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【Applied Energy最新原创论文】面向碳中和的电动汽车热泵低GWP制冷剂全生命周期气候性能评估

AEii国际应用能源  · 公众号  ·  · 2023-11-26 18:30



Life cycle climate performance evaluation (LCCP) of electric vehicle heat pumps using low-GWP refrigerants towards China’s carbon neutrality







• 全国范围来看,R290制冷剂表现出较低的全生命周期排放;

• 自2020年至2060年,采用低GWP制冷剂的电动汽车热泵最高可节省1450 Mton 当量二氧化碳排放。


采用低全球变暖潜能值(GWP)制冷剂的环保型热泵,如 R1234yf、CO 2 、R290和其他潜在的制冷剂混合物,对于电动汽车降能耗、延长续航里程越来越重要,也有助于从直接和间接两个方面全面减少新能源汽车碳排放。以往,对于传统内燃机汽车空调系统的环境影响评价,全生命周期气候性能(LCCP)是评估系统 "从摇篮到坟墓 "碳足迹的一个广为接受的指标,然而,新能源汽车热泵与传统内燃机汽车空调存在显著区别,目前尚缺少适用于新能源汽车热泵的LCCP评估模型。为了帮助电动汽车行业和相关政策制定者更好地了解低GWP制冷剂热泵系统对环境的综合影响,本研究根据实车运行数据、热泵系统台架测试结果、区域气候、地区供电特性、驾驶模式、汽车座舱热感觉、热舒适和制冷、制热负荷,对电动汽车热泵进行了全面的 LCCP 分析。针对中国大陆 31个省市,我们将五种低GWP制冷剂,R1234yf、CO 2 、R290、CO 2 / R41二元混合物(GWP值为 49)、M2(R410A 替代品,GWP为 137),与目前广泛使用的高GWP制冷剂R134a 和 R410A 进行了比较。我们还考虑了未来电动汽车渗透率和 2020年至2060年电力碳排放强度的影响。结果表明,单辆车生命周期总排放量与不同省份的气候条件高度相关,其中R290制冷剂的全国平均排放量最低。根据目前的电力碳排放强度变化趋势,预计到2030年,全国平均每辆车的生命周期排放量将减少14%,到2060 年将减少45.4%。在电动汽车中使用低GWP值的热泵技术具有非常显著的减排效益,从2020年到2060年,所有车辆的累计排放量有望减少高达 14.5亿吨当量二氧化碳排放。

更多关于"Life cycle climate performance“的研究请见:


Abstr act

The environmental-friendly heat pump with low global warming potential (GWP), such as R1234yf, CO 2 , R290, and several potentially promising refrigerant mixtures, is increasingly essential for the electric vehicle (EV) to save energy consumption and extend the driving range. It is beneficial to achieve carbon neutrality by reducing both direct and indirect carbon emissions. Previously, the life cycle climate performance (LCCP) was a widely accepted metric to evaluate the carbon footprint of mobile air conditioning systems “from cradle to grave” for the internal combustion engine vehicle (ICEV), however, such LCCP analyses about EV heat pumps can hardly be found. To facilitate the EV industry and policymakers' better understanding of the environmental impacts of those low-GWP refrigerants, this study provided a comprehensive LCCP analysis for the EV heat pumps based on the system bench test results, local climates, local power supply characteristics, real-world driving patterns, vehicle cabin thermal sensation, and climate control load. Five low-GWP refrigerants, i.e., R1234yf, CO 2 , R290, binary blends of CO 2 and R41 (with GWP values of 49), M2 (R410A substitute with GWP values of 137), were compared against R134a and R410A in 31 provinces of the Chinese Mainland . We also considered the impacts of electric vehicle adoption rates and the carbon intensity of electricity from 2020 to 2060. Results show that the total life-cycle emissions per vehicle are highly related to climate conditions in different provinces, while R290 shows the lowest emission on the national average. The national mean life-cycle emissions per vehicle are projected to decrease 14% by 2030 and 45.4% by 2060 under the current technological trajectory of electricity generation. By using low-GWP heat pump systems in EVs, the cumulative emissions counting all vehicles can be saved up to 1450 Mt. CO 2 e from 2020 to 2060.


Electric vehicle

Heat pump

Life cycle climate performance

Low-GWP refrigerant

Climate change


图1. 图形摘要

图2. 经典内燃机汽车空调系统(a)与电动汽车热泵系统(b)架构比较,热泵系统制冷模式(c)与制热模式(d)原理图

图3. 电动汽车热泵能耗预测模型

图4. 中国大陆 31个省市采用不同制冷剂技术的电动汽车热泵全生命周期排放量。(a)按不同省市空间分布(b)按不同气候区空间分布
