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首发 . Tigmi Design Studio 游园如心

始室  · 公众号  · 新西兰  · 2024-09-18 10:00


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Palomar by Tigmi Design Studio

新西兰模特乔治娅-福勒(Georgia Fowler)在搬迁到美国之前,委托 Tigmi 设计工作室为她日益壮大的家庭打造一个简陋的休养所。这家位于拜伦湾的工作室将中世纪设计与当代艺术相融合,为福勒在悉尼的公寓提供了一种寓教于乐的室内体验。
Tigmi设计工作室是Tigmi创意总监Danielle McEwan的心血结晶。Tigmi是创立于拜伦湾的老品牌,信奉现代而持久的设计,推崇日常用品的美学和功能价值。在Tigmi的传统以及大量国际品牌、当地工匠和古董珍品的指导下,Fowler 寻求Tigmi Design Studio的定制室内服务,将她的愿景转化为实物。
Before a stateside relocation, New Zealand model Georgia Fowler engaged Tigmi Design Studio to create a humble retreat for her growing family. The Byron Bay-based studio harmonised mid-century design and contemporary art to provide a nurturing interior experience for Fowler’s Sydney apartment.
Tigmi Design Studio is the brainchild of Tigmi’s creative director, Danielle McEwan. Tigmi, an established brand founded in Byron Bay, believes in modern yet enduring design and celebrates the aesthetic and functional value of everyday objects. Guided by Tigmi’s legacy and an extensive collection of international brands, local artisans and vintage treasures, Tigmi Design Studio’s bespoke interior services were sought by Fowler to turn her vision into a physical narrative.

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With an intuitive grasp of Fowler’s taste and her penchant for unique and mid-century furniture, Tigmi Design Studio curated a blend of furnishings along with a range of textures balanced by juxtaposing contemporary and vintage elements.

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福勒的贝尔维尤山公寓位于一座西班牙传教士风格的建筑内,该建筑最初设计于 1928 年。白色砖块和拱形铜窗构成的建筑外立面,以及建筑群中的每栋高级住宅,都洋溢着浓郁的欧洲异域风情。水磨石、石灰石地板、裸露的木梁以及石材和大理石的点缀都营造出一种朴实的色调。


Fowler’s Bellevue Hill apartment is within a Spanish Mission-style building originally designed in 1928. An exotic European atmosphere is evident in the building’s facade of white bricks and arched bronze windows and throughout each of the complex’s exclusive residences. Terrazzo, limestone floors, exposed timber beams and stone and marble accents all contribute to an earthy palette.

With an intuitive grasp of Fowler’s taste and her penchant for unique and mid-century furniture, Tigmi Design Studio curated a blend of furnishings along with a range of textures balanced by juxtaposing contemporary and vintage elements. The furnishings complement the open, relaxed and practical space and make Palomar an effortlessly refined project.

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The furnishings complement the open, relaxed and practical space and make Palomar an effortlessly refined project.

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Palomar的核心部分是Tigmi自己的模块化沙发Nara,采用杉金色意大利天鹅绒制成。沙发是整个家的核心,也是整个家丰富色调的基础。Dusty Deco的迷宫地毯和一对用羊毛马海毛翻新的复古Wassily椅子等装饰品也引人注目。从起居室到餐厅,复古的椅子被回收PET制作的Tigmi地毯环绕,而斯堪的纳维亚团体 Cappelen Dimyr的挂毯则装饰着壁龛,为整个区域增添了触感。

卧室里有Gau Auelenti设计的标志性Pipistrello台灯,以及更多的软装饰,如 Tigmi的 Le Marais地毯。床后的凹陷拱门给人一种封闭感,鼓励人们在这个舒适的个人空间中静心休憩。拱门图案继续延伸,将室内与私人庭院和花园绿洲连接起来,Tigmi Soleil系列的钢椅和日光浴躺椅让人放松身心。与天然石墙和各种泳池瓷砖一起,外部看起来更像地中海,而不是悉尼东郊。

A central part of Palomar was Tigmi’s own modular sofa, Nara in fir gold Italian velvet. The sofa heroes the heart of the home and provides the basis for the rich tones that continue throughout. Accents like the Labyrinth rug by Dusty Deco and a pair of vintage Wassily chairs, refurbished in wool mohair, also command attention. From the living to the dining room, vintage chairs are encircled by a Tigmi rug crafted from recycled PET, while a tapestry by Scandinavian collective, Cappelen Dimyr adorns the niche and adds a tactile allure to the zone.

The bedroom features the iconic Pipistrello lamp by Gau Auelenti alongside more soft furnishings such as Tigmi’s Le Marais rug. A recessed arch behind the bed provides a sense of enclosure, encouraging retreat in this cosy personal space. The archway motif continues, connecting the inside to a private courtyard and garden oasis, where steel chairs and sun loungers from Tigmi’s Soleil collection call for relaxation. Alongside the natural stone wall and various pool tiles, the exterior looks more Mediterranean than Sydney’s eastern suburbs.

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Tigmi设计工作室和乔治亚-福勒(Georgia Fowler)的合作展现了独特的设计感,使帕洛马尔成为经典美学的基石。其结果是一个毫不费力就能完美融合各种设计语言的精致环境,这一结果非常适合Fowler及其家人,也体现了他们对艺术和设计的共同追求。

The collaborative effort of Tigmi Design Studio and Georgia Fowler demonstrates a distinct design sensibility that anchors Palomar in a classic aesthetic. The outcome is an effortlessly sophisticated environment that seamlessly blends a range of design languages, an result perfectly suited to Fowler and her family and a reflection of their shared eye for art and design.

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设计 : Tigmi Design Studio
摄影 : Alicia Taylor


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