当我们坐立不安,心急火燎、 心急如焚、 如坐针毡、 迫不及待、 寝食不安地等待审稿结果时,却不曾想过期刊也会患上审稿拖延症。在上一次的帖子里《史上最全的杂志审稿周期汇总》,我们探讨了现在越来越长的投稿周期及其原因,以及一些期刊别人统计出来的投稿周期。
Dear [Insert journal editor’s name]:
This is with regard to my/our accepted manuscript, [Insert manuscript reference number], titled “[Insert manuscript title],” submitted to your journal on [Insert date of submission].
We have not received an update regarding the publishing status of our manuscript. Could you let us know when we can expect notice regarding the time and the issue it will be published in?
Thank you for your time and consideration. We look forward to hearing from you.
[Insert author name and correspondence details]
Dear [Insert journal editor’s name]:
This is with regard to my/our submitted manuscript, [Insert manuscript reference number], titled “[Insert manuscript title],” submitted to your journal on [Insert date of submission] for consideration as a [Insert article type, e.g., Original Article or Case Report].
We have not received an update regarding the status of our manuscript in the review process. Could you let us know when we can expect notice regarding the decision of the editorial board?
Thank you for your time and consideration. We look forward to hearing from you.
[Insert author name and correspondence details]
Dear [Insert journal editor’s name]:
Re: Ms# XXXX (number of the manuscript if any) – XXXX (title of the article)
The above mentioned manuscript has been submitted (or re-submitted) for over X (3 for submission, 2 for re-submission) months, but I have not heard of any decision from the journal.
I will be most grateful if you could let me know the current status of the manuscript.
Please also advise if you need any additional information for the manuscript.
Thank very much for your consideration, and look forward to hearing from you soon.
[Insert author name and correspondence details]