This is a blog post version of a talk I gave at
Vilnius Go Meetup
. If you’re ever in Vilnius and enjoy Go come join us and consider speaking
So, in this post we will explore Go memory management. Let’s begin with a following little program:
func main() {
http.HandleFunc("/bar", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hello, %q", html.EscapeString(r.URL.Path))
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)
Let’s compile and run it:
go build main.go
Now let’s find the running process via
ps -u --pid 16609
povilasv 16609 0.0 0.0 388496 5236 pts/9 Sl+ 17:21 0:00 ./main
We can see that this program consumes 379.39 MiB of virtual memory and resident size is 5.11 mb. Wait what? Why ~380 MiB?
A little reminder
Virtual Memory Size(VSZ)
is all memory that the process can access, including memory that is swapped out, memory that is allocated, but not used, and memory that is from shared libraries. (
, good explanation in
Resident Set Size(RSS)
is number of memory pages the process has in real memory multiplied by pagesize. This excludes swapped out memory pages.
Before deep diving into this problem, let’s go thru some basics of computer architecture and memory management in computers.
Memory Basics
defines RAM as:
Random-access memory (RAM /ræm/) is a form of computer data storage that stores data and machine code currently being used.
A random-access memory device allows data items to be read or written in almost the same amount of time irrespective of
the physical location of data inside the memory.
I view physical memory as this array of slots/units, where slot can hold 8 bits of information
. Each memory slot has an address and in your programs you tell CPU “
yo CPU, could you grab that byte of information out of memory at address 0
or “
yo CPU, could you put this byte of information at address 1
As computers typically are running multiple tasks, reading and writing directly from/to physical memory is a bad idea. Imagine how easy is to write a program, which reads all the stuff (including your passwords) out of memory or a program, which would
write at different program’s memory addresses. That would be wild wild west.
So, instead of doing things with Physical Memory we have a concept of
Virtual Memory
. When your program runs, it only sees it’s memory and it thinks that it’s the only one in here
Also, not all of your program’s stored memory bytes could be in RAM. If you don’t access specific memory block often enough, Operating System can put some block of memory into slower storage (like disk) saving precious RAM. And OS won’t even admit
to your application that OS did it. But we all know that OS did it.
Virtual memory can be implemented using
Page tables
based on your CPU architecture and OS. I’m not going to go into detail about Segmentation as Page tables are way more common, but you can read more about Segmentation
Paged Virtual Memory
, we divide virtual memory into blocks, called
. Pages can vary in size based on hardware, but usually pages are
4-64 KB
, often with the capability to use huge pages from
2 MB to 1 GB
The division into blocks is useful as it would require a lot more memory to manage each memory slot individually and would slow down performance of your computer.
In order to implement Paged Virtual Memory, there is a chip called
Memory Magament Unit (MMU)
, which sits between CPU and your memory. MMU holds mapping from virtual address
to physical address in a table (which it stores in memory) called
Page Table
, containing one
Page Table Entry (PTE)
per page. Also MMU has a physical cache called
Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB)
which store recent translations from Virtual Memory to Physical. Schematically it looks like this:
So let’s say OS decides to put some virtual memory page into disk and your program tries to access it. This process looks like this:
CPU issues a command to access the virtual address, MMU check’s it in it’s Page Table and prohibits access, because no Physical RAM has been allocated to that virtual page.
Then MMU sends a Page Fault to the CPU.
The Operating System then handles the Page fault, by finding a spare memory block of RAM (called frame) and setting up new PTE to map it.
If no RAM is free, it may choose an existing page, using some replacement algorithm, and save it to disk (this process is called
With some Memory Management Units, there can also be a shortage of Page Table Entrys, in which case the OS will have to free one for the new mapping.
Operating systems usually manages multiple applications(processes) so the whole memory management bit looks like this:
Each process has one linear virtual address space, with addresses running from
0 to some huge maximum
. Virtual address space doesn’t need to be contiguous, so that not all of these virtual addresses are actually used to store data and they
don’t consume space in RAM or disk. What’s really cool about this is that the same frame of real memory can back multiple virtual pages belonging to multiple processes. This is normally the case, with virtual memory occupied by GNU C Library code
(libc), which is included by default if you comple with
go build
. You can compile go code without libc via ldflags setting
go build -ldflags '-libgcc=none'
So this is a high level overview of what memory is and how it’s implemented using hardware and OS talking to each other. Now let’s take a look at what happens in OS, when you try to run your program and how programs can allocate memory.
Operating system
In order to run programs Operating System has a module, which loads programs and needed libraries, called program loader. In Linux you can call program loader from your program using
system call.
When loader runs it goes thru these steps
validates the program image (permissions, memory requirements etc.);
copies the program image from the disk into main memory;
passes the command-line arguments on the stack;
initializes registers (like the stack pointer);
Once loading is complete, the operating system starts the program by passing control to the loaded program code (executing a jump instruction to program’s entrypoint (
So what is a program anyway?
Usually you write programs in high-level languages like Go, which are compiled into either an executable machine code file or a non-executable machine-code object file (a library). These Object files, executable or not, are typically in a container
format, such as
Executable and Linkable Format (ELF)
(typically in Linux),
Portable Executable
(typically in Windows). Sometimes you don’t have a luxury of writing everything in beloved Go. In that case, one option is to hand craft your own ELF binary and put machine code into correct ELF structure. Another option is to develop a program
in assembly language, which remains human-readable while being more closely associated with machine code instructions.
Object files are binary representations of program intended to execute directly on to processor. Those object files contain not only machine code, but also carry metadata about application, like OS architecture, debug information. Also object files
carry application data, like global variables or constants. Typically object files are structured into sections such as the
.text (executable code)
.data (global variables)
, and
.rodata (global constants)
So I’m running Linux (Ubuntu) and my compiled programs (output file of
go build
) are in
. In Go, we can easily write a program, which reads an ELF executable
file, because Go has a
package in standard library. Here is an example:
package main
import (
func main() {
f, err := elf.Open("main")
if err != nil {
for _, section := range f.Sections {
And the output:
2018/05/06 14:26:08 &{{ SHT_NULL 0x0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0} 0xc4200803f0 0xc4200803f0 0 0}
2018/05/06 14:26:08 &{{.text SHT_PROGBITS SHF_ALLOC+SHF_EXECINSTR 4198400 4096 3373637 0 0 16 0 3373637} 0xc420080420 0xc420080420 0 0}
2018/05/06 14:26:08 &{{.plt SHT_PROGBITS SHF_ALLOC+SHF_EXECINSTR 7572064 3377760 560 0 0 16 16 560} 0xc420080450 0xc420080450 0 0}
2018/05/06 14:26:08 &{{.rodata SHT_PROGBITS SHF_ALLOC 7573504 3379200 1227675 0 0 32 0 1227675} 0xc420080480 0xc420080480 0 0}
2018/05/06 14:26:08 &{{.rela SHT_RELA SHF_ALLOC 8801184 4606880 24 11 0 8 24 24} 0xc4200804b0 0xc4200804b0 0 0}
2018/05/06 14:26:08 &{{.rela.plt SHT_RELA SHF_ALLOC 8801208 4606904 816 11 2 8 24 816} 0xc4200804e0 0xc4200804e0 0 0}
2018/05/06 14:26:08 &{{.gnu.version SHT_GNU_VERSYM SHF_ALLOC 8802048 4607744 78 11 0 2 2 78} 0xc420080510 0xc420080510 0 0}
2018/05/06 14:26:08 &{{.gnu.version_r SHT_GNU_VERNEED SHF_ALLOC 8802144 4607840 112 10 2 8 0 112} 0xc420080540 0xc420080540 0 0}
2018/05/06 14:26:08 &{{.hash SHT_HASH SHF_ALLOC 8802272 4607968 192 11 0 8 4 192} 0xc420080570 0xc420080570 0 0}
2018/05/06 14:26:08 &{{.shstrtab SHT_STRTAB 0x0 0 4608160 375 0 0 1 0 375} 0xc4200805a0 0xc4200805a0 0 0}
2018/05/06 14:26:08 &{{.dynstr SHT_STRTAB SHF_ALLOC 8802848 4608544 594 0 0 1 0 594} 0xc4200805d0 0xc4200805d0 0 0}
2018/05/06 14:26:08 &{{.dynsym SHT_DYNSYM SHF_ALLOC 8803456 4609152 936 10 0 8 24 936} 0xc420080600 0xc420080600 0 0}
2018/05/06 14:26:08 &{{.typelink SHT_PROGBITS SHF_ALLOC 8804416 4610112 12904 0 0 32 0 12904} 0xc420080630 0xc420080630 0 0}
2018/05/06 14:26:08 &{{.itablink SHT_PROGBITS SHF_ALLOC 8817320 4623016 3176 0 0 8 0 3176} 0xc420080660 0xc420080660 0 0}
2018/05/06 14:26:08 &{{.gosymtab SHT_PROGBITS SHF_ALLOC 8820496 4626192 0 0 0 1 0 0} 0xc420080690 0xc420080690 0 0}
2018/05/06 14:26:08 &{{.gopclntab SHT_PROGBITS SHF_ALLOC 8820512 4626208 1694491 0 0 32 0 1694491} 0xc4200806c0 0xc4200806c0 0 0}
2018/05/06 14:26:08 &{{.got.plt SHT_PROGBITS SHF_WRITE+SHF_ALLOC 10518528 6324224 296 0 0 8 8 296} 0xc4200806f0 0xc4200806f0 0 0}
2018/05/06 14:26:08 &{{.dynamic SHT_DYNAMIC SHF_WRITE+SHF_ALLOC 10518848 6324544 304 10 0 8 16 304} 0xc420080720 0xc420080720 0 0}
2018/05/06 14:26:08 &{{.got SHT_PROGBITS SHF_WRITE+SHF_ALLOC 10519152 6324848 8 0 0 8 8 8} 0xc420080750 0xc420080750 0 0}
2018/05/06 14:26:08 &{{.noptrdata SHT_PROGBITS SHF_WRITE+SHF_ALLOC 10519168 6324864 183489 0 0 32 0 183489} 0xc420080780 0xc420080780 0 0}
2018/05/06 14:26:08 &{{.data SHT_PROGBITS SHF_WRITE+SHF_ALLOC 10702688 6508384 46736 0 0 32 0 46736} 0xc4200807b0 0xc4200807b0 0 0}
2018/05/06 14:26:08 &{{.bss SHT_NOBITS SHF_WRITE+SHF_ALLOC 10749440 6555136 127016 0 0 32 0 127016} 0xc4200807e0 0xc4200807e0 0 0}
2018/05/06 14:26:08 &{{.noptrbss SHT_NOBITS SHF_WRITE+SHF_ALLOC 10876480 6682176 12984 0 0 32 0 12984} 0xc420080810 0xc420080810 0 0}
2018/05/06 14:26:08 &{{.tbss SHT_NOBITS SHF_WRITE+SHF_ALLOC+SHF_TLS 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 8} 0xc420080840 0xc420080840 0 0}
2018/05/06 14:26:08 &{{.debug_abbrev SHT_PROGBITS 0x0 10891264 6557696 437 0 0 1 0 437} 0xc420080870 0xc420080870 0 0}
2018/05/06 14:26:08 &{{.debug_line SHT_PROGBITS 0x0 10891701 6558133 350698 0 0 1 0 350698} 0xc4200808a0 0xc4200808a0 0 0}
2018/05/06 14:26:08 &{{.debug_frame SHT_PROGBITS 0x0 11242399 6908831 381068 0 0 1 0 381068} 0xc4200808d0 0xc4200808d0 0 0}
2018/05/06 14:26:08 &{{.debug_pubnames SHT_PROGBITS 0x0 11623467 7289899 121435 0 0 1 0 121435} 0xc420080900 0xc420080900 0 0}
2018/05/06 14:26:08 &{{.debug_pubtypes SHT_PROGBITS 0x0 11744902 7411334 225106 0 0 1 0 225106} 0xc420080930 0xc420080930 0 0}
2018/05/06 14:26:08 &{{.debug_gdb_scripts SHT_PROGBITS 0x0 11970008 7636440 53 0 0 1 0 53} 0xc420080960 0xc420080960 0 0}
2018/05/06 14:26:08 &{{.debug_info SHT_PROGBITS 0x0 11970061 7636493 1847750 0 0 1 0 1847750} 0xc420080990 0xc420080990 0 0}
2018/05/06 14:26:08 &{{.debug_ranges SHT_PROGBITS 0x0 13817811 9484243 167568 0 0 1 0 167568} 0xc4200809c0 0xc4200809c0 0 0}
2018/05/06 14:26:08 &{{.interp SHT_PROGBITS SHF_ALLOC 4198372 4068 28 0 0 1 0 28} 0xc4200809f0 0xc4200809f0 0 0}
2018/05/06 14:26:08 &{{.note.go.buildid SHT_NOTE SHF_ALLOC 4198272 3968 100 0 0 4 0 100} 0xc420080a20 0xc420080a20 0 0}
2018/05/06 14:26:08 &{{.symtab SHT_SYMTAB 0x0 0 9654272 290112 35 377 8 24 290112} 0xc420080a50 0xc420080a50 0 0}
2018/05/06 14:26:08 &{{.strtab SHT_STRTAB 0x0 0 9944384 446735 0 0 1 0 446735} 0xc420080a80 0xc420080a80 0 0}
You can also inspect ELF files using Linux tools like:
size --format=sysv main
readelf -l main
is the output binary).
As you can see that executable is just a file with some predifined format. Usually executable formats have segments, which are blocks of data memory mapped before running image. Here is a common view of segements, that a process has:
The text segment
contains a program’s instructions and literals and static constants.
The data segment
is working storage for the program. It can be preallocated and preloaded by
and the process can extend or shrink it.
The stack segment
contains a program stack. It grows as the stack grows, but doesn’t shrink when the stack shrinks.
The heap area commonly begins at the end of the
segments and grows to larger addresses from there.
Let’s take look at how processes can allocate memory.
Libc manual says
, that programs can allocate in two major ways using
family functions and programmatically.
calls out program loader to launch a program, thus
creating a virtual address space for a process, loading its program into it and running it. And the programmatic ways are:
Static allocation
is what happens when you declare a global variable. Each global variable defines one block of space, of a fixed size. The space is allocated once, when your program is started (part of the exec operation), and
is never freed.
Automatic allocation
happens when you declare an automatic variable, such as a function argument or a local variable. The space for an automatic variable is allocated when the compound statement containing the declaration
is entered, and is freed when that compound statement is exited.
Dynamic Allocation
– is a technique in which programs determine as they are running where to store some information. You need dynamic allocation when the amount of memory you need, or how long you continue to need it, depends
on factors that are not known before the program runs.
To dynamically allocate memory you have a couple of options. One of the options is to make a call to operating system (syscall or via libc). OS provides various functions like:
– allocates/deallocates fixed block memory page.
– changes/gets data segement size
– gives advise to Operating System how to manage memory
– works with thread local storage.
I think Go runtime only uses
and it calls it directly to underlying OS via assembly or cgo, i.e. it’s not calling out to
These memory allocation are low level and typically programers don’t use them. More common is to use libc’s
family functions, where you ask for
bytes of memory and libc just returns it to you, and you need to
to return it back.
Here is a basic
example of using
#include /* printf, scanf, NULL */
#include /* malloc, free, rand */
int main (){
int i,n;
char * buffer;
printf ("How long do you want the string? ");
scanf ("%d", &i);
buffer = (char*) malloc (i+1);
if (buffer==NULL) exit (1);
for (n=0; n<i; n++)
printf ("Random string: %s\n",buffer);
free (buffer);
return 0;
This example illustrates the need to dynamically allocate data, as we ask the user to enter string length, then allocate bytes based on that and generate random string. Also, note the explicit call to
Memory Allocators
As Go doesn’t use
to get memory, but asks OS directly (via
), it has to implement memory allocation and deallocation on it’s own (like
does). Go’s memory allocator is originally based off
TCMalloc: Thread-Caching Malloc
Some interesting facts about
is faster than the glibc 2.3 malloc (available as a separate library called
takes approximately
300 nanoseconds
to execute a malloc.
implementation takes approximately
50 nanoseconds
for the same operation pair.
also reduces lock contention for multi-threaded programs:
For small objects, there is virtually zero contention.
For large objects, TCMalloc tries to use fine grained and efficient spinlocks.
The secret behind TCMalloc performance is that it uses thread-local cache to store some preallocated memory “objects”, so that small allocations are satisfied from the thread-local cache
Once thread-local cache is out of space, memory objects are moved from central data structures into thread-local cache.