概 要
https://www.saga.co.uk/magazine/travel/destinations/asia/china/10-unusual-chinese-customs1. Never stick chopsticks into your food
Whilst grappling with chopsticks can be a bit tricky for the uninitiated on their first trip to China, try not to make the mistake of jabbing them into that succulent dumpling or bowl of rice. This is reminiscent of the placement of incense at a funeral - and is essentially an omen of death.
1. 不要把筷子插进食物里
使用筷子 grapple with chopsticks
把筷子戳进去 jab chopsticks into
肉多饱满的饺子 succulent dumpling
在葬礼上 at a funeral
死亡的预兆 an omen of death
2. Long fingernails are the norm
Some men in China choose to grow their fingernails long or even just grow one fingernail particularly long as a symbol of wealth. After all, it's hard to toil all day doing manual labour when you might break a nail...
2. 留长指甲是再正常不过的事情了
留特长的指甲 grow their fingernails long
作为财富的象征 as a symbol of wealth
干体力活 do manual labour
折断指甲 break a nail
3. Refusal is a part of acceptance
Giving gifts is a big part of Chinese culture, but it is also customary to refuse the first offer - sometimes even the second and third offer too. But don't allow yourself to become disheartened, refusal is simply a polite step on the road to acceptance. The same sort of thing happens with compliments - to accept too readily is seen as a sign of vanity.
送礼 give gifts
拒绝第一次送的礼物 refuse the first offer
变得灰心丧气 become disheartened
赞美 compliments
虚荣的表现 as a sign of vanity
4. Spitting is a thing
Spitting, thought of as unbelievably rude in the Western world, is considered to be a normal part of life in some parts of China where squeamishness about bodily functions just hasn't caught on.
4. 随地吐痰也是常见的
随地吐痰 Spitting
令人难以置信的粗鲁行为 as unbelievably rude
生活中很正常一部分 a normal part of life
身体机能 bodily functions
5. You may be asked for your photo
If you've never experienced what it feels like to be an A-List celebrity, you might just get your chance in China. It is not uncommon for Chinese groups and families to ask to pose for photos with Western tourists. Enjoy the attention while it lasts.
一线明星 A-List celebrity
与外国人合照 pose for photos with Western tourists
享受被关注 enjoy the attention
6. Face-kinis are a trend
Although here in the West we covet a tan with its connotations of exotic holidays and a healthy, sun-kissed outdoorsy lifestyle, a pale complexion is much preferred in the East. So, face-kinis, a mask which can be worn on the beach, have become popular in some coastal regions.
6. 防晒面罩脸基尼很常见
渴望古铜色 covet a tan
异国假日 exotic holidays
白皙肤色 a pale complexion
沿海地区 coastal regions
种健康的、与阳光亲密接触的的户外生活方式 a healthy, sun-kissed outdoorsy lifestyle
7. Tooth-picks are a table staple
It is customary to remove those troublesome bits of food stuck in your teeth at the table after a meal. Just make sure you cover your toothpick activity with your other hand to keep up appearances.
7. 餐桌上必见牙签
牙签 Tooth-picks
餐桌主食 a table staple
饭后 after a meal
8. Eating strange things
Of course, this is subjective, but even the most fearless foodie will find that China has the ability to stretch their boundaries. From fish eyes to cow stomachs, from chicken feet to hundred year-old eggs, the Chinese have popped it onto the menu. Are you a traveller who will try anything once?
8. 中国人喜欢吃奇怪的事情
最无畏的美食家 the most fearless foodie
突破界限 stretch their boundaries
加入了菜单 pop it onto the menu
9. Talking at the top of their lungs
Perhaps due to the lack of space or due to the fact that the Chinese language depends highly on tone to convey meaning, expect to hear plenty of conversations conducted at maximum volume on your trip.
9. 中国人习惯扯着嗓子说话
空间不够 the lack of space
传递信息 convey meaning
听到大量对话 hear plenty of conversations
以最大的音量 at maximum volume
10. Face is everything
Respect, reputation and dignity is of the utmost importance in China so ensure that, even if you are annoyed or frustrated with something on your travels, avoid any overt display of emotion and remain calm and polite to stand the greatest chance of getting the result you are hoping for.
10. 面子就是一切
最重要的 the utmost importance
流露情绪 display emotion
最有胜算 stand the greatest chance