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新作 × 谷腾 | CEN · House

室内设计联盟网  · 公众号  ·  · 2025-02-20 14:00




当艺术与生活空间相融合,谷腾带着他独有的设计哲学,在新作CEN · House中探索优雅与时尚的共生之道,开启一场独特的设计之旅。

设计师谷腾,三谷设计的创始人兼总设计师,江湖人称“老谷”,是首位获得iF最高荣誉的华人设计师。 谷腾设计的案例数不胜数,他的设计常在轻与重、人与场景、传统与现代之间寻求到一种恰适的平衡。
Design Gu , founder and chief designer of Sangu Design, known as "Old Valley", is the first Chinese designer to win the highest honor of iF. There are countless cases of Gu Teng's design, and his design often seeks a proper balance between light and heavy, people and scenes, tradition and modernity.

Jean Nouvel 让.努维尔 / 建筑师"法国"
ll presidente di fiera Milano / Maria / 意大利米兰展主席
Super potato 新谷典彦 /  设计师"日本超级土豆"

“ 直觉是最准的, 而且是最好的 ”
"Intuition is the most accurate and the best."
Design Gu | ing 2025 -
▲ 原始照片 · 原始平面图
▲ 设计细节
Do not pay attention to the degree of beauty of the design scheme, but to be beautiful and reasonable.
—— 谷 腾
谷腾 认为设计师的工作是一项积极介入到空间与时空中的行动,它一方面针对空间的现状、特征和问题展开设计工作,另一方面在时间的磨砺和沉淀当中,建构设计的时空关系、社会意义和未来价值。

Gu Teng believes that the designer's work is an action actively involved in space and time. On the one hand, it carries out design work according to the status quo, characteristics and problems of space; on the other hand, it constructs the relationship between space and time, social significance and future value of design in the process of sharpening and precipitation of time.

"Problem solving is always Old Valley's first consideration," and this is the most valuable part of the design.

▲ 设计细节
In his philosophy, design has always been more than the discussion of aesthetics, he is tired of the discourse mode of talking about design, and he wants to find the vast field beyond the boundaries of design, indulging in "practice and adventure" to inspire "design itself" "beyond design".
"Crossing the boundary is not an attempt, the world is not short of novelty, cross the depth, the boundary must finish."
—— 谷 腾
▲ 谷腾 广州.IGC nooof 对错研究室
三谷设计 | 众象控股
创始人 . 总设计师 | 谷 腾
传媒管理 | GeGe (V)    GEGU9999
商务管理 | GeGe (T)    19120061119
IP   产品 | Raison 旭升 谷腾

户型优化 | 私人住宅 “简屋”

参与设计 | 1、胡伟坚(CCD总裁);2、谷腾;3、老K

▲ “简屋” 原始图
▲ “简屋” 之 胡伟坚(CCD总裁)
▲ “简屋” 之 谷腾
