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Call4Papers  · 公众号  · 科研  · 2018-01-11 19:43



Journal of Systems and Software

Special Issue on Software Product Line Engineering

全文截稿: 2018-01-15
影响因子: 2.444
CCF分类: B类
• 大类 : 工程技术 - 3区
• 小类 : 计算机:软件工程 - 2区
• 小类 : 计算机:理论方法 - 3区
网址: http://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-systems-and-software/
We invite papers on innovative techniques in all areas related to software product line (SPL) engineering and variability management. We particularly welcome, but the call is not limited to, papers accepted at the 21st International Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC 2017). http://tinyurl.com/JSS-SPLC17

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- Requirements engineering and domain analysis for SPLs

- Business process management, economics and organizational issues of SPL engineering

- Architecture, design, and implementation of SPLs

- Variability management and modeling

- Advances in testing of configurable systems and SPLs

- Analysis techniques such as model-checking, formal methods of SPLs

- Non-functional properties and performance for SPL engineering

- Multi-product lines, ecosystems product lines of product lines, systems of systems

- Mining and reverse engineering of variability

- Dynamic, adaptive, and reconfigurable systems

- End-user concerns and usability of SPLs

- Open source SPLs, software ecosystems, and supply chains

- Domain-specific (modeling) languages and SPLs


Future Generation Computer Systems

Special Issue on Innovating the Network for Data Intensive Science - INDIS 2017

全文截稿: 2018-01-31
影响因子: 3.997
CCF分类: C类
• 大类 : 工程技术 - 2区
• 小类 : 计算机:理论方法 - 2区
网址: http://www.journals.elsevier.com/future-generation-computer-systems/
Many fields of science have been experiencing and continue to experience a large influx of data. Managing, transporting, and architecting systems, as well as building tools to deal with the delivery of these data has become increasingly important. Additionally, the ecosystem of information and communications systems is becoming more complex.

Wide area networks are now an integral and essential part of this data-driven supercomputing ecosystem connecting information sources, data stores, processing, simulation, visualization and user communities together. Furthermore, networks are required to connect research instruments such as photon sources, and large visualization displays.

Networks for data-intensive science have more extreme requirements than general-purpose networks. These requirements not only closely impact the design of processor interconnects in supercomputers and cluster computers, but they also impact campus networks, regional networks and national backbone networks.

The developments in network technologies are tremendous. Speeds of many hundreds of Gigabits and deep programmability of network infrastructure are now common. This enables a fundamentally different approach of integrating networks in supercomputing applications.

The INDIS workshop (https://scinet.supercomputing.org/workshop/) held in conjunction with the SuperComputing conference in Denver in November 2017 provided a venue for the exchange of ideas on the above topics.

For this special issue related to the workshop we encourage research papers that address one or more of these networking needs; and developments that are essential in the information systems infrastructure for the scientific discovery process. Participants to the workshop are invited to submit extended version of their work. Other submissions are also welcome.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

- High-speed network protocols

- Network architectures

- Securing high-speed networks

- High performance data transfer applications and techniques

- Science DMZs and other campus network constructs

- Software-defined networking , OpenFlow and NFV

- Optical networking

- Network monitoring and traffic analytics

- Requirements and issues for network quality of service (QoS)

- Network management: diagnostics, troubleshooting, fault management, performance monitoring, configuration management

- Multi-domain networking


Microprocessors and Microsystems

Special Issue on Reconfigurable Communication-centric Systems-on-Chip

全文截稿: 2018-01-31
影响因子: 1.025
CCF分类: C类
• 大类 : 工程技术 - 4区
• 小类 : 计算机:硬件 - 4区
• 小类 : 计算机:理论方法 - 4区
• 小类 : 工程:电子与电气 - 4区
网址: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/microprocessors-and-microsystems
Systems-on-Chip (S0Cs) are becoming the dominant devices in the post-PC era. SoCs offer small form-factor, reduced cost and power, and their underlying IP-based design methodology allows for an easy and standardized integration of cores on a single die. These characteristics make SoCs ideal candidates for usage in mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Yet, SoC design also exhibits some significant challenges. As the number of cores increases and composition of cores becomes more and more heterogeneous, system design and especially the on-chip communication requirements become more complex. This is especially demanding for SoC designs comprising runtime reconfigurable components. Their runtime flexibility impede a comprehensive requirements analysis at design time and, thus, adaptivity mechanisms have to be incorporated in the overall system design.

This special issue is devoted to extended journal versions of selected papers from the 12th International Symposium on Reconfigurable Communication-centric Systems-on-Chip (ReCoSoC’17) held in Madrid, Spain, during July 12 to 14, 2017.

ReCoSoC has established itself as a reference for researchers in the areas of reconfigurable and communication-centric systems-on-chip. This special issue will also include other papers that address the same topics as the ReCoSoC conference.

Topics Include:

- New paradigms for reconfigurable and comm. centric computing

- Self-aware, reconfigurable and adaptive embedded SoCs

- Communication-centric design techniques at various levels

- On-chip communication architectures

- Fault tolerance techniques for SoCs

- Low power design of reconfigurable and multiprocessor SoCs

- Communication-aware multiprocessor embedded systems

- OS and middleware for reconfigurable and multicore SoCs

- Specification languages and system design methodologies

- Verification and evaluation techniques

- Industrial case studies


Future Generation Computer Systems

Smart Cyber-Physical Systems: towards Pervasive Intelligence systems

全文截稿: 2018-03-15
影响因子: 3.997
CCF分类: C类
• 大类 : 工程技术 - 2区
• 小类 : 计算机:理论方法 - 2区
网址: http://www.journals.elsevier.com/future-generation-computer-systems/
Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) refer to the seamless integration of computation with physical processes, possibly with humans in the loop. In these systems, embedded computers and networks monitor (through sensors) and control (through actuators) the physical processes, usually with feedback loops where physical processes and computations affect each other.

A key point in these systems is the control of physical processes from the monitoring of variables and the use of computational intelligence to obtain a deep knowledge of the monitored environment, thus providing timely and more accurate decisions and actions. The growing interconnection of physical and virtual worlds, and the development of increasingly sophisticated intelligence techniques, has opened the door to the next generation of CPS, that is referred to as smart cyber-physical systems (sCPS).

sCPS are large‐scale software intensive and pervasive systems, which by combining various data sources (both from physical objects and virtual components), and applying intelligence techniques, are able to efficiently manage real-world processes and offers broad range of novel applications and services.

By equipping physical objects with interfaces to the virtual world, and incorporating intelligent mechanisms to leverage collaboration between these objects, the boundaries between the physical and virtual worlds become blurred. Interactions occurring in the physical world are capable of changing the processing behavior in the virtual world, in a causal relationship that can be exploited for the constant improvement of processes. Intelligent, self-aware, self-managing and self-configuring pervasive systems can be built to improve quality of process across a variety of application domains, helping to address a number of contemporary social and environmental issues.

Components of a sCPS must have a high degree of autonomy while cooperating with each other in a robust, scalable and decentralized way. However, several challenges need to be overcome in order to realize such a paradigm, which is highly multidisciplinary. These challenges range from the design of intelligent physical infrastructures for sensing and communication, data stream processing, data analytics and machine learning techniques to build the intelligence core of these systems through the development of self-adaptive and context-aware software. Moreover safety, social and behavioral issues also need to be considering, when including human beings as an integral part of these highly complex systems.

This special issue is intended to report high-quality research on recent advances toward the realization of the Smart Cyber-Physical Systems paradigm. We are interested in all aspects pertaining to this multidisciplinary paradigm, in particular, in its application to building Smart and sustainable spaces. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

- Deep Learning and Deep Computation for CPS

- Big Data and Smart Data

- Social Intelligence and Agent-based Computing

- Ubiquitous Intelligence and Cyber-Physical Computing

- The Internet of Things

- Embedded Hardware, Software & Systems

- Pervasive Devices, Wearable Computers, RFIDs, Sensor technology

- Pervasive Networks and Communications

- Middleware for CPS

- Pervasive device virtualization (PDV)

- Privacy, Security and Trust in CPS

- Context-Aware Computing for CPS

- Situation-Aware Reasoning and Recognition

- Mobile Data Mining and Ubiquitous Data Mining

- Smart Urban Spaces and Smart Homes

- Intelligent Social Networking

- Pervasive Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems

- Ambient Intelligence

- HCI for Pervasive Computing

- Semantic Technologies for CPS

- Mobility and Multimedia Data Traffic Modelling

- Rapid Application Development for CPS

- Programming Abstractions for CPS and Pervasive Systems

- Cyber-Physical Hybrid Intelligence

- Cyber-Social Networks

- Cyber-Sociology, Cyber-Culture, and Cyber-Economy

- Cyber-Social Simulation
