通过对大肠杆菌3′- phosphoadenosine - 5′- phosphosulfate还原酶( ecpapr)的叶片特异性表达,从而提高了种子中的蛋氨酸积累,从而实现了抗硫酸盐还原能力的转基因玉米。
转基因籽粒具有较高的蛋氨酸10 -kdaδ-玉米醇溶蛋白和总蛋白硫的表达,而不降低其他玉米蛋白。这一全面的增加了s -rich玉米蛋白的表达,描述了在强化硫同化作用下这些蛋白质的调控的一个方面。与高蛋氨酸自交系b101相比,转基因株pe5的籽粒蛋氨酸积累量增加57.6%。在饲喂雏鸡的试验中,与nontransgenic粒相比,pe5玉米促进了显著的增重。因此,增
Sulfur assimilation may limit the pool of methionine and cysteine available for incorporation into zeins, the major seed storage proteins in maize. This hypothesis was tested by
producing transgenic maize with deregulated sulfate reduction capacity
achieved through
leaf-specific expression of the
Escherichia coli
enzyme 3′-phosphoadenosine-5′-phosphosulfate reductase (
PAPR) that resulted in higher methionine accumulation in seeds
. The transgenic kernels have higher expression of the methionine-rich 10-kDa δ-zein and total protein sulfur without reduction of other zeins. This overall increase in the expression of the S-rich zeins describes a facet of regulation of these proteins under enhanced sulfur assimilation.
Transgenic line PE5 accumulates 57.6% more kernel methionine than the high-methionine inbred line B101.
In feeding trials with chicks, PE5 maize promotes significant weight gain compared with nontransgenic kernels. Therefore, increased source strength can improve the nutritional value of maize without apparent yield loss and may significantly reduce the cost of feed supplementation.
Poultry feed is usually prepared as a corn–soybean mixture.
Because the only essential sulfur amino acid missing in this mixture is methionine,
it is chemically synthesized and added separately, increasing the cost of major food supply. It appears to be difficult to circumvent the regulatory aspects of sulfur metabolism, which is controlled at many levels, without damage to plant growth
. By using tissue-specific promoters to express a bacterial enzyme that increases the efficiency of assimilative sulfate reduction, seed methionine accumulation can be increased without the concomitant accumulation of toxic metabolites.