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首发 . Felipe Hess 感受诗意的美好

始室  · 公众号  · 设计  · 2024-09-27 10:00






Home Tour | Apartment Leblon II by Felipe Hess

Leblon II 公寓是位于巴西里约热内卢的一座极简主义公寓,建筑设计由 Felipe Hess、Lucas Miilher 和 Pedro Petry 共同完成,内饰由 Felipe Hess 和 Patricia Sturm 共同完成。该公寓以前的布局封闭陈旧,现已改造成一个开放的现代生活空间,完全融入了沿海环境。设计的重点是在室内和室外之间建立紧密的联系。拆除内墙创造了更加流畅的生活空间,同时增加了大窗户,最大限度地利用自然光,增强了公寓的通风和宽敞感。天然材料和柔和的色调营造出宁静的氛围,与室外海滩的宁静相映成趣。在长达一年的翻新过程中,设计团队与客户紧密合作,确保满足他们的愿景。最终,这座功能齐全的现代住宅与周围环境完美融合,在提供舒适环境的同时,也彰显了其海滨风光。

Apartment Leblon II is a minimalist apartment located in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, with architecture designed by Felipe Hess, Lucas Miilher and Pedro Petry, and interiors by Felipe Hess and Patricia Sturm. The apartment, previously defined by a closed-off and outdated layout, was transformed into an open and modern living space, fully embracing its coastal environment. The design focused on establishing a strong connection between the interior and exterior. Removing interior walls created more fluid living spaces, while the addition of large windows maximized natural light, enhancing the apartment’s airy, expansive feel. A palette of natural materials and soft tones was used to foster a calming atmosphere that mirrors the tranquility of the beach outside. Over the course of the year-long renovation, the design team worked closely with the clients, ensuring their vision was met. The result is a functional, modern home that blends seamlessly with its surroundings, offering comfort while celebrating its coastal setting.

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设计 : Felipe Hess
摄影 : Fran Parente


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