图1、a) Schematic depiction of the MoC-CNS synthesis pathway; SEM images of b) MoC-CNS-3 with KCl template and c,d) MoC-CNS-3; e,f,) TEM and HRTEM images of MoC-CNS-3; g) TEM image and the corresponding elemental mapping images of MoC-CNS-3; h) XRD patterns of MoC-CNS-3; i) XPS survey spectrum of MoC-CNS-3; j) Mo 3d XPS spectra of MoC-CNS-3.
图2、a) N
adsorption/desorption isotherms, b) corresponding pore size distribution and c) cumulative pore volume curves of MoC-C, MoC-CNS-1, MoC-CNS-3 and MoC-CNS-5; SEM images of d) MoC-C, e) MoC-CNS-1, f) MoC-CNS-3 and g) MoC-CNS-5; SEM images of the top surfaces of h) MoC-C and i) MoC-CNS-3 separators; j) Cross-sectional SEM image of MoC-CNS-3 separator; k) Contact angle of MoC-C and MoC-CNS-3separators.
图3、a) EIS plots of Li-S batteries with different modified separators; b) Rate performances from Li-S batteries with different separators at various current densities; c–e) Galvanostatic charge/discharge profiles of the Li-S batteries with different separators at 0.1, 1 and 2 C; f) Columnar comparison of Q
platform specific capacity of the Li-S batteries with different separators at two voltage plateaus; g) Cycle performance of Li-S batteries using various separators at 0.5 C; h) Cycle performance of Li-S batteries using various separators at high current density of 1 C.
a) Visualization of the adsorption experiment before and after treatment (from left to right are MoC-C, MoC-CNS-1, MoC-CNS-3 and MoC-CNS-5); b) UV–vis absorption spectra of MoC-C, MoC-CNS-1, MoC-CNS-3 and MoC-CNS-5; c) Chronoamperometry curves of the electrodes with Li
electrolyte under a constant over potential of 2.05 V; d) CV profiles for the MoC-C and MoC-CNS-3 based Li-S batteries (sulfur loading: 1.5 mg cm
) at a low scan rate of 0.1 mV S
; e) CV of symmetric cells with MoC-C, MoC-CNS-3 electrodes at 0.2 mol L
electrolyte condition and f) 1 mol L
electrolyte condition; g) SEM image of fresh Lithium; SEM images of lithium anodes assembled with h) MoC-C-3 and i) MoC-CNS separators after 100 cycles at 0.5 C with 2 mg cm
sulfur loading.
图5、Comparison of EIS for the electrodes with Li
electrolyte at a) before discharge, and b) half discharge; GITT curves of c) MoC-C d) MoC-CNS-3 modified separators; e,f) MoC-CNS-3 and h,i) MoC-C modified separator with corresponding Raman spectra selected at different potentials; g) Schematic diagram of in situ Raman test of Li-S battery.
a) Cycling performance and b) charge/discharge profiles of the Li-S batteries with various separator at 0.1 C with sulfur loading of 6 mg cm
and E/S = 12.5; c) Cycling performance of the Li-S batteries with various separator at 0.05 C with sulfur loading of 8 mg cm
and E/S = 6 and e) at 0.05 C with sulfur loading of 12 mg cm
and E/S = 4; d) The gravimetric energy density of sulfur loading of 6 mg cm
based on the total mass of the cathode including S, modified separator layer and the electrolyte in it; f) Cycling test of pouch cell with a sulfur loading of 36 mg at 1 mA.