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chair亲临推荐 - 顶会HiPEAC 2018

Call4Papers  · 公众号  · 科研  · 2017-04-21 09:38


我们很高兴请来了国际会议HiPEAC 2018的 publicity chair 张文喆,为大家介绍一下将于2018年1月在英国曼彻斯特召开的计算机系统与高性能计算领域的顶会HiPEAC 2018。下面将时间交给Chair Zhang。 

Chair:Hello,大家好!我叫张文喆,目前是国防科技大学计算机学院博士生,现担任hipeac 2018的publicity chair,负责征稿和宣传工作。

首先,介绍一下HiPEAC 2018的基本情况。HiPEAC是系统与高性能计算领域B类会,将于2018年1月22-24在英国曼彻斯特召开,HiPEAC关注方向主要为系统和体系结构领域,包括运行时、编译、并行和高性能计算等等。

同部分会议不同,HiPEAC采用的是journal first的审稿模式,即所有提交的regular paper将会投稿到CCF B类期刊ACM TACO(ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization)。您的论文如果被TACO期刊录用,将直接被邀请到HiPEAC上做报告。需要提醒的是:如果是其他会议的扩展论文投稿至TACO,将不会被邀请。

HiPEAC这样的审稿模式相当于一篇文章可以同时录用在一个B类会议和B类期刊,对于需要文章数量支撑的小伙伴们而言还是非常划算的。另外,ACM TACO这个期刊的审稿周期非常快,在系统领域少见,所以感兴趣的小伙伴们请快快尝试啦。

如果大家还有其他什么需要进一步了解的,feel free to contact me!我的联系方式如下:

邮箱:[email protected]

最后,非常感谢大家宝贵的时间,HiPEAC 2018见 !

HiPEAC 2018的基本信息

HiPEAC 2018






地点:Manchester, United Kingdom



HiPEAC has been pioneering the journal-first publication model. Journal-first means that the manuscript selection process for the conference is outsourced to a journal (ACM TACO). Manuscripts can be submitted to the journal at any time throughout the year as regular journal submissions. For all manuscripts submitted before June 1, 2017, ACM TACO guarantees that the final decision (including two rounds of revision) will be communicated before November 15.

All authors of original work papers accepted in the journal between November 15, 2016 and November 15, 2017 will get an invitation to present their work during the paper track of the HiPEAC conference. There are no conference proceedings published.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- Processor, memory, and storage systems architecture

- Parallel, multi-core and heterogeneous systems

- Interconnection networks

- Architectural support for programming productivity

- Power, performance and implementation efficient designs

- Reliability and real-time support in processors, compilers and run-time systems

- Application-specific processors, accelerators and reconfigurable processors

- Architecture and programming environments for GPU-based computing

- Simulation and methodology

- Architectural and run-time support for programming languages

- Programming models, frameworks and environments for exploiting parallelism

- Compiler techniques

- Feedback-directed optimization

- Program characterization and analysis techniques

- Dynamic compilation, adaptive execution, and continuous profiling/optimization

- Binary translation/optimization

- Code size/memory footprint optimizations