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石墨烯膜:让海水变成饮用水 | Nature Nanotechnology 论文推荐

科研圈  · 公众号  · 科研  · 2017-04-04 18:24


石墨烯又一次得到人们的的关注: 这次是氧化石墨烯膜它可能是新型过滤技术中最有前途的材料。现在人们终于成功制造能够出能够滤普通盐的膜。它有着为数百万人提供清洁饮用水的潜力。


来源 曼彻斯特大学

编译 紫苏








曼彻斯特大学的 Rahul Nair 教授说:“实现到原子尺度的确定滤孔是一个重大的进步,将为提高脱盐技术的效率开辟新的可能性。







题目 Tunable sieving of ions using graphene oxide membranes

作者 Jijo Abraham, Kalangi S. Vasu, Christopher D. Williams,Kalon Gopinadhan,Yang Su, Christie T. Cherian,James Dix,Eric Prestat,Sarah J. Haigh,Irina V. Grigorieva,Paola Carbone,Andre K. Geim& Rahul R. Nair

AffiliationsContributionsCorresponding author

期刊 Nature Nanotechnology (2017) 


发表时间 Published online 03 April 2017

摘要 Graphene oxide membranes show exceptional molecular permeation properties, with promise for many applications. However, their use in ion sieving and desalination technologies is limited by a permeation cutoff of ∼9 Å (ref. 4), which is larger than the diameters of hydrated ions of common salts4, 6. The cutoff is determined by the interlayer spacing (d) of ∼13.5 Å, typical for graphene oxide laminates that swell in water2, 4. Achieving smaller d for the laminates immersed in water has proved to be a challenge. Here, we describe how to control d by physical confinement and achieve accurate and tunable ion sieving. Membranes with d from ∼9.8 Å to 6.4 Å are demonstrated, providing a sieve size smaller than the diameters of hydrated ions. In this regime, ion permeation is found to be thermally activated with energy barriers of ∼10–100 kJ mol–1 depending on d. Importantly, permeation rates decrease exponentially with decreasing sieve size but water transport is weakly affected (by a factor of <2). The latter is attributed to a low barrier for the entry of water molecules and large slip lengths inside graphene capillaries. Building on these findings, we demonstrate a simple scalable method to obtain graphene-based membranes with limited swelling, which exhibit 97% rejection for NaCl.

链接 http://www.nature.com/nnano/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nnano.2017.21.html



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