特朗普反对移民,哈佛就以校长的名义举行社区演讲 Inclusion and Belonging。 教授、学生、职工被邀请来演讲,共同呼吁, 多元、包容和归属感是哈佛的使命及身份认同之基础。广泛接触不同方能培养创造力、挑战既有的假定,使得推进知识成为可能,而这正是我们教育使命的核心。我们必须创造一个开放包容的校园环境,激发我们社区中所有成员的归属感。前路阻长,匹夫与有责焉。
Harvard has the tradition of taking an interest in politics. After Trump was elected, the whole campus was soaked in low spirits. Emails were sent out to call on people to stay together, unite and stick to their shared political beliefs. And in that afternoon, people marched across the campus to protest against Trump. The university's President Faust invited people on campus to give and listen to public speeches entitled "Inclusion and Belonging" at the Memorial Hall. She said: "Diversity, inclusion, and belonging are fundamental to Harvard’s mission and identity. Exposure to difference fosters creativity, challenges settled assumptions, and helps make possible the advancement of knowledge central to our educational mission. We must create an open and inclusive campus environment that inspires a sense of belonging for all members of our community. The work ahead belongs to all of us."
社会学系里教授们的研究依我看归结起来就是围绕不公平这个核心分三块。第一是研究各种不公平,“inequality” 与其他变量各种交叉——阶层不公、种族歧视、 性别不平等、家庭不公、性别不平等与家庭关系、都市贫困、少数族裔、国际移民等等,其他的什么文化社会学、社会网络研究也内含了社会阶层再生产的批判主题。第二块是研究改变不公平,比如社会运动、政治暴力、社会政策、第三部门等等,就连看似去政治化的公司内部多样性研究最后也是结论表明多样性有助于组织绩效提升而不仅是社会公平问题哦所以CEO们你们要多招聘黑人、移民、女性……如此可见一斑。第三块是研究方法和工具:认识论、定量方法、定性/量混合方法,——这算是教学生如何研究“不公”嘛。
Research in the Sociology Department reflects the central theme of inequality. To some extent, their fields can be divided into three categories. First, inequality is treated as the dependent or independent variable. People explore various inequalities, such as inequality and class, gender inequality, inequality in family, urban poverty, racial and ethnic discrimination, etc. Second, people study how to change inequality, such as social movements, political violence, social policy and the third sector. Third, people study methodology, including qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods, which can be interpreted as to teach students how to study inequality!
学生们也如此。学生们的选题受老师们的影响,作为外来、少数族裔、女性、带娃、公交出行的我,每年都会被系里一些课程上的学生选中做访谈。(啊我太弱势了!)理论课上有个爱笑的小个子黑人女生Victoria无论讨论哪章哪节什么主题,她总会扯到黑人被歧视、如何苦大仇深的话题上去。某天我就问她:你总提这个话题,想过别人可能会烦吗?她笑说:我知道啊。但是我就是黑人,我必须为我的种族不停地去呼吁。我说:你看看这班上,女生3/4,黑人1/2了,黑人真的还在被歧视吗?她又笑说:不,你不能看我们,我们是少数的幸运者,我不能因为自己这么幸运就忘记了还有那么多我的同胞在很多方面被排斥。为了他们我会一直呼吁、战斗下去。我侧目说:Wow, 我是不是见到了年轻的Michelle Obama? 她笑: I try to be.
Students’ research interests are influenced by their professors. As an immigrant, woman, minority, parent with a kid, and someone who commutes by bus, I was often picked as an interviewee for the students' course papers. I am also impressed by a black girl in sociological theory class who kept mentioning racial discrimination and the social exclusion for the blacks. I once asked her,"Have you ever realized people may feel annoyed by you always talking about this?" She laughed and said, "I know, but that’s what I should pay for my ideal. I will never stop speaking up for my own race. The situation has changed but not so big. And I am just one of the very few lucky ones."