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唧唧堂  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-12-26 13:11


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解析作者 | 唧唧堂管理学研究小组: 牧然
审校 | 唧唧堂管理学研究小组: 明月奴
推送编辑 | 悠悠



Abstract:Petricevich and Teece's (2019) article on the reshaping of globalization raises profound issues on the theory and empirics of international business. The fracture in the world economy between the USA and China is the result of Government policy, but its relationship to rising VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity) elements in globalization is more complex than simple policy changes. This paper suggests that a reappraisal of theory is required, not least because of the eruption of Covid-19, but that internalization theory is the best source of theoretical restructuring in the face of the new empirical realities facing the global economy.

参考文献:Buckley, P. J. (2020). The theory and empirics of the structural reshaping of globalization. Journal of International Business Studies, 51(6): 13. doi:10.1057/s41267-020-00355-5

2. 吸收能力、社会支持机制和从反复试错实验中学习的作用:向Dan Levinthal对国际商务研究的贡献致敬

摘要:公司吸收能力的概念(Cohen和Levinthal,1989,1990)是组织学习和适应的基本特征,对于国际商务(IB)、创新研究和管理研究具有重大影响。在向Dan Levinthal致敬的同时,我们讨论了其研究中的两个核心领域,即吸收能力和学习之间的紧密联系,并将吸收能力在当下国际商务研究中起作用的不同情境相联系。我们在国际商务的情境下讨论了吸收能力和学习之间联系的四个具体方面:(1)企业内部和企业间学习的桥梁;(2)基于常规的吸收能力框架,强调在全球背景下寻求、吸收和创新的过程和能力;(3)社会支持机制的作用;以及(4)在公司和国家内部通过反复试错实验进行学习的逻辑。

Abstract:The concept of absorptive capacity (AC) of firms (Cohen and Levinthal 1989 and 1990) is a foundational feature of organizational learning and adaptation that has had enormous influence in international business (IB), and innovation studies and management research in general. In this tribute to Dan Levinthal, we discuss the close connection between AC and learning - two areas central to Dan Levinthal's research - in relation to different contexts where AC comes into play in extant IB research. We discuss four specific aspects of the nexus of AC and learning in the context of IB: (1) bridging between intra- and inter-firm learning; (2) a routine-based framing of AC that emphasizes processes and capabilities underlying seeking, assimilating, and innovation in a global setting; (3) the role of socially enabling mechanisms, and (4) the logic of learning through trial and error experiments within firms and countries.

参考文献:Lewin, A. Y., Massini, S., & Peeters, C. (2020). Absorptive capacity, socially enabling mechanisms, and the role of learning from trial and error experiments: A tribute to Dan Levinthal's contribution to international business research. Journal of International Business Studies, 51(6): 12. doi:10.1057/s41267-020-00354-6

3. 多国家、投资组合多元化与跨国公司绩效不对称:实物期权意识的调节作用


Abstract:The field of international business is fundamentally concerned with the implications of managerial actions that affect multinational risk and performance outcomes. While portfolio diversification and real options theory are often used to describe the outcomes of multinational investment, existing work often confuses the actions and predictions proposed by these theories. This is concerning, as the two theories emphasize different causal mechanisms, managerial actions, and conceptions of risk and performance. Whereas portfolio theory argues that passive management affects symmetric outcomes, such as variance in returns by attaining a well-diversified portfolio, real options theory posits that managers actively shift subsidiary resources to affect asymmetric outcomes, such as upside potential or downside risk by monitoring and responding to environmental changes affecting the portfolio. This paper disentangles these two theories by focusing on unique predictions from real options theory - that geographic dispersion of MNE activities is associated with asymmetric outcomes, that this association is contingent on management being aware of real options logic, and that these effects are moderated by the degree of market uncertainty. Our findings confirm these predictions and suggest differences in the types of managerial strategies and actions required to effectively implement these distinct theories of the MNE.

参考文献:Ioulianou, S. P., Leiblein, M. J., & Trigeorgis, L. (2020). Multinationality, portfolio diversification, and asymmetric MNE performance: The moderating role of real options awareness. Journal of International Business Studies, 51(6): 21. doi:10.1057/s41267-020-00357-3

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4. 外派人员文化智力对组织嵌入性和知识共享的影响:东道国情境的调节效应

摘要:这项研究加深了我们对文化智力(cultural intelligence)影响的情境化理解。借鉴特质激活理论和制度理论,我们提出了一个多层次模型,表明了东道国对外国人的非正式和正式开放如何促进或阻碍外派人员文化智力嵌入东道国组织的重要性。进一步地,本研究将组织嵌入性设定为外派人员文化智力和外派人员工作的核心要素(在国外工作场所中的知识共享)二者间的中介变量。来自100个不同国家的1327名外派人员在30个东道国的交叉滞后结果,并结合二手资料表明,外派人员的文化智力与组织嵌入性呈正相关。跨层交互作用分析则进一步表明,作为东道国对外国人的非正式开放的代理变量,群体集体主义加强了文化智力作为对外派人员组织嵌入性预测的重要性。相反地,并未发现文化智力与作为东道国对外国人的正式开放的代理变量,例如国家移民政策间的交互作用。与预测相一致,我们发现文化智力与知识共享正相关,且组织嵌入性具有间接影响。我们也讨论了对于理论和实践的启示。

Abstract:This study advances our understanding of the contextualization of the effects of cultural intelligence (CQ). Drawing from trait activation theory and institutional theory, we develop a multi-level model showing how host countries' informal and formal openness towards foreigners facilitate or constrain the importance of expatriates' CQ in becoming embedded in the host organization. Furthermore, this study positions organizational embeddedness as a mediator in the association between expatriates' CQ and a central element of expatriates' jobs - knowledge sharing in the foreign workplace. Results from a cross-lagged survey of 1327 expatriates from 100 different nations residing in 30 host countries combined with secondary data indicate expatriate CQ relates positively to organizational embeddedness. Cross-level interaction analyses further suggest that in-group collectivism, the proxy for host countries' informal openness towards foreigners, facilitates the importance of CQ as a predictor of expatriates' organizational embeddedness. In contrast, CQ was not found to interact with the proxy for host countries' formal openness towards foreigners, i.e. national immigration policies. Consistent with predictions, we identified that CQ relates positively to knowledge sharing and that organizational embeddedness carries an indirect effect. We discuss the implications for theory and practice.

参考文献:Stoermer, S., Davies, S., & Froese, F. J. (2020). The influence of expatriate cultural intelligence on organizational embeddedness and knowledge sharing: The moderating effects of host country context. Journal of International Business Studies, 51(6): 22. doi:10.1057/s41267-020-00349-3

5. 风险投资公司从国际财团中获益了吗?


Abstract:This paper examines the benefits of syndicating with foreign venture capital (VC) firms for domestic VC firms in emerging markets. We find that the VC firms that are domestic to their invested companies and previously syndicated with foreign partners invest proportionately more frequently in riskier ventures. After gaining syndication experience with foreign VC firms, a larger number of their portfolio companies are successfully exited, thereby suggesting improved performance. We hypothesize that this outcome is due to the organizational learning effects. While the previous research has shown benefits for foreign VC firms, our results show that domestic VC firms also benefit from international syndication through improved investments.

参考文献:Khurshed, A., Mohamed, A., Schwienbacher, A., & Wang, F. (2020). Do venture capital firms benefit from international syndicates? Journal of International Business Studies, 51(6): 986-1007. doi:10.1057/s41267-019-00296-8

6. 国家间的消费趋同:测量、原因及后果


Abstract:Are consumers across countries becoming more similar over time in terms of their spending across product categories? If so, what are the antecedents and consequences of convergence in consumption? These questions are of interest to scholars and managers alike. To examine them, we propose a novel empirical framework that encompasses: (1) a new measure of consumption convergence (budget allocation gap), and (2) an econometric model that links consumption convergence to its antecedents and consequences of convergence. Our empirical analyses - using data from 71 countries in 21 product categories between 1990 and 2017 - suggest that, overall, consumption patterns have been converging across countries. Yet, the speed of consumption convergence has been decelerating over time. We also show that consumption convergence is influenced by several previously unexplored antecedents, including technological advances, inward trade openness, and ethnic diversity. Of direct interest to managers and policymakers is the finding that the higher the level of consumption convergence, the higher the market concentration. These findings offer key implications for scholars, managers, and policymakers regarding global marketing strategy and audit, global demand forecasting, international market segmentation and penetration, and global competition.

参考文献:Ozturk, A., Cavusgil, S. T., & Ozturk, O. C. (2020). Consumption convergence across countries: measurement, antecedents, and consequences. Journal of International Business Studies, 51(6): 16. doi:10.1057/s41267-020-00334-w

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7. 国际商务研究中的方法论实践:挑战与解决方案的事后回顾


Abstract:We combine after-action review and needs-assessment frameworks to describe the four most pervasive contemporary methodological challenges faced by international business (IB) researchers, as identified by authors of Journal of International Business Studies articles: Psychometrically deficient measures (mentioned in 73% of articles), idiosyncratic samples or contexts (mentioned in 62.2% of articles), less-than-ideal research designs (mentioned in 62.2% of articles), and insufficient evidence about causal relations (mentioned in 8.1% of articles). Then, we offer solutions to address these challenges: demonstrating why and how the conceptualization of a construct is accurate given a particular context, specifying whether constructs are reflective or formative, taking advantage of the existence of multiple indicators to measure multi-dimensional constructs, using particular samples and contexts as vehicles for theorizing and further theory development, seeking out particular samples or contexts where hypotheses are more or less likely to be supported empirically, using Big Data techniques to take advantage of untapped sources of information and to re-analyze currently available data, implementing quasi-experiments, and conducting necessary-condition analysis. Our article aims to advance IB theory by tackling the most typical methodological challenges and is intended for researchers, reviewers and editors, research consumers, and instructors who are training the next generation of scholars.

参考文献:Aguinis, H., Ramani, R. S., & Cascio, W. F. (2020). Methodological practices in international business research: An after-action review of challenges and solutions. Journal of International Business Studies, 51(6): 16. doi:10.1057/s41267-020-00353-7


摘要:跨国公司内部知识转移是竞争优势的一个来源。然而,我们对返回总部后人员在逆向知识转移过程中所起的作用却知之甚少。基于组织嵌入视角,我们将人员外派工作期间及返回总部后的嵌入适合度(embeddedness fit),即个体的知识和技能与其岗位要求之间的认知匹配,如何预测回国后的知识转移进行概念化。为检验假设,我们从129名返回人员及他们的主管处收集了多轮调查数据,并开发出了一个返回人员知识转移量表。结果表明,人员感知到来自总部的支持对于其外派期间在东道国公司以及返回后在总部的嵌入适合度均具有正向影响。进一步地,回国后在总部的嵌入适合度对知识转移具有直接影响,而外派期间在东道国公司的嵌入适合度对返回后的知识转移具有间接影响,且这种间接影响是通过与前东道国公司沟通频率的增加而起作用的。此外,我们还发现对于回国后在总部具有更高的嵌入适合度以及与前东道国公司同事有更频繁交流的人员来说,知识转移会更为明显。研究结果强调了帮助外派人员增加对嵌入适合度的感知以实现逆向知识转移的重要性。

Abstract:Knowledge transfer within multinational enterprises is a source of competitive advantage. However, we know little about repatriates' role in reverse knowledge transfer upon their return to headquarters (HQ). Using an organizational embeddedness perspective, we conceptualized how embeddedness fit - individuals' perceived match between their knowledge and skills and the job requirements - during the expatriation assignment and upon repatriation predicts repatriate knowledge transfer. To test the hypotheses, we collected multi-wave survey data from 129 repatriates and their supervisors and developed a repatriate knowledge transfer scale. The results show that perceived organizational support from HQ positively influences embeddedness fit, both in the host unit during expatriation and in the HQ upon repatriation. Further, embeddedness fit in the HQ upon repatriation has a direct effect, while embeddedness fit in the host unit during expatriation has an indirect effect on repatriate knowledge transfer via increased communication frequency with the former host unit. In addition, we found that knowledge transfer is particularly pronounced for repatriates with both high levels of embeddedness fit in the HQ upon repatriation and frequent communication with colleagues in their former host unit. Our results highlight the critical importance of helping expatriates increase their perceived embeddedness fit for reverse knowledge transfer to occur.

参考文献:Froese, F. J., Stoermer, S., Reiche, B. S., & Klar, S. (2020). Best of both worlds: How embeddedness fit in the host unit and the headquarters improve repatriate knowledge transfer. Journal of International Business Studies, 51(6): 19. doi:10.1057/s41267-020-00356-4

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Abstract:As a counterpoint to Prashantham and Birkinshaw, I present an alternative model of MNE-SME cooperation where either type of firms can take the role of content provider or distributor. I argue that MNEs will interact with SMEs when there are differences in optimal scale between the content creation and distribution stages of the value chain, and it is not feasible or efficient for either party to vertically integrate between these two stages. I then build two 2 x 2 bundling models, one in which the SME provides content and the MNE distributes it, and another with the reverse configuration. In these 2 x 2s the axes are the transactional properties of the two complementary inputs, content and distribution, that MNEs and SMEs bundle to create value. I show that these models can explain the forms taken by MNE-SME cooperation and their dynamics.

参考文献:Hennart, J. F. (2020). More than intent: A bundling model of MNE-SME interactions. Journal of International Business Studies, 51(6): 19. doi:10.1057/s41267-020-00352-8

