叙事景观--济州景观规划是叙事景观的同义词,是环境、设施和人类活动的连续组合。在尊重济州景观规划的前提下,酒店朝向耶律川及其风景区,而不是将汉拿山至大海的轴线作为空地。耶律川是一条发源于汉拿山的溪流,但长期以来一直未被人们所认识。当走近叶里川时,广阔的溪谷形成了令人叹为观止的景色,让游客目不暇接。在酒店旁边的外侧溪流中,有一个名为 "Eongtto Falls "的瀑布,只有在降雨后才会发出响亮的瀑布声。酒店越往上,悦来川的景色就越丰富。从酒店大门向汉拉山眺望,酒店仿佛漂浮在绿色的海洋之上。酒店将自然和人连接在一起,形成了一个整体景观。
Narrative Landscape - The Jeju Landscape Plan is a hyponymy of the Narrative Landscape, which is a continuous combination of the environment, facilities, and human activities. While respecting the Jeju landscape plan, the hotel is placed towards Yeryecheon and its scenery instead of leaving the axis from Hanlla Mountain to the ocean as an empty space. Yeryecheon is a stream that begins at Hanlla Mountain, but it hasn’t been recognized for a long time. As you approach closer to Yeryecheon, the vast valley forms breathtaking scenery that overwhelms visitors. In the outer stream next to the hotel, there is a waterfall named 'Eongtto Falls' that only falls loudly after rainfall. Yeryecheon's scenery expands more at higher levels of the hotel. As the view continues from the gates of the hotel to Hanlla Mountain, the hotel seems as if it is floating above an ocean of green. By connecting nature and people, the hotel creates a unitary scenery.
连接自然与人类活动的水平景观建筑--大堂地面的原始地形曾低于入口地面 7 米。大堂和停车场覆盖了原来的地形,地面变为地下。改变地面后,酒店前方出现了一片空白,后来成为代表济州奥林的草原花园。草原花园与酒店主楼和类似火山口的庭院相连。
Connecting nature and human activity, horizontal landscaping architecture - The original topography of the lobby ground used to be 7m below the level of the entrance ground. Covering the original topography with the lobby and parking lot, the ground level changes to an underground level. Changing the ground level made a blank space in front of the hotel, which later became a grassland garden representing the Jeju Oreum. The grassland garden is connected to both the main building of the hotel and the courtyards, which resemble craters.
酒店外墙由蓝色石灰岩带水平层叠而成,寓意济州岛的自然特征。建筑的水平特征是协调自然与人的因素。其形式也与周围平坦宽阔的景观相协调。水平带延伸至地面,与花园相结合,成为人类活动的背景。在 B2 层,水平带从餐厅平台延伸出来,在 B3层,水平带形成了一个47米长的无边泳池。
The exterior of the hotel is a horizontally laminated form of blue limestone belts, which refer to Jeju's natural features. Horizontal features of the building are factors that coordinate nature with people. Their form is also harmonious with the flat and wide landscape around the area. The horizontal belts expand to the ground and combine with the garden, becoming a background for human activities. At the B2 level, the belts from the restaurant deck, and at the B3 level, it makes a 47 m-long infinity pool.
Triangular structure parking lot, atrium, architectural space - Interior design and ornaments are used in minimum to show the structural form without any distortion. The top structure of the parking lot is a composition of triangular structures of various lengths. This triangle structure makes a smooth curve to the car entrance and circulation. The structure also gives an identity to the parking lot, preventing it from obtaining a vast image. The horizontal form and the restrained lighting in the interior of the Cliff wing make the atrium look like a cylinder and give an image of a deep atmosphere. These architectural spaces enable the hotel to function as sustainable architecture.
建筑师:Soltozibin Architects