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考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-05-29 06:01




Tough love


How abolishing the death penalty led to more convictions


The lesson from Victorian England is that juries convict more often when death is not an option


Apr 12th 2017

THOUGH no one has been executed in Britain for over 50 years, until 1998 someone convicted of high treason or “piracy with violence” could in theory be put to death. The law is now clearly against capital punishment, but Britons are not. Fully one-third would like the death penalty to be brought back; the leader of the populist UK Independence Party has suggested a referendum on the matter. Yet research presented at this week’s Royal Economic Society conference suggests that if you really want to be tough on criminals, killing off capital punishment makes sense.


  • Piracy:n.海盗,海盗行为     

  • Capital punishment:死刑

  • Uk Independence Party:英国独立党   

  •  Referendum:公民投票权    

  • Royal Economic Society conference:皇家经济学会议

Anna Bindler and Randi Hjalmarsson, both of the University of Gothenburg, examined over 200,000 cases from the Old Bailey criminal court in London from 1715 to 1900. During this period capital punishment was abolished for many offences, from counterfeiting money (in 1832) to robbery (in 1837). Making the necessary statistical controls, the authors looked at the change in the likelihood of conviction for offences that were no longer capital.

来自哥德堡大学的Anna Bindler 和Randi Hjalmarsson查阅了伦敦中央刑事法庭(Old Bailey)自1715至1900年的超过二十万起案件。在这段时期,针对许多违法行为废除了死刑,包括制造假币(1832年)和抢劫(1837年)。(期待您的翻译,明天会有针对这句话的长难句解析哟~)

The paper suggests that when capital punishment was an option, juries were often reluctant to convict at all. They may have felt it was a little rum to send someone to the gallows for stealing a cow, so they downgraded the charge or acquitted the defendant. The authors find that juries were particularly reluctant to convict women.


  • gallows 绞刑架

Once death was off the table, however, jurors could convict with a clearer conscience. The paper finds that the abolition of capital punishment increased the chance of conviction for all crimes by around eight percentage points, with especially large effects for violent offences. The temporary halt of penal transportation during the American war of independence had a somewhat smaller effect on the likelihood to convict, suggesting that juries considered living in America to be a prospect slightly less awful than death.


  • Convict:v.证明有罪,定罪   

  •  Penal transportation:流放死刑犯

  • Prospect:n.前途,预期

Past research has found that would-be criminals are more put off by an increased likelihood of conviction than they are by more severe sentences. If so, then getting rid of the most brutal punishments could make criminal-justice systems work better. If the third of Britons who would like the death penalty reintroduced got their way, the country might inadvertently end up letting more criminals walk free.


  • Brutal:adj.残忍的,野蛮的

  • Criminal-justice systems:刑事司法体系   

  • Reintroduce:v.再次提出

  • Inadvertently:adv.非故意的

翻译 ▍Bibobibo,下罗小柜员,陌上

审核 ▍白夜叉

图文编辑 ▍太止


Try to translate 

Making the necessary statistical controls, the authors looked at the change in the likelihood of conviction for offences that were no longer capital.

Put Chinese below












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