专栏名称: 广东疾控
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How to prevent ear infections? 如何预防耳部感染?

广东疾控  · 公众号  · 养生  · 2017-03-03 21:22


How can I keep my child's ears clean?

The ear is a self-cleaning organ and does not require any active cleaning. The ear only needs to be cleaned from outside.

No object or fluid should be inserted or instilled into the ears , unless prescribed by a health professional.



Why does my child get pain in the ear?

Pain in the ear can be caused by problems such as:

· impacted cerumen (wax) in the ear;

· acute infection in the ear canal ;

· acute infection of the ear drum ; or

·         because of fluid in the middle ea r .

In order to identify the problem, your child should be taken for an ear check-up . Ear pain should not be ignored as it can lead to serious problems.



·         耵聍(耳垢)栓塞;

·         耳道急性感染;

·         耳膜急性感染;

·         中耳积液。


How can I prevent ear infections in my child?

Most ear infections can be prevented by taking good care of our ears. Some important things to remember are:

·         do not let dirty water enter the ear;

· do not slap a child , especially over the ears, as it can damage the ear drum, thereby encouraging infections;

·         ensure early diagnosis of ear infections by staying vigilant for problems like pain in the ear , decreased hearing and wetness in the ear ; and

·         educate children about not inserting anything into the ear such as pencils, erasers, hair-pins etc.



·         不要让脏水进入耳朵。

·         不要拍打孩子,尤其是耳部,以免伤及耳膜。

·         对耳痛、听力减退和耳内潮湿等问题保持警觉,确保对急性耳部感染尽早做出诊断。

·         教育孩子不要向耳朵内插入任何物品,比如铅笔、橡皮、发卡等。
