专栏名称: 一只特立独行的猫仔
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做自己,爱自己,旺自己 疗愈与唤醒女性能量的8堂私房课cdfr

一只特立独行的猫仔  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-03-05 23:07


小编 ❥(^_-):gtwj67

做自己,爱自己,旺自己 疗愈与唤醒女性能量的8堂私房课cdfr

❤: gtwj67


小编 ❥(^_-):gtwj67



I do not know, truly, what we are here for upon this wonderful and beautiful earth, this incalculably interesting earth, unless it is to crowd into a few short years—when all is said, terribly short years!—every possible fine experience and adventure: unless it is to live our lives to the uttermost: unless it is to seize upon every fresh impression, develop every latent capacity: to grow as much as ever we have it in our power to grow. What else can there be? If there is no life beyond this one, we have lived here to the uttermost. We've had what we've had! But if there is more life, and still more life, beyond this one, and above and under this one, and around and through this one, we shall be well prepared for that, whatever it may be.
