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首发 . Bryant Alsop 交织的自然

始室  · 公众号  · 家居 设计  · 2024-09-11 10:00






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Glenmorgan House by Bryant Alsop


在墨尔本的不伦瑞克东区,Bryant Alsop通过中央庭院和采光充足的后扩建,为一栋陈旧的加州平房注入了新的活力。在墨尔本布伦瑞克东区绿树成荫的街景中,这栋加利福尼亚式平房看起来非常体面,其传统外立面基本完好无损。但住宅内部却阴暗而内向,与澳大利亚人喜欢的生活方式格格不入。“布赖恩特-艾尔索普公司(Bryant Alsop)的负责人莎拉-布赖恩特(Sarah Bryant)说:"除了外立面之外,单一用途的房间缺乏开放性和采光。“此外,该房产位于朝南的街区,为室内捕捉梦寐以求的自然光带来了挑战"。

In Melbourne’s Brunswick East, Bryant Alsop breathes new life into a dark and dated Californian bungalow via a central courtyard and light-filled rear extension.In a leafy streetscape in Melbourne’s Brunswick East, this Californian bungalow looked perfectly presentable, its heritage facade largely intact. But inside, the home was dark and introspective, hardly conducive to how Australians like to live. “Beyond the facade, the single-use rooms lacked openness and light,” says Sarah Bryant, director at Bryant Alsop, which was charged with bringing the home firmly into the 21st century. “Additionally, the property is positioned on a south-facing block, providing a challenge for capturing coveted natural light in the interior.”

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The transformation process was three-fold: reconfiguring the existing structure to facilitate modern living, reorienting the home to the north and building new living spaces along the rear boundary. “By extending the property to the rear, we not only achieved a northern aspect but also created a focal central courtyard and a smaller decked area for entertaining, offering outdoor spaces accessible from both the original section of the house and the extension,” says Bryant. “Adopting a courtyard house typology maximised light and enhanced the flow of light and air throughout the home.”

Much of the existing house was gutted, bar the two front bedrooms, whose existing footprint remained unchanged. The original living room, kitchen and bathroom were completely reconfigured and a lean-to was demolished to allow for the alterations and additions. This redo honours the home’s heritage features while creating contemporary spaces including an elegant master bedroom with ensuite and walk-in robe, two other bedrooms and a bathroom. “Blending existing heritage details with contemporary style has created a seamless and harmonious balance between the old and the new.”

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设计 : Bryant Alsop
摄影 : Dylan Jame


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