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【Applied Energy最新原创论文】耦合可再生能源和混合季节性-电池储能的孤岛微电网长期运行优化

AEii国际应用能源  · 公众号  ·  · 2023-08-16 18:30



Long-term operation of isolated microgrids with renewables and hybrid seasonal-battery storage




A data-driven scheduling-correction framework is proposed to provide real-time actions with a global vision, making better use of the seasonal hydrogen storage. In the scheduling module, ex-post optimal SoC sequences of the seasonal storage are generated using historical data. In the correction module, the real-time operation relies on a bi-objective rolling-horizon optimization problem which minimizes the operating cost while following the SoC reference of the seasonal storage, which is sequentially updated along with time.

•The kernel regression technique is established to sequentially update the SoC reference of the seasonal hydrogen storage. This technique calibrates a conditional probability distribution based on the newly observed data; the resulting distribution (weight coefficients) interprets how likely the current year is similar to each of the past years. The reference is updated in each period according to the weighted sum of the ex-post optimal SoC sequences.

•Systematic tests are conducted to compare the cost, load shedding, and renewable energy curtailment achieved by different methods. Numerical results show that the scheduling-correction framework can fully exploit the seasonal storage. The proposed method outperforms existing rolling horizon approaches in compromising economy, power supply reliability, and renewable energy utilization.





Abstr act

With the progress of decarbonization, renewable-powered microgrids are attracting wide attention. To cope with the fluctuation of renewable power at different timescales, both long-term and short-term energy storage devices are required. This paper studies the operation of renewable-dominated isolated microgrids integrated with hybrid seasonal-battery storage. A data-driven scheduling-correction framework is proposed. By leveraging the historical data of renewable power and load, the scheduling module generates ex-post optimal state-of-charge (SoC) sequences of the seasonal energy storage ahead of the operating year. In each period of real-time operation, the correction module performs two steps: the first step is to update the reference SoC for the seasonal storage based on the ex-post optimal SoC sequences and the newly observed data; the second step is to solve a bi-objective rolling-horizon optimization problem which minimizes the instant operating cost while steering the SoC of seasonal storage to its reference value. An appealing feature of the proposed method is that the long-term renewable power forecasts are not required. A microgrid system is devised to verify the proposed framework. Numerical tests show that the scheduling-correction framework outperforms existing rolling horizon approaches in compromising economy, power supply reliability, and renewable energy utilization.


Data-driven method

Hybrid seasonal-battery energy storage

Long-term operation


