【55分钟英字完整版.十一集连发.③】【纪录片.历史频道.企业号航母.HC.Battle.360.USS.Enterprise.2008】美国企业号航空母舰(USS Enterprise,绰号Lucky E、Big E),二战太平洋战争期间,企业号击沉敌舰71艘,空中击落敌机404架,地面击毁敌机507架,获得数十枚战争表扬奖章。
For nearly a decade, the legendary World War II aircraft carrier USS Enterprise held a pivotal place on the turbulent seas of war, engaging in some of the fiercest multifront battles ever witnessed in modern combat.
#微博纪录片联盟# #超级教育节# #教育视频星计划# 猛犸君侯的微博视频
For nearly a decade, the legendary World War II aircraft carrier USS Enterprise held a pivotal place on the turbulent seas of war, engaging in some of the fiercest multifront battles ever witnessed in modern combat.
#微博纪录片联盟# #超级教育节# #教育视频星计划# 猛犸君侯的微博视频