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你疯了吗?| David Allen @ TEDx

GTDAsia搞定  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-06-29 12:00


大多数人试图管理他们的大部分生活,并在他们将一切都在大脑中处理掉,但你的大脑是一个糟糕的办公室!最近的认知科学研究已经证明了大脑的记忆,提醒和优先顺序的局限性。在这个幽默的演讲中, David 强调了我们需要一个 外部大脑 ,通过它来提醒你要做的任何事情,为更多的创造力,直觉思维提供空间。 Daivd Allen 是世界上最有影响力的生产力思想家之一。他获得了 Fast Company 杂志的 个人生产力大师 称号,也是 福布斯 杂志评选的美国五大管理教练之一。美国管理协会将他列为前十名商界领袖。他的畅销书 搞定:无压力生产力的艺术 已出版了三十种语言,其方法论已成为全球通用方法。 David 致力于教人们如何在快节奏的世界中保持轻松和高效。这次演讲是在 TEDx 上使用 TED 会议形式进行的,由当地社区独立组织。

Most people are trying to manage much of their life and work in their minds, but your head is a lousy office! Recent cognitive science research has proven its limitations for remembering, reminding, and prioritizing. In this humorous talk Allen emphasizes the need to keep track of any and every thing that we need to be reminded of in an "external brain," making room for more creativity, intuitive thinking, and just being present.  David Allen is one of the world’s most influential thinkers on productivity. He has earned the titles of “personal productivity guru” by Fast Company Magazine and one of America’s top 5 executive coaches by Forbes Magazine. The American Management Association has ranked him in the top ten business leaders. His bestselling book ‘Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity’ has been published in thirty languages and its methodology has become a global phenomenon. David is dedicated to teaching people how to stay relaxed and productive in our fast paced world. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.
