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VOA英语听力  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2017-06-11 21:21



Be Disciplined/学会自律

  Personal discipline is extremely important when it comes to becoming more courageous. As you face your fears, you hold yourself accountable for stepping back up to the plate when you falter.


  When it comes to being disciplined, you must understand what it is that you wish to achieve. What are you goals? Are you looking to become more comfortable speaking in front of large groups of people? Are you looking to overcome your fear of heights? Are you looking to become less fearful of taking chances? Are you seeking new opportunities? If you are looking to step out of your comfort zone, take more chances, and become more courageous, you need self-discipline.


  Discipline is not only going to help you understand your goals, but it will help you achieve them. As you look to build your confidence and become a more courageous person, you are going to falter and face failure. You will, quite possibly, face adversity and opposition, as well. When it comes to being courageous, you need to learn how to stick up for what you believe in and proceed in light of setbacks. Discipline is going to help you stay on track towards achieving your goals, overcoming your fears, and becoming a more courageous individual.


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