?” His reply was a real shocker. He had started with $25,000 and his largest position at any one time had consisted of 15 corn, 10 wheat, 1 sugar, 1 cocoa, 2 lumber, 2 hogs, and 1 Swiss, for a total of 32 contracts. I then asked if he had read and understood the manual that accompanied the system. He said that he had. How then, could he have been sitting with 32 contracts when the manual clearly advised a maximum of 6 contracts for the $25,000 portfolio? I also asked him why he was in cocoa when the manual recommended $50,000 as the minimum size account for carrying cocoa. But the most startling aspect of all this was his lumber position, which was the biggest loss in his account. Lumber isn’t even on the system.


So why had he done these self-destructive things? And why had he spent nearly $3,000 for a good long-term computerized trading system, only to completely ignore both the trading signals and the strategies? Like most speculators, bad trading habits are difficult to overcome. Bad trading habits? This hapless gentleman obviously traded on the basis of emotion instead of discipline, sentiment instead of logic, and subjectivity instead of objectivity. He allowed his fear of losing to overcome his hope of winning. When the system agreed with the positions he wanted to take, he took the positions. When the system was at odds with the positions he wanted to take, he still took the positions. In short - he used his own system instead of the tested and proven one in his computer. His system was deceptively simple - hold on to the losing positions and close out all the profitable ones as soon as they showed even a few hundred dollars profit. He apparently was out to prove that his trading decisions were superior to those of the computer system. The bottom line results confirmed that they weren’t. Well, at least he learned his lesson from all this, right? Wrong! He attributed his losses and his underperformance relative to the system to an unfortunate run of bad luck. Can you imagine that?


Lest you think that this sort of experience is just an isolated one, I received shortly afterwards a visit from a gentleman who had purchased the same computer system and had made the mistake of giving it to a professional broker to operate for him. He had done even worse than the previous fellow, having lost about 90 percent of his starting capital of $10,000, and he had some serious reservations. Again, I asked the same opening question and was told that the $10,000 account had commenced trading with corn, hogs, Swiss, sugar, and mini-silver; in some instances, more than a single contract. A cursory glance at the trading summary confirmed what I fully suspected - not only had the starting position been much too large for the capital, but the account had been grossly overtraded. In the presence of this trader, I reviewed his account vis-a-vis the signals generated by the system he thought he had been using - but which, in reality, he was not. I demonstrated to his satisfaction that had he followed both the signals and the strategy mandated by the system, he would have been down by only 20 percent. He would have had sufficient capital left to try to recoup the losses and get into the plus column - a far cry from the hopeless situation he was now in.


There is a good, solid lesson here, and it is this: In both cases, the system didn’t fail the traders, the traders failed the system-and themselves as well.


There is no single system or technical trading method, nor will there ever be one, that can be a winner all the time. However, a number of solid systems, when used properly and in conjunction with sound trading strategy and money management (and that certainly includes not overpositioning or overtrading), can provide the operator with an important edge in the quest for consistent profits. They enable the trader to win more on his profitable trades and to lose less on his unprofitable ones-and that’s a significant edge we are always seeking.


Another important element of strategy that further contributes to this winning edge relates to the problem, and the ultimate decision, of which markets to get into when taking positions. I was recently faced with an interesting market dilemma and would like to share with you both the problem and my solutions. I opened a new account with an investor in San Francisco and was evaluating which markets to put him into. In terms of the currencies, my system had been long the yen for the past six months with a substantial profit on the position but had just recently gone short the Swiss with just a small profit on the open position. I wanted to have a position in a currency, but which one? I decided on the short Swiss, since the position had only recently been signaled and the reversal stop was just 35 points above the market. This limited the loss to some $475 per contract, whereas the stop on the yen position was much further away, equating to a bigger dollar risk. Here is the practical embodiment of one aspect of my strategy which mandates that you do not allow (well, try not to allow) a good profit to turn into a loss. What is a good profit? A profit of 100 percent or more of the position’s margin.


Continuing with my problem of deciding on the initial positions for this new account, my computer system was short all three grains - beans, corn and wheat. I opted to take just one of these positions. With the grain markets down quite severely and in a rather oversold position, even a modest rally could be severe. I wanted to limit my exposure on the short side of grains. So which one would it be? I would want to be short either the weakest market or the one with the closest reversal stop. The stop on corn was 16 cents - quite a high risk for this relatively slow-moving market. The stop on beans was even further at 44 cents. This short position had been signaled some 14 months earlier and had large profit. Nevertheless, 44 cents, equal to $2,200 risk, was excessive for a new position. However, the buy stop on wheat was just 9 cents above the current market, equating to a risk of some $500 per contract, including commissions. My decision seemed obvious: Sell the wheat. The risk was the smallest of the grains, and, if the market continued to decline as the major trend seemed to indicate, the reversal stop would continue to follow the market down to a no-loss and, soon enough, a locked-in profit. Here is a straightforward example of viable market management in a routine day-to-day situation.






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