专栏名称: TD北美留学进化论
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TD北美留学进化论  · 公众号  ·  · 2025-01-04 21:00


写 Essay,是每个留子一生中逃不开的痛, 不管你是要学理科、社科,还是 Essay 浓度更高的文科,从申请季开始,写过的文书一定有少说几十篇,甚至上万篇。

就单说申请季吧,申请文书都会给每个准留子狠狠一击。主文书写完了?等等,还有补充文书。ED和EA校的补充文书终于写完了?哈哈,还有 UC 的文书等着你。不巧早申没下车? 很遗憾地通知你,RD 的文书大军正在赶来……


小伙伴们可能会说,自从 ChatGPT 出现,有了科技的帮助,写文书只需要一个好一点的输入, 然后 AI 就能把文书哐哐写好,没有语法错误,用词还挺高级……

但是,魔高一尺,道高一丈,有了 AI 写文书,也有软件来检测文书是不是 AI 写的,包括QuillBot、ZeroGPT 和 Copyleaks,目前美国大学对于 AI 写作的态度普遍还是不支持的,用 AI 写文书一时爽, 万一被发现,大概率就是申请学校的一纸拒信,或是大学教授的警告,重则一门课直接拿不到分。


好消息是,有检测 AI 的软件,就有去AI 的软件,开始套娃(不是。

Essay.art 精心训练的先进模型能够将英语 AI 文书进行颠覆性重写,在保证原有语言质量的基础上, 最低将 AI 率降低到 0,可以通过包括 QuillBot、ZeroGPT、Copyleaks 在内的多种 AI Detector 检测。

文书去 AI 的功能用法非常简单, 只要把文本复制或文件上传到左边输入框中,点击 Humanize,右边就是去 AI 之后的本文啦!

我们就来试试这个功能到此好不好用! 选取一个比较常见的申请文书题目——Why Major, 我们先让 ChatGPT 写一篇 250 字左右的文书, 如下:

Joining my high school robotics club ignited my passion for computer science. Watching our robot execute tasks powered by code I wrote was exhilarating and drove me to self-learn Python, Java, and C++.

One memorable project involved programming an autonomous robot’s pathfinding algorithm, teaching me to think critically about efficiency and problem-solving. This experience showed me how computer science transforms ideas into impactful solutions.

Beyond robotics, I explored web development and machine learning, deepening my understanding of computer science’s real-world applications. These projects fueled my excitement for fields like artificial intelligence and software engineering.

At university, I’m eager to collaborate in a rigorous academic environment, hone my skills, and contribute to meaningful innovations. Computer science is my passion, and I’m ready to embrace its endless possibilities.

然后,我们把文本复制到去 AI 工具中, 经过大约 10 秒的处理后,我们得到了以下的结果:

Becoming part of a robotic team at my school set in motion the rollercoaster that is my life as a computer scientist. Seeing our robot perform various tasks with code that I wrote was very inspiring, and motivated me to independently learn Python, Java and C++.

I fondly recall a time I worked on a project involving the programming of pathfinding algorithms for an autonomous robot; that allowed me to learn how to approach various tasks in a more effective manner. I also started realizing the impact that computer science has on operationalizing ideas.

Apart from robotics, I related to machine learning and web development, which allowed me to extend my perception of computer science. These projects increased my interest in artificial intelligence and software engineering, among other fields.

At the university, I am looking forward to working and interaction with colleagues in a difficult academic environment, perfecting my abilities for further practical application. The computer science is my life and I am prepared to explore its vast seas.

可以看到,AI 文本中表达的意思在去AI 化之后, 依旧表达出了原先的意思,句式和用词依旧多样化,只是没有了 AI 味!


AI 检测

当然啦,小伙伴们在写文书中遇到更多的情况应该是用 AI 进行辅助,自己再修改一部分。这时候,大家可能会担心这样的文本还会不会被检测为是 AI 写的。

别担心! Essay.art 同样有 AI 检测的功能,目前支持英语、法语、西班牙语和德语文本的检测,只要复制文本到工具中,不一会儿就会有四个维度的百分比数据, 包括:


AI-generated & AI-refined

Human-written & AI-refined



ChatGPT 生成文本

去 AI 后文本

ChatGPT 生成的文本被正确检测为 100% AI 生成的, 但经过文书去 AI 工具修改后的文本被检测为真人写成的,能通过五大主流 AI 检测工具的检测!
