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精彩英文演讲  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-04-30 18:29


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Hormonal Weight Gain
Causes and How to Lose It

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- We have hundreds of hormonal reactions in the body. Hormone system is very complex. But there are a few hormones that when not regulated can cause weight gain or stop you from losing weight all together.

What if I told you that there is one solution to regulating all these hormones so you can start experiencing sustainable weight loss and finally reaching your goal? Keep watching this video to find out the truth about hormonal weight gain causes and how to lose it.

There are hundreds of hormonal reactions in the body and it's a very, very complex system. But let's go over just a couple. Insulin, cortisol, estrogen, just a few here. So, job one, is gonna get that insulin down.

Why is it? Because you cannot lose weight in the presence of insulin. Insulin's a very, very vital hormone to your body. Why?

Because it causes a cell to open up and receive nutrients, it's the absorptive hormone so it's vital to your health. Problem is, you cannot lose weight in the presence of insulin because it shuts off glucagon, epinephrine, norepinephrine, other fat burning hormones. So you do need a little bit of insulin, but the key word here, just a little bit, we wanna be insulin sensitive.

So by you eating constantly through the day and by you eating a lot of carbs and sugar, you're gonna keep those insulin levels high in the blood and that's never a good thing. We wanna bring those insulin levels down, that way you can burn fat. Cortisol. Everybody demonizes cortisol but it's a very, very good thing. Cortisol helps wake you up in the morning. There's a lot of great things that cortisol does.

So don't demonize cortisol. We wanna understand it. It could be your best friend or your worst enemy. You wanna get those stress levels down. Continuous high stress levels are not good for you. We don't want continuously high cortisol levels. We don't want that, we want cortisol to do it's job and then come back down. Being estrogen dominant in a lot of women and even men is a real serious problem. This means your estrogen is too high in the body and your progesterone is too low. Remember we want bring these two level.

We wanna bring that estrogen down in a lot of cases, we wanna bring that progesterone up in a lot of cases. We want them like this. So we live in an estrogenic society anyway, we're getting estrogen exogenously at every turn. Everything from our environment to our shampoos to our yams, they're very estrogen dominant. So we wanna mitigate estrogen, we wanna bring it down by eating a lot of cruciferous vegetables and doing a few other things. We wanna get that progesterone up, get them level in the body.

This is really gonna help you lose some weight, get everything balanced. That's what we're looking for, we're looking for balance here. So what happens to your body when you start introducing healthy fats and reducing your sugar and crap carb intake? What you'll see are these hormones are gonna start regulating themselves and you'll find yourself not only losing weight but keeping it off. When you can regulate these hormones through proper nutrition of eating real food, drinking enough water and getting your sleep, that you will find your chances of developing hormone-related issues, like, hypothyroid, decreases.

In fact, we have plenty of Code Red Rebels who were type two diabetic or pre-diabetic and were on diabetic medication and other pills and injections to regulate their blood sugars and regulate their thyroid even, who were able to get off that medication and reduce their thyroid medication because of proper nutrition only. If you wanna keep eating sugar and crap carbs and throwing your hormones off, I can't help you. But if you're ready to face the truth and finally take control of your health, I have a program for you.






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For years we have all been buying low fat foods because they are marketed as healthy, but the truth is quite the opposite.


Foods that have had their natural fat removed may have fewer calories, but that fat is replaced with sugar and other chemical additives that are actually way worse.


All that sugar gets used or stored by the body quickly, leaving you hungry again in short order.


Ironically, if you had just eaten a meal with a good amount of healthy, unsaturated fat, you would likely eat fewer total calories throughout the day because you'd stay full longer.




Surely it doesn't matter how fast we eat our food, if it turns out to be same amount of food overall, right?


Well, yes, that's true.


But the problem lies in the fact that it takes our stomachs about 20 minutes to signal to the brain that we're full.


That means that when you shovel in your food, you don't realize that you're overeating until it's too late.


It never does turn out to be the same amount of food overall.


Take your time – at least 20 minutes – to finish each meal.


A study out of the University of Rhode Island found that people who ate slowly and savored their food actually took in 1/3rd less than those who crammed their meals.

罗德岛大学的一项研究发现, 细嚼慢咽的人实际上比狼吞虎咽的人少摄入三分之一的食物。

One good strategy for slowing down is to cut your food into smaller bites.




It seems like skipping a meal or two would mean fewer calories consumed in a day. And after all, taking in fewer calories than you burn is the whole goal.

不吃饭似乎就意味着减少了摄入的热量。 毕竟,摄入的热量少于消耗的热量才会避免增重。

Unfortunately, this practice has been proven to put on, rather than take off, weight.


The reason is two-fold.


First, your metabolism slows down when you skip meals, which means it takes longer to burn calories when you do eat.


And second, you are much more likely to overeat when you come to the table starving.


The American Journal of Epidemiology published research which found that people who skip breakfast are a shocking 4.5 times more likely to obese.

《美国流行病学杂志》(American Journal of Epidemiology)发表的一项研究表明,不吃早餐的人肥胖的可能性是吃早餐的人的4.5倍。



It's human nature, really.


When we are in a social group that supports certain behavior, we are more likely to engage in that behavior.


So whether your friends are overweight or not, if they overeat, you are about 57% more likely to do the same.


Interestingly, studies have also shown that eating in the presence of an overweight person may lead you to overeat even if the other person does not.


This is not to say that you should cut out friends who are overweight.


Instead, plan different activities that burn calories in a fun way.


Use that human tendency to do what your friends are doing to your advantage.




Sleep and weight gain don't seem like they can possibly be linked, but they are.


Chemically speaking, missing out on too much slumber spikes your level of the stress hormone cortisol, which in turn messes with the body's ability to process sugar via insulin.


All that excess sugar turns to fat.


But in a behavioral sense, being exhausted leads to poor choices because we just don't have the energy to shop for and cook healthy meals.


We'll just grab some fast food and skip the gym, creating a vicious cycle in which there is never enough energy to take the healthy actions necessary to turn the tide.




Again, you may be wondering how this can possibly make a difference.


The fact is that we unconsciously use the ratio of food to plate diameter to judge whether our portions are sufficient.


When you have a large plate, the right amount of food is going to look like nothing but table scraps.


On a smaller plate, a reasonable portion fills it up, making us feel satisfied because we ate a full plate.


And indeed, you will feel full – just not overfull.


Incidentally, a study out of Spain determined that people tend to eat less from red plates, so bear that in mind when you go shopping for new dinnerware.




Things like soda and juice don't really make people feel full, at least not for long, but just one single-serving bottle contains as much sugar as we should get in a whole day.


Beer and wine can both be quite high in calories too, especially since folks seldom stop at just one.


But when we think about what we consumed during any given day, what we drank is seldom considered.


Sorry, but those calories do count.


Drinking mostly water is your best bet, but very lightly sweetened tea and coffee are also great choices that can stave off boredom without adding a ton of calories to your day.




One of the worst times to eat is when you're watching television, because statistics show that you are likely to eat 5-10 x more than you would if you weren't distracted.


It's not just TV, though.


Eating lunch at your desk or in the midst of an emotional discussion can also create just enough distraction to overeat without realizing it.



