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7.14 早读 | 大自然试炼了我,浇筑了我的灵魂,铸就了我的命运

TeacherGwen  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-14 07:00


今天是Gwen陪你早读的第 3154 天哦!

7.14 早读

Every legend has a beginning. I was born without a crown, an orphan with no Royal Blood. The wild tested me, shaped my spirit and molded my destiny.


Circle Of Life - Hans Zimmer







1. You don't know who you are until you're tested, until you fight for what you believe in, because that defines who you are.

you are词间元元连读以(  )音连接:

A /j/  B /r/ C /w/

2. I was walking in the woods one day,

Trying to keep the ghosts at bay.

Then I thought I saw your face,

but it was just leaves.

keep the ghosts at bay的含义为:

A 让鬼魂远离海湾 B 阻止鬼魂靠近

3. Time is way too precious to be spending it with people that don't make you feel your best.


A n. 方法    B n. 路线,道路 C adv. 非常,极其

4. The only real failure is the failure to try. And the measure of success is how we cope with disappointment.

disappointment包含(  )个音节,重音在第(  )音节上:

A 4,3 B 4,2    C 5,3

5. Have we not each experienced a sensation that a beautiful moment seemed to pass too quickly and wished that we could make it linger?

句中最多包含(  )处连读:

A 5 B 6 C 7
