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CoinMeet将重磅亮相韩国COINNEST Association Meetup

数字货币沙龙  · 公众号  · 比特币  · 2018-03-08 19:30



Breaking News!


This month destined to be extraordinary!


CoinMeet将于3月13日参加在韩国首尔举办的COINNEST Association Meetup见面会,而这将是CoinMeet的第一次Meet-up!

CoinMeet will be attending the COINNEST Association Meetup in Seoul, Korea on March 13, and this will be CoinMeet's first Meet-up!


地址:韩国首尔江南区新沙洞CGV清潭 3F M CUBE


Time: March 13 at 3 pm

Address: Seoul, Gangnam-gu Shinsa-dong  CGV Cheongdam 3F M CUBE


这场由COINNEST举办的COINNEST CAMUP活动将是一个为独特而炫酷的创业项目、投资者、企业家、区块链爱好者所举办的区块链聚会! 本次Meet-up的主题为“the Moment of Dream”! 会议将围绕“区块链技术介绍,前景和发展”等议题来进行探讨。

This COINNEST CAMUP event, organized by COINNEST, will be a blockchain party for unique and cool startups, investors, entrepreneurs and blockchain mania! The theme of this Meet-up is "the Moment of Dream!" And the meeting will focus on the issue like"blockchain technology introduction, prospects and roadmap" and so on.

ardano,VeChain,Celsius和Emurgo的项目方将与CoinMeet一起高调亮相! 据悉,本次大会将会有数十万海外和韩国本地用户参与互动直播,阵容可谓是十分强大了!

CoinMeet, ardano, VeChain, Celsius and Emurgo will be unveiled on that day! There will be hundreds of thousands users in this conference participating in live.


As the official partner of the meetup, CoinMeet will discuss and share the future direction and application of the blockchain, and there will be Q&A for all partners!


Welcome to give us your continuous attention and applause to support CoinMeet!


That's AWSOME!! lol !  And there is still another thing to announce.


3月14-15日,韩国首尔,CoinMeet又要忍不住高调了———参加万众瞩目的 2018 TOKENSKY区块链大会! 本次大会 将是至今为止最专业的TOKEN经济和区块链行业大会!

There is another grand event for CoinMeet on March 14-15, Seoul, South Korea: The 2018 TOKENSKY Blockchain Conference !

本届大会以“TOKEN 改变世界”为主题 ,汇聚全球20多个国家,100多位区块链及token领域领袖级嘉宾到场,500多家区块链产业上下游相关企业,100多家财经类专业媒体出席,参加会议人数将超过10000人次。大家将集聚首尔,共同探讨区块链世界面临的各种问题...

With the theme of "TOKEN changes the world", this conference brings over 10,000 attendees, over 20 countries, a100 leading guests in the blockchain and token areas, over 500 enterprises in the blockchain industry and more than 100 finance and economics professional media. All of them will get together in Seoul to discuss various issues that blockchain facing now...
