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Syllabus Reading List by Enghin Atalay (8)

金融经济学  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-04-18 21:30



编辑:王政  审核:陆堇

Topic 4: Adjustment Costs and Heterogeneous Business Sensitivity to Business Cycle Fluctuations

  • Are Recessions Cleansing or Sullying? Evidence from the Cyclicality of Productivity Dispersion

  • The Cleansing Effect of Recessions

  • Explaining Investment Dynamics in U.S.Manufacturing: A Generalized (S, s) Approach

1、Are Recessions Cleansing or Sullying? Evidence from the Cyclicality of Productivity Dispersion

US Census Bureau Center for Economic Studies Paper No. CES-WP-11-15

Matthias Kehrig , Duke University


Using plant-level data, I show that the dispersion of total factor productivity in U.S. durable manufacturing is greater in recessions than in booms. This cyclical property of productivity dispersion is much less pronounced in non-durable manufacturing. In durables, this phenomenon primarily reflects a relatively higher share of unproductive firms in a recession. In order to interpret these findings, I construct a business cycle model where production in durables requires a fixed input. In a boom, when the market price of this fixed input is high, only more productive firms enter and only more productive incumbents survive, which results in a more compressed productivity distribution. The resulting higher average productivity in durables endogenously translates into a lower average relative price of durables. Additionally, my model is consistent with the following business cycle facts: procyclical entry, procyclical aggregate total factor productivity, more procyclicality in durable than non-durable output, procyclical employment and countercyclicality in the relative price of durables and the cross section of stock returns.



2、The Cleansing Effect of Recessions

The American Economic Review , 1994 ,84(5):1350-1368

Ricardo Caballero , MIT

Mohamad Hammour , Columbia University


We investigate industry response to cyclical variations in demand. Production units that embody the newest process and product innovations are continuously being created, and outdated units are being destroyed. Although outdated units are the most likely to turn unprofitable and be scrapped in a recession, they can be "insulated" from the fall in demand by a reduction in creation. The structure of adjustment costs plays a determinant role in the responsiveness of those two margins. The calibrated model matches the relative volatilities of the observed manufacturing job creation and destruction series, and their asymmetries over the cycle.



3、 Explaining Investment Dynamics in U.S.Manufacturing: A Generalized (S, s) Approach

Econometrica , 1999 ,67(4):783-826

Ricardo Caballero , MIT

Eduardo Engel , Yale University



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