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【Applied Energy最新原创论文】阳极封闭PEMFC系统性能评价的综合系统级模型

AEii国际应用能源  · 公众号  ·  · 2023-07-08 23:05



A comprehensive system-level model for performance evaluation of proton exchange membrane fuel cell system with dead-ended anode mode




• A comprehensive system-level model of PEMFC system with DEA-mode is developed.

• Membrane water multi-phase conversion is emphasized in the stack component model.

• Increased current enhances PEMFC output voltage fluctuations owing to anode purge.

• High ambient pressure increased decay rate and recovery rate of cell voltage.

• Cell voltage, water content and H 2 utilization are predicted under NEDC and WLPT mode.


本研究建立了阳极封闭(DEA)模式下质子交换膜燃料电池(PEMFC)系统的综合系统级模型。系统模型由一系列局部组件模型构成,包括PEMFC电堆、歧管、空压机、加湿器和阀门。在电堆组件模型中同时考虑了膜态水转化和N 2 交叉。基于该系统级模型,探究了不同电流和环境压力下PEMFC的输出电压和含水量以及压缩机功耗。此外,还预测了两个法定驾驶循环(NEDC和WLTP)下电池电压、含水量和系统氢气利用率的动态行为。由于阳极吹扫引起的燃料电池电压波动随着负载电流的增加而加剧。增加环境压力提高了电池电压的衰减率和恢复率,改善了膜水合作用,并降低了压缩机的功耗。对于NEDC和WLTP的可变负载,燃料电池电压和功率波动很大。膜含水量受低电流区(i < 0.5 A cm −2 )电流控制,高电流区(i > 0.9 A cm −2 )高气流主导。在中等电流区(0.5 A cm −2 ≤ i ≤ 0.9 A cm −2 ),膜态水处于饱和状态。水蒸气表现出与膜态水相似的动力学行为,在低电流和高电流区波动,在中等电流区稳定。液态水在NEDC和WLTP的每个电流区域波动很大。此外,NEDC和WLTP下H 2 利用率高于99%。本研究建立的全局系统模型有助于理解DEA模式下PEMFC的瞬态行为,并改善燃料电池系统设计和开发的系统责任。

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Abstr act

In this study, a comprehensive system-level model was developed for a proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) system with a dead-ended anode (DEA) mode. The global system model consisted of a series of local component models, including PEMFC stack, manifolds, air compressor, humidifier and valves. Membrane water conversion and N 2 crossover were simultaneously considered in the stack component model. Based on the system-level model, the output voltage and water content of the PEMFC and the compressor power consumption at various currents and ambient pressures were investigated. Additionally, the dynamic behaviors of the cell voltage, its water content, and system hydrogen utilization rate were predicted for two legislated driving cycles—the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC) and the Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicle Test Procedure (WLTP). The fuel cell voltage fluctuation owing to the anode purge occurred with an increase in the load current. Increasing the ambient pressure increased decay rate and recovery rate of the cell voltage, improved membrane hydration, and lowered the compressor power consumption. For the variable loads of the NEDC and WLTP, the fuel cell voltage and power fluctuated significantly. The membrane water content was controlled by the current in the low-current zone (i −2) and was dominated by the high airflow in the high-current zone (i > 0.9 A cm −2 ). In the medium-current zone (0.5 A cm −2 ≤ i ≤ 0.9 A cm −2 ), the membrane water was saturated. The water vapor exhibited a dynamic behavior similar to that of the membrane water; the behavior fluctuated in low and high current zones and stabilized in the medium current zone. The liquid water fluctuated significantly in each current zone of the NEDC and WLTP. Additionally, the H 2 utilization rates under NEDC and WLTP were greater than 99%. The developed global system model helps to understand the transient behaviors of a DEA-mode PEMFC system and improves the system responsibility for fuel cell system design and development.


Proton exchange membrane fuel cell

Global system model

Dead-ended anode

Dynamic behavior

Legislated driving cycles

