专栏名称: 会计学术联盟
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会计学术联盟  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-12-06 00:42







中国会计学者国际发文系列推文 栏目,每周盘点发表在国际会计、财务、审计、经管SSCI期刊上中国题材的文章,以期为广大朋友学习有所参考。

1.Religion and the Method of Earnings Management: Evidence from China

Guilong Cai,
Business School,
Sun Yat-Sen University , Guangzhou, 510275, China

Wenfei Li
School of Economics and Statistics,
Guangzhou University, Guangzhou, 510006, China

Zhenyang Tang
Graduate School of Management, Clark University, Worcester, MA, 01610, USA

Journal of Business Ethics , volume 161, pages71–90(2020)

Abstract:Previous studies argue that religious firms are more ethical and thus engage less in accrual earnings management. At odds with the ethical view, we use a sample of Chinese listed firms and show that firms in religious regions use more real earnings management. We postulate that besides ethics, religion also proxies for risk aversion, which motivates firms to substitute accrual earnings management with real earnings management. Consistent with this view, we show that the positive (negative) association between religiosity and real (accrual) earnings management is more pronounced for firms with lower litigation risk and for firms with less reputable auditors. In addition, we use a mediation model introduced by Baron and Kenny (J Pers Soc Psychol 51(6):1173–1182, 1986) to show that religiosity affects earnings management through the channel of risk aversion. We conclude that firms choose real earnings management over accrual-based earnings management because of risk aversion, rather than ethical reasons.

2.GDP growth incentives and earnings management: evidence from China

Xia Chen, Qiang Cheng
Singapore Management University, Singapore, Singapore

Ying Hao
Beijing Normal University , Beijing, China

Qiang Liu
Zhejiang University , Zhejiang, Hangzhou, China
Review of Accounting Studies ,volume 25, pages1002–1039(2020)

Abstract: Using data from China, we examine whether and how the incentive to boost GDP growth at the government level affects earnings management at the firm level. We find that firms in provinces with GDP growth lower than the national level or the average of the adjacent provinces are more likely to engage in earnings management than firms in other provinces. Specifically, they are more likely to inflate revenues, overproduce, and delay asset impairment losses. The aggregate earnings management induced by GDP growth incentives accounts for about 0.5% of GDP. The results are stronger for local state-owned enterprises, in provinces with a lower level of marketization, for firms in provinces with younger governors, and in the years immediately prior to the turnover of provincial officials. Overall, this paper provides systematic evidence on how firms engage in earnings management to boost the GDP growth in their provinces.

3.Financial distress, internal control, and earnings management: Evidence from China

Yuan hui Li;Xiao Li
School of Economics and Management,
Beijing Jiaotong University , Beijing, 100044, PR China

Erwei Xiang,HadrianGeri  Djajadikerta
School of Business and Law, Edith Cowan University, Joondalup, WA, 6027, Australia

Journal of Contemporary Accounting & Economics
Volume 16, Issue 3, December 2020, 100210

Abstract: Using a sample of listed firms in China during the period of 2007–2015, this paper investigates how financial distress influences the choice of earnings management methods and how internal control quality moderates the above relation. This paper finds that financially distressed firms tend to undertake more accrual earnings management and less real earnings management. Internal control exerts a moderation effect on the relation between financial distress and earnings management by restraining both accrual and real earnings management. This study provides additional insights into earnings management and internal control in financially distressed firms, particularly from the perspective of an emerging economy.




2020年12月2日, 受北京石油化工学院会计系主任李海萍教授邀请, 会计学术联盟联合发起人青年学者石河子大学会计系主任吴昊旻教授、北京交通大学李高波博士一行到我校指导交流,为经济管理学院青年教师、工商管理硕士研究生做学术报告。经济管理学院院长景永平、书记冀学森、副院长刘卫国、王风云参加了此次交流活动。


吴昊旻教授做了“实证研究方法论:写作视角逻辑、方法兼论人文社科教育”主题讲座 ,将实证研究方法论与中国传统文化、人文社科教育、人文思辨培养等紧密结合,言语间蕴含着深厚的传统文化底蕴、科学态度、研究思维,彰显了研究学者的科学精神与人文精神。

李高波博士做了“实证会计前沿跟踪体会”主题报告 ,从如何跟踪国外内热点、怎样判断一篇好文献、如何选题、怎样研读一篇前沿文献等角度进行了详细的讲解。


会计学术联盟,是一群有朝气,有活力,有理想,有追求,正能量满满的“年轻博士”联合发起的高端交流平台。以“传播会计前辈思想,引领青年一代成长 ”为己任,从回归人本性的视角,探索交友与做人,倡导建立大会计金融生态圈(平台),为服务有缘人成长,成全他人,成就自己,整合资源,服务社会!基于全球最大的华人会计博士社群,成立了 “百人会计博士服务团” ,选派优秀博士代表参加应邀单位的学术交流活动,高水平论文、国家科研课题分享活动,会计学术联盟Seminar和学术年会。



会计学术联盟,是一群有朝气,有活力,有理想,有追求,正能量满满的“年轻人”组成的成长共同体。以“ 传播会计前辈思想,引领青年一代成长 ”为己任,从回归人本性的视角,探索交友与做人,倡导建立大会计金融生态圈(平台),服务有缘人成长,成全他人,成就自己,整合资源,服务社会!

会计学术联盟不仅仅是一个微信公众号 (ID:KJXSLM,关注人数近140000人) ,她是以微信公众号为媒体,传播信息,整合资源的高端交流平台。承担着为有缘会计人成长服务的历史使命!


1.公众号推文 :科研学习,文献速递,硕博招生,求职招聘,学术会议,热点关注,成长训练营等。

2.线下会议: 已联合举办四届会计学术年会,16期会计学术Seminar,一届会计教育创新论坛,两届齐鲁会计论坛。

3.线上直播: 实证会计Stata训练营( 已成功举办四期 );优秀会计学子科研成长暑期训练营 (已举办两届); 国家社科、自科经验交流会;会计核心期刊经验交流会;会计考研经验分享;会计考博经验分享。

4.线上社群: 联盟旗下有200多个社群,30000余人, 顶级群有全球会计院长/系主任联谊平台(462人);华人高端会计金融学者群(525人) ;财务总监百人慧.能量场群(173人);中华会计博士群(776人);中国高校会计教师联盟群(1025人);还有硕士群,CPA学习群,会员群…

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