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Call4Papers  · 公众号  · 科研  · 2017-09-01 08:00



ESANN 2018

European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning

全文截稿: 2017-11-20
开会时间: 2018-04-25
会议难度: ★★★
CCF分类: 无
会议地点: Bruges, Belgium

The 26 th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning will take place in Bruges, Belgium from 25 to 27 April 2018 .

This event builds upon a very successful series of conference organized each year since 1993. ESANN has become a major scientific events in the machine learning, computational intelligence and artificial neural networks fields over the years.

The two main tracks are "Theory and methods", and "Information processing and applications". See call for papers for details. In addition, a number of special sessions will be organized, on selected hot topics in the machine learning, computational intelligence and artificial neural networks fields. See special sessions for details.


ICMAI 2018

International Conference on Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence

全文截稿: 2017-12-05
开会时间: 2018-04-20
会议难度: ★
CCF分类: 无
会议地点: Chengdu, China

2018 International Conference on Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence (ICMAI 2018) will be held during April 20-22, 2018 in Chengdu, China. Co-sponsored by Sichuan Institue of Electronics, Xihua University, Southwest Jiaotong University. It is hoped to influence the spawning of new areas of applied mathematics and the strengthening of the scientific underpinnings of Artificial Intelligence.

ICMAI 2018 is aimed at: applied logicians, algorithms and complexity researchers, Artificial Intelligence theorists and applications specialists using mathematical methods. More topics..

After a careful reviewing process, all accepted papers after proper registration and presentation, will be published in the ICMAI 2018 conference Proceedings, and being indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus.



FLAIRS - Special Track on Data Mining

全文截稿: 2017-11-20
开会时间: 2018-05-21
会议难度: ★★★
CCF分类: 无
会议地点: Melbourne, FL  USA

Data mining is the process of extracting hidden patterns from data. As more data is gathered, data mining is becoming an increasingly important tool to transform this data into information. It is commonly used in a wide range of profiling services, such as marketing, surveillance, fraud detection and scientific discovery (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_mining).

This special track will be devoted to data mining with the aim of presenting new and important contributions in this area. Papers and contributions are encouraged for any work related to Data Mining. Topics of interest may include (but are in no way limited to):
-Applications such as Intelligence analysis, medical and health applications, text, video, and multi-media mining, E-commerce and web data, financial data analysis, cyber security, remote sensing, earth sciences, bioinformatics, and astronomy
-Modeling algorithms such as hidden Markov models, decision trees, neural networks, statistical methods, or probabilistic methods; case studies in areas of application, or over different algorithms and approaches
-Feature extraction and selection
-Post-processing techniques such as visualization, summarization, or trending
-Preprocessing and data reduction
-Knowledge engineering or warehousing


ICSLE 2018

International Conference on Smart Learning Environments

全文截稿: 2017-10-01
开会时间: 2018-03-18
会议难度: ★★
CCF分类: 无
会议地点: Beijing, China

The International Conference on Smart Learning Environments (ICSLE 2018) aims to bring together researchers, practitioners, and policy makers to discuss issues related to the optimization of learning environments to enhance learning. The focus is on the interplay of pedagogy, technology and their fusion towards the advancement of smart learning environments.



International Workshop on Computational Intelligence Techniques for Industrial and Medical Applications

全文截稿: 2017-09-23
开会时间: 2017-12-04
会议难度: ★★
CCF分类: 无
会议地点: Jaipur, India

Computational Intelligence techniques are adopted in many industrial applications, like visual based quality control, image enhancement in consumer electronics, image quality enhancement, video based recognition of identity or behaviors, audio based speech recognition for enhanced human like interaction with machines etc. It also has a strong impact in medical applications, like medical image enhancement, semi-automatic detection of pathologies, pre-filtering and reconstruction of volumes from medical scans etc. Despite this growing diffusion, there are still many possible areas where computational intelligence application is partial or could be extended and improved, due to the actual limitations in terms of computational power or strict requirements in terms of assurance of the results. With this regards, Big Data paradigm is opening the ground for next generation of advanced Computational Intelligence solutions exploiting the Big Data processing and storage capabilities.

This workshop aims to investigate the impact of the adoption of advanced and innovative Computational Intelligence techniques in industrial and medical applications. This edition of the workshop is focused primarily on signal processing for industrial and medical applications with special emphasis to real time systems and Big Data solutions for intensive processing. The workshop will bring together researchers on different disciplines from academia and industry with a common objective: go beyond the frontiers of today industrial applications of Computational Intelligence techniques.
