空间层面的装饰及动线都将围绕“商业目的”而展开。顶部通过镀锌板与桁架结构的交错建立了空间的秩序,将陈列模块处理成规格,明确了陈列逻辑的同时也为消费者的选购提供了充分的便利性。而暖色涂料以及木质的应用亦是对友好最直白的表达。在此,我们需要向所有人传递平价与友好,无论是桁架结构或是材料的应用都是在借助大众的印象去达成共识从而提高客流进店率 。
中国 长沙市芙蓉区万家丽广场一楼141号
Some Thoughts由李京泽先生于2020年创立于上海,是一家空间设计研究工作室。我们不断地探索、判断概念的独特性,以直接、纯粹的穿透力直击偏见和规则。日常性的思考往往比项目中发挥更重要。我们需要对当下的已有的大众共识作出回避,去探索那些未被开发的或者不起眼的元素,通过个体的直觉去判断、挖掘它们在审美与功能上的可塑性。
在我们的案例中,空间与家具、材料与陈列,都是建立在记忆点与体验性上的思考,Some Thoughts希望能更完整地赋予作品独特的设计语言。始终坚持对商业绩效的充分尊重与创新思维的不断迭代。通过案例的表现,纯粹而深度的探索设计逻辑与商业策略之间的关系。空间、装置、细节和物料是非固定且无边界的想象载体。我们通过概念来探讨超越当代背景的空间和局部之间的关系,并探索或预留概念中的偶然性,拒绝紧绷和平庸。
Founded in Shanghai by Jingze Li in 2020, Some Thoughts is a Spatial Design and Research Office. We constantly explore and estimate the uniqueness of any design concepts, to break through the stereotypes and regulations in the light of direct, pure penetrations of design.The daily perception towards the mundane are important in our projects. To avoid common understandings, Some Thoughts envision to explore elements that are not developed before and discover any possibilities both in aesthetics and functionality by individual instinct.
Every spatial intervention, furniture, material and installation are set memorable and experiential in our projects. Some Thoughts endow each project with special design narrative and follow commercial as well as creative upgrading. By virtue of our practice, we would like to ponder on the relationship between sophisticated design logic with commercial strategies.The Space, Installations, Details and Materials are the embodiments of human's imaginations, of which are amorphous and boundless. Some Thoughts aspire to transcend the relationships between contemporary space and its partials within by our perceptions for design, to discern or reserve the occasionality embedded in each concept, to avert the dissonance and mediocrity in our projects.