专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-02-18 12:39


2 月交易周期中美国废钢价格下跌 20-30 美元 / 总吨之后,多数市场参与者对 3 月交易周期中的美国国内废钢价格持乐观态度

After recording a decrease of $20-30/gross ton in the February-tradingcycle, sentiment among most market participants is bullish over US domestic scrapprices in March trading

在经历长时间的出口疲软和价格下跌后,随着土耳其钢厂上周重返市场,美国废钢出口价格终于回升。由于土耳其需求增加,美国东海岸废钢出口价格在一周内已上涨 15 美元 /

Following a prolonged period of very weak exports and decreasing prices,US scrap export prices have finally recovered with Turkish mills’ return to themarket last week. Thanks to increased Turkish demand, US East Coast scrapexport prices have risen by $15/tonne in a week.

在上周最后一宗美国废钢交易中, HMS 80:20 价格为 275 美元 / cfr 土耳其。不过,由于在最后一宗对土耳其达成的远洋废钢交易中,该等级废钢价格为 276 美元 / 吨,美国供应商目前的报价预计不会低于 280 美元 / cfr

In the latest US-origin scrap deal last week, HMS 80:20 stood at $275/tcfr Turkey. Since the latest deep-sea scrap booking into Turkey had this gradepriced at $276/t, however, US suppliers are now not expected to offer at below$280/t cfr.

西海岸废钢供应商上周也提高了报价。在触及 215-220 美元 / cfr 台湾的底部后,美国贸易商在上周五将报价提高至 230 美元 / cfr 。这主要是由于土耳其价格上涨,以及集装箱短缺,增加了集装箱废钢的定价风险

West Coast scrap suppliers also increased their offer prices last week.After bottoming at $215-220/t cfr Taiwan, US merchants hiked offers to $230/tcfr last Friday. This was mostly the result of the price increases in Turkey,as well as the shortage of containers which is increasing containerised scrappricing risk.

一位美国中西部贸易商表示:“尽管现在做出预测可能还为时过早,但我认为, 3 月份价格走势最差的情况将是横向盘整。

“Although it may be too early to make predictions, the worst-casescenario for March pricing would be a sideways trend, I think,” says a USMidwest merchant.


“The best-case scenario would be a sideways trend,” counters a US steelproducer who thinks scrap supply is well over demand. “We have not had harshwinter conditions. Export and local demand were slow. There is more than enoughscrap.”

美国东海岸一位废钢出口商告诉 Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询):“产能利用率很好,超过了 80% 。本地钢厂的废钢需求和土耳其的需求也有所增加。我们有一个积极的前景。”

A US East Coast scrap exporter tells Kallanish: “Capacity utilisation isat a good rate, over 80%. Local mills’ scrap demand has also increased, as wellas Turkish demand. We have a positive outlook.”


Although uncertainty remains, it is safe to say a positive outlookcurrently outweighs downside risks in the US scrap market


