Table of Contents
1.《Multi-Relational Structural Entropy》
2.《Incremental Measurement of Structural Entropy for Dynamic Graphs》
1.《USER: Unsupervised Structural Entropy-Based Robust Graph Neural Network》
2.《Minimum Entropy Principle Guided Graph Neural Networks》
3.《LSEnet: Lorentz Structural Entropy Neural Network for Deep Graph Clustering》
4.《SE-GSL: A General and Effective Graph Structure Learning Framework through Structural Entropy Optimization》
5.《Effective Reinforcement Learning Based on Structural Information Principles》
1.《Hierarchical State Abstraction Based on Structural Information Principles》
2.《Multispans: A multi-range spatial-temporal transformer network for traffic forecast via structural entropy optimization》
3.《Unsupervised skin lesion segmentation via structural entropy minimization on multi-scale superpixel graphs》
1.《Multi-Relational Structural Entropy》
Cao Y, Peng H, Li A, et al. Multi-Relational Structural Entropy[C]//The 40th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence.
Abstract: Structural Entropy (SE) measures the structural information contained in a graph. Minimizing or maximizing SE helps to reveal or obscure the intrinsic structural patterns underlying graphs in an interpretable manner, finding applications in various tasks driven by networked data. However, SE ignores the heterogeneity inherent in the graph relations, which is ubiquitous in modern networks. In this work, we extend SE to consider heterogeneous relations and propose the first metric for multi-relational graph structural information, namely, multi-relational structural entropy (MrSE). To this end, we first cast SE through the novel lens of the stationary distribution from random surfing, which readily extends to multi-relational networks by considering the choices of both nodes and relation types simultaneously at each step. The resulting MrSE is then optimized by a new greedy algorithm to reveal the essential structures within a multi-relational network. Experimental results highlight that the proposed MrSE offers a more insightful interpretation of the structure of multi-relational graphs compared to SE. Additionally, it enhances the performance of two tasks that involve real-world multi-relational graphs, including node clustering and social event detection.
结构熵测量图中包含的结构信息。最小化或最大化 SE 有助于以可解释的方式揭示或掩盖图背后的内在结构模式。然而,SE 忽略了图关系固有的异质性,SE 假设节点之间只存在单一类型的关系(还不能简单将多关系网络处理成单关系图)。本文扩展SE以考虑异构关系,并提出多关系图结构信息的第一个度量,即多关系结构熵(MrSE):
然后通过新的贪婪算法对生成的 MrSE 进行优化,以揭示多关系网络内的基本结构:
合并操作MERGE(αo1, αo2) 将编码树中的两个非根节点 αo1 和 αo2 移除,并添加一个新节点 αn。αn 的子节点是 αo1 和 αo2 的子节点的组合。
在每一步,贪心地合并编码树中能导致最大|ΔMrSE|的两个节点,直到没有进一步的合并可以导致 ΔMrSE < 0。
输出与最小2D MrSE相关的优化编码树 T。
实验结果表明,与 SE 相比,MrSE 为多关系图的结构提供了更深入的解释。
2.《Incremental Measurement of Structural Entropy for Dynamic Graphs》
Yang R, Peng H, Liu C, et al. Incremental measurement of structural entropy for dynamic graphs[J]. Artificial Intelligence, 2024: 104175.
Abstract: Structural entropy is a metric that measures the amount of information embedded in graph structure data under a strategy of hierarchical abstracting. To measure the structural entropy of a dynamic graph, we need to decode the optimal encoding tree corresponding to the best community partitioning for each snapshot. However, the current methods do not support dynamic encoding tree updating and incremental structural entropy computation. To address this issue, we propose Incre-2dSE, a novel incremental measurement framework that dynamically adjusts the community partitioning and efficiently computes the updated structural entropy for each updated graph. Specifically, Incre-2dSE includes incremental algorithms based on two dynamic adjustment strategies for two-dimensional encoding trees, i.e., the naive adjustment strategy and the node-shifting adjustment strategy, which support theoretical analysis of updated structural entropy and incrementally optimize community partitioning towards a lower structural entropy. We conduct extensive experiments on 3 artificial datasets generated by Hawkes Process and 3 real-world datasets. Experimental results confirm that our incremental algorithms effectively capture the dynamic evolution of the communities, reduce time consumption, and provide great interpretability.
Naive Adjustment Strategy用于在图结构发生变化时,快速调整社区划分并重新计算结构熵。该策略主要思想是通过简单地更新受增量影响的部分图结构,避免对整个图进行重新计算,从而提高计算效率。(仅限二维编码树k=2)。
(3)朴素调整策略的时间复杂度是固定的,而节点平移策略的时间复杂度随迭代次数𝑁几乎线性增长。实验表明,在大多数情况下,朴素策略比节点转移策略更快,且 𝑁 ≥ 5(图 13)。
1.《USER: Unsupervised Structural Entropy-Based Robust Graph Neural Network》
Wang Y, Wang Y, Zhang Z, et al. User: Unsupervised structural entropy-based robust graph neural network[C]//Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. 2023, 37(8): 10235-10243.
Abstract: Unsupervised/self-supervised graph neural networks (GNN) are susceptible to the inherent randomness in the input graph data, which adversely affects the model’s performance in downstream tasks. In this paper, we propose USER, an unsupervised and robust version of GNN based on structural entropy, to alleviate the interference of graph perturbations and learn appropriate representations of nodes without label information. To mitigate the effects of undesirable perturbations, we analyze the property of intrinsic connectivity and define the intrinsic connectivity graph. We also identify the rank of the adjacency matrix as a crucial factor in revealing a graph that provides the same embeddings as the intrinsic connectivity graph. To capture such a graph, we introduce structural entropy in the objective function. Extensive experiments conducted on clustering and link prediction tasks under random perturbation and meta-attack over three datasets show that USER outperforms benchmarks and is robust to heavier perturbations.
本文提出了 USER,一种基于结构熵的无监督鲁棒GNN,以减轻图扰动的干扰(节点)并在没有标签信息的情况下学习节点的适当表示:
NPSI (Network Partition Structural Information):NPSI是一种结构熵度量,用于捕获图结构中的内在信息。它基于图的分区来定义,反映了图的社区结构。NPSI的计算涉及节点分区、边的分布和信息熵的概念。在论文中,NPSI被表示为矩阵形式,便于在GNN模型中使用。最小化NPSI有助于学习满足无害图必要条件的邻接矩阵。
DBI (Davies-Bouldin Index):DBI是一种广泛使用的聚类评估指标。在这篇论文中,DBI被用来分析同一分区内节点特征的相似性。DBI考虑了簇内的紧密度和簇间的分离度。较低的DBI值表示更好的聚类结果,即同一分区内的节点特征更相似。在USER框架中,DBI被用来满足假设1中的组级特征平滑性。
在三个数据集上的随机扰动和元攻击下的聚类和链接预测任务上进行的大量实验表明,USER 的性能优于基准,并且对较重的扰动具有鲁棒性。
2.《Minimum Entropy Principle Guided Graph Neural Networks》
Yang Z, Zhang G, Wu J, et al. Minimum entropy principle guided graph neural networks[C]//Proceedings of the sixteenth ACM international conference on web search and data mining. 2023: 114-122.
Abstract: Graph neural networks (GNNs) are now the mainstream method for mining graph-structured data and learning low-dimensional node- and graph-level embeddings to serve downstream tasks. However, limited by the bottleneck of interpretability that deep neural networks present, existing GNNs have ignored the issue of estimating the appropriate number of dimensions for the embeddings. Hence, we propose a novel framework called Minimum Graph Entropy principle-guided Dimension Estimation, i.e. MGEDE, that learns the appropriate embedding dimensions for both node and graph representations. In terms of node-level estimation, a minimum entropy function that counts both structure and attribute entropy, appraises the appropriate number of dimensions. In terms of graph-level estimation, each graph is assigned a customized embedding dimension from a candidate set based on the number of dimensions estimated for the node-level embeddings. Comprehensive experiments with node and graph classification tasks and nine benchmark datasets verify the effectiveness and generalizability of MGEDE.
The appropriate node representation dimension 𝑑 is the one that makes 𝐻𝐺 = 0.
3.《LSEnet: Lorentz Structural Entropy Neural Network for Deep Graph Clustering》
Sun L, Huang Z, Peng H, et al. LSEnet: Lorentz Structural Entropy Neural Network for Deep Graph Clustering[C]//Forty-first International Conference on Machine Learning.
Abstract: Graph clustering is a fundamental problem in machine learning. Deep learning methods achieve the state-of-the-art results in recent years, but they still cannot work without predefined cluster numbers. Such limitation motivates us to pose a more challenging problem of graph clustering with unknown cluster numbers. We propose to address this problem from a fresh perspective of graph information theory (i.e., structural information). In the literature, structural information has not yet been introduced to deep clustering, and its classic definition falls short of discrete formulation and modeling node features. In this work, we first formulate a differentiable structural information (DSI) in the continuous realm, accompanied by several theoretical results. By minimizing DSI, we construct the optimal partitioning tree where densely connected nodes in the graph tend to have the same assignment, revealing the cluster structure. DSI is also theoretically presented as a new graph clustering objective, not requiring the pre-defined cluster number. Furthermore, we design a neural LSEnet in the Lorentz model of hyper-bolic space, where we integrate node features to structural information via manifold-valued graph convolution. Extensive empirical results on real graphs show the superiority of our approach.
本文从图信息理论(即结构信息)的新视角来解决这个问题。在文献中,结构信息尚未被引入到深度聚类中,其经典定义缺乏离散化表述和建模节点特征【Second, the discrete formulation prevents the gradient backpropagation, posing a fundamental challenge to train a deep model. Third, the classic definition neglects the node features, which are often equally important to graph clustering.】
首先在连续领域中提出了一个可微结构信息(Differentiable Structural Information,DSI),并给出了几个理论结果。通过最小化DSI,我们构建了最优分区树,其中图中密集连接的节点往往具有相同的分配,从而揭示了聚类结构。
DSI 是在连续领域中提出的一种新型结构信息的表达方式。传统的结构信息在离散形式下进行定义,难以进行微分和连续优化。DSI 的引入使得结构信息可以在连续域内进行优化和建模,从而更好地适应于深度学习模型中。
LSEnet 是基于洛伦兹超球面模型设计的神经网络架构,用于图聚类任务。其主要组成部分包括:
Manifold-Valued Graph Convolution: 流形值图卷积层,用于在洛伦兹超球面模型中处理图结构数据。这些卷积层能够在超球面上有效地捕捉节点特征之间的复杂关系。
Integration of Node Features and Structural Information: 将节点特征与结构信息整合在一起,通过洛伦兹超球面模型的流形值图卷积,提高了对节点之间非线性关系的建模能力。
4.《SE-GSL: A General and Effective Graph Structure Learning Framework through Structural Entropy Optimization》
Zou D, Peng H, Huang X, et al. Se-gsl: A general and effective graph structure learning framework through structural entropy optimization[C]//Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2023. 2023: 499-510.
Abstract: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are de facto solutions to structural data learning. However, it is susceptible to low-quality and unreliable structure, which has been a norm rather than an exception in real-world graphs. Existing graph structure learning (GSL) frameworks still lack robustness and interpretability. This paper proposes a general GSL framework, SE-GSL, through structural entropy and the graph hierarchy abstracted in the encoding tree. Particularly, we exploit the one-dimensional structural entropy to maximize embedded information content when auxiliary neighborhood attributes are fused to enhance the original graph. A new scheme of constructing optimal encoding trees is proposed to minimize the uncertainty and noises in the graph whilst assuring proper community partition in hierarchical abstraction. We present a novel sample-based mechanism for restoring the graph structure via node structural entropy distribution. It increases the connectivity among nodes with larger uncertainty in lower-level communities. SE-GSL is compatible with various GNN models and enhances the robustness towards noisy and heterophily structures. Extensive experiments show significant improvements in the effectiveness and robustness of structure learning and node representation learning.
使用Pearson相关系数 基于相似性的边重新加权机制【将拓扑信息与顶点属性和邻近度相结合】。在一维结构熵最大化的指导下,利用 kNN图结构化辅助边缘信息,筛选出最合适的 k,目标是最大化结构熵 H1(G)以指导 k的选择,确保增强图包含最优结构信息。
5.《Effective Reinforcement Learning Based on Structural Information Principles》
Zeng X, Peng H, Su D, et al. Effective Reinforcement Learning Based on Structural Information Principles[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.09760, 2024.
Abstract: Although Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms acquire sequential behavioral patterns through interactions with the environment, their effectiveness in noisy and high-dimensional scenarios typically relies on specific structural priors. In this paper, we propose a novel and general Structural Information principles-based framework for effective Decision-Making, namely SIDM, approached from an information-theoretic perspective. This paper presents a specific unsupervised partitioning method that forms vertex communities in the state and action spaces based on their feature similarities. An aggregation function, which utilizes structural entropy as the vertex weight, is devised within each community to obtain its embedding, thereby facilitating hierarchical state and action abstractions. By extracting abstract elements from historical trajectories, a directed, weighted, homogeneous transition graph is constructed. The minimization of this graph’s high-dimensional entropy leads to the generation of an optimal encoding tree. An innovative two-layer skill-based learning mechanism is introduced to compute the common path entropy of each state transition as its identified probability, thereby obviating the requirement for expert knowledge. Moreover, SIDM can be flexibly incorporated into various single-agent and multi-agent RL algorithms, enhancing their performance. Finally, extensive evaluations on challenging benchmarks demonstrate that, compared with SOTA baselines, our framework significantly and consistently improves the policy’s quality, stability, and efficiency up to 32.70%, 88.26%, and 64.86%, respectively.
1.《Hierarchical State Abstraction Based on Structural Information Principles》
Zeng X, Peng H, Li A, et al. Hierarchical state abstraction based on structural information principles[C]//Proceedings of the Thirty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. 2023: 4549-4557.
Abstract: State abstraction optimizes decision-making by ignoring irrelevant environmental information in reinforcement learning with rich observations. Nevertheless, recent approaches focus on adequate representational capacities resulting in essential information loss, affecting their performances on challenging tasks. In this article, we propose a novel mathematical Structural Information principles-based State Abstraction framework, namely SISA, from the information-theoretic perspective. Specifically, an unsupervised, adaptive hierarchical state clustering method without requiring manual assistance is presented, and meanwhile, an optimal encoding tree is generated. On each non-root tree node, a new aggregation function and condition structural entropy are designed to achieve hierarchical state abstraction and compensate for sampling-induced essential information loss in state abstraction. Empirical evaluations on a visual grid world domain and six continuous control benchmarks demonstrate that, compared with five SOTA state abstraction approaches, SISA significantly improves mean episode reward and sample efficiency up to 18.98 and 44.44%, respectively. Besides, we experimentally show that SISA is a general framework that can be flexibly integrated with different representation-learning objectives to improve their performances further.
2. 《Multispans: A multi-range spatial-temporal transformer network for traffic forecast via structural entropy optimization》
Zou D, Wang S, Li X, et al. Multispans: A multi-range spatial-temporal transformer network for traffic forecast via structural entropy optimization[C]//Proceedings of the 17th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining. 2024: 1032-1041.
Abstract: Traffic forecasting is a complex multivariate time-series regression task of paramount importance for traffic management and planning. However, existing approaches often struggle to model complex multi-range dependencies using local spatiotemporal features and road network hierarchical knowledge. To address this, we propose MultiSPANS. First, considering that an individual recording point cannot reflect critical spatiotemporal local patterns, we design multi-filter convolution modules for generating informative ST-token embeddings to facilitate attention computation. Then, based on ST-token and spatial-temporal position encoding, we employ the Transformers to capture long-range temporal and spatial dependencies. Furthermore, we introduce structural entropy theory to optimize the spatial attention mechanism. Specifically, The structural entropy minimization algorithm is used to generate optimal road network hierarchies, i.e., encoding trees. Based on this, we propose a relative structural entropy-based position encoding and a multi-head attention masking scheme based on multi-layer encoding trees. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of the presented framework over several state-of-the-art methods in real-world traffic datasets, and the longer historical windows are effectively utilized. The code is available at https://github.com/SELGroup/MultiSPANS.
3.《Unsupervised skin lesion segmentation via structural entropy minimization on multi-scale superpixel graphs》
Zeng G, Peng H, Li A, et al. Unsupervised skin lesion segmentation via structural entropy minimization on multi-scale superpixel graphs[C]//2023 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM). IEEE, 2023: 768-777.
Abstract: Skin lesion segmentation is a fundamental task in dermoscopic image analysis. The complex features of pixels in the lesion region impede the lesion segmentation accuracy, and existing deep learning-based methods often lack interpretability to this problem. In this work, we propose a novel unsupervised Skin Lesion segmentation framework based on structural entropy and isolation forest outlier Detection, namely SLED. Specifically, skin lesions are segmented by minimizing the structural entropy of a superpixel graph constructed from the dermoscopic image. Then, we characterize the consistency of healthy skin features and devise a novel multi-scale segmentation mechanism by outlier detection, which enhances the segmentation accuracy by leveraging the superpixel features from multiple scales. We conduct experiments on four skin lesion benchmarks and compare SLED with nine representative unsupervised segmentation methods. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed framework. Additionally, some case studies are analyzed to demonstrate the effectiveness of SLED.