Systems Chemistry stands at the frontierof research in molecular sciences. Unlike the traditional chemistry that workson single molecular entities, it focuses on chemical systems consisting ofmulti-components with multi-functions, trying to get insightsinto complex chemical systems of interacting molecules and their system-levelproperties. These properties are not simply the sum of the attributes of theindividual components, but emerge from the whole system through the collectiveperformance of the system’s components.
The Li’slaboratory, at the University of Turku (Finland), has used the tool of DynamicCombinatorial Chemistry to fabricate the research framework for SystemsChemistry
, and in particular investigated the self-assembly incomplex chemical systems from thermodynamically
to kinetically
controlled systems. We have demonstrated that, in a dynamic molecular network,self-replication could be driven by self-assembly whose outcome is aself-synthesizing material. This discovery reveals that self-assembly not onlycan construct beautiful and intriguing structures i.e. catenanes[3] and“Russian-doll”-like supramolecular architectures
, but also canpromote the molecules to make copies of themselves as the living matters innature
. We have also found that the morphologies of theself-assemblies may be able to decide the occurrence of self-replication (
manuscript in preparation
), which hasshown the complex interplay between molecular and colloidal aspects of thedynamic systems.
To attract more researchersinto the emerging field of Systems Chemistry, we sincerely invite excellentcandidates to join us by winning a three-year postdoctoral fellowship
($200,000 USD
1. You must showyour academic productivity! We will give preference to candidates working inthe related areas such as supramolecular chemistry, materials chemistry and/orsoft matter chemistry.
2. Please notethat:
you shouldnot have your PhD degree
, but you will complete your graduatetraining in late 2017 or in 2018.
Contact & Deadline
If you areinterested in this opportunity, please send your cover letter, CV and yourcurrent research summary (less than 2 pages) to our e-mail:
[email protected]
no later than 10
May 2017!
(1) Li, J.; Nowak, P.; Otto, S. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 9222.
(2) Li, J.; Nowak, P.; Fanlo-Virgos,H.; Otto, S. Chem. Sci. 2014, 5, 4968.
(3) Li, J.; Nowak, P.; Otto, S. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2015, 54, 833.
(4) Li, J.; Cvrtila, I.;Colomb-Delsuc, M.; Otten, E.; Otto, S. Chem.Eur. J. 2014, 20, 15709.
(5) Li, J.; Carnall, J. M. A.;Stuart, M. C. A.; Otto, S. Angew. Chem.Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 8384.
(6) Nowak, P.; Colomb-Delsuc, M.; Otto, S.*; Li, J.* J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137, 10965.