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What are some signs of intelligence?

Quora文选英语  · 公众号  · 问答  · 2017-07-05 09:00


What are some signs of intelligence?

Abdullah Shiryar, studied Computer Science

Updated Jun 20

119.2k Views · 8.5k Upvotes

Here are a few signs of an intelligent person:

  • They read as a hobby.

  • They listen more than they speak and they are good questioners.

  • They think before they speak.

  • They know they are not always right and they don’t mind if someone proves them wrong.

  • They don’t just dream big, they work really hard to achieve it.

  • When they see a problem, instead of complaining about it, they try to find a way and solve it.

  • They don’t give up when they fail, they learn from their mistakes.

  • They try to do what is right and needs to be done regardless of what others think/expect.

  • And they have a good sense of humor.