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维克多英语  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-04-13 17:03


在一期综艺里,何炅说: 他们可能都不太愿意承认,朋友是阶段性的。但是我觉得就算是不承认,也必须要接受,大家不一样了





The psychology of outgrowing relationships:

why we ' shed ' friends at different stages of our lives


为什么我们在生命的不同阶段 “抛弃”朋友

outgrow v 因长大而放弃

shed v 摆脱

It's not nice to think about, but there comes a point in every person's life where they outgrow someone they were previously close with. It often happens slowly: different life directions mean you stop hanging out as much, then they're no longer the first person you go to with news, and before you know it your contact grows stilted (生硬的), revolving (以 …… 为中心) primarily around birthdays or Christmas.


hang out 常和某人厮混

grow [熟词生义] v 逐渐变得

As the person being 'left behind', it can feel deeply personal , even when it's not. And for the person doing the growing, the feelings of guilt can be overwhelming to say the least .


personal [熟词生义] adj 针对个人的

overwhelming adj 巨大的;压倒性的

to say the least 至少可以说

" All friendships, regardless of how long they enter our lives for, serve a purpose, " says Mariel Witmond, a life coach and founder of Mindful Sonder (探索者). " So when friendships do end, it's not uncommon for the break-up to feel sad, painful and even confusing  mostly because we assume it shouldn't hurt as much as a romantic break-up, but it does. There's a grief process we often have to go through to mourn and move on . "

生活教练兼思想探索者创始人Mariel Witmond说,“所有的友谊,无论陪伴我们多久,都有其用途。” “因此,当友谊结束时,感到悲伤、痛苦甚至困惑,并不罕见——我们认为终止友谊不应像恋情分手那样痛苦,但事实上却同样痛苦。我们通常需要经受一段悲伤的历程来哀悼,并继续前进。”

go through 经受某事;经历某事(指困境、痛苦等)

mourn v (因失去…而)哀悼;忧伤

But that doesn't mean it isn't a tough pill to swallow .


a bitter pill to swallow 必须吞下去的苦药丸;不得不接受的现实

tough [熟词生义] adj 嚼不烂的

Why do we outgrow certain friendships?


As we age , our close friendships are going to change, much like we do – and that is perfectly OK. " Sometimes that means leaving things that no longer serve us or hold us back behind, " says Witmond.


age [名词动化] v 变老

hold sb back 阻碍……的发展

"Maybe our lifestyle has changed or we are focused on personal growth when they might not be. Or our paths have diverged (发生分歧) due to work or family."


due to 因为;由于

However, often our relationships merely outgrow the period they were formed in: childhood friends may no longer fit into or have anything in common, making it hard to relate to one another. And while outgrowing a friendship is not an inherently (本质上地) negative experience, it often feels like it, leading us to mourn or feel grief for what we've left behind.


form [名词动化] v 形成

relate [熟词生义] v (对别人的问题、处境等)认同;理解

" Much like with romantic relationships, we often attach illusions to our friendships, and when they end, it's the bursting of the illusion and the disillusionment (幻想破灭) of the ego (自我) that can hurt the most, " Witmond explains. " We might attach some of our worth to that relationship and when it ends - depending on how it ends – it can feel like a loss of self to a degree . It's easy to assume something has ended because something is wrong with us. "

“就像恋爱关系一样,我们经常给我们的友谊附加幻想,当友谊结束时,最伤人的是幻觉的破灭和自我意识的幻灭。” Witmond解释道。“我们可能会在那段关系上附加一些意义,当关系结束时——取决于结局如何——在某种程度上,感觉像是自我的丧失。人们很容易认为是由于我们之间出了问题而导致关系终止。”

illusion n 幻想

worth n 意义;价值

to a degree 在某种程度上

As Witmond suggests, when most friendships end, there's ultimately no one to blame - people just grow in different directions. That being said , if you keep losing friends for the same reason, then you might want to consider the role you are playing in the relationship and what you might need to work on to be a better friend.


ultimately adv 根本上

that being said 话虽如此

How to tell if you've outgrown a friendship


tell [熟词生义] v 确切地判断

While it may take some deep reflection to catch the signs at first - they're often subtle - you will soon know when a friendship is no longer serving its purpose . According to Witmond, signs include feeling a sense of obligation due to the longevity of a friendship, dreading (极为担心) seeing someone or feeling unable to be yourself around them anymore.


reflection n 审慎的思考 (reflect + -ion)

serve a purpose有用处;有意义

obligation n 义务;责任

" When we work on ourselves and discover the importance of authenticity and self-love, it becomes imperative (迫切的) for us to feel comfortable and be who we are around those closest to us or the relationship becomes draining ((精力)耗尽的), " she expresses. " The moment you dread engaging with someone is a sign that you are forcing something that isn't meant to be. "


authenticity n 真实性;确实性

If you keep arguing, can't see eye to eye or boundaries keep getting crossed , these are also steadfast (不动摇的) signs that the friendship may be deteriorating (恶化).


see eye to eye (两个人)观点一致;看法一致

cross a boundary 穿越边界

Can you ever stop a friendship from fizzling (起泡发出嘶嘶声) out?


As painful as it may be to distance yourself from someone you once cherished, holding on usually becomes harder than letting go. If you don't feel good when you're together (whether it's about yourself, your friendship or your growth), then it's likely time for things to come to a close . However, it doesn't mean that you have to say goodbye forever.


distance [名词动化] v 拉开距离;与……疏远

come to a close 结束

" The trouble is that friendships receive less cultural prompts for care and nurture than other relationships do, so friendships are often the first thing that falls to the wayside when life
