【[1.4k星]AlexNet-Source-Code:2012 年的原始 AlexNet 源代码,该代码在 ImageNet 竞赛中获得冠军,随后被 Google 收购,并于 2020 年作为开源代码发布。深度学习领域的经典之作,它开启了现代AI视觉技术的革命。亮点:1. 2012年ImageNet竞赛的冠军代码,推动了深度学习的广泛应用;2. 包含原始参数文件,可直接复现经典模型;3. 基于CUDA加速,训练效率大幅提升】
'AlexNet Source Code: This package contains the original 2012 AlexNet source code as it was in 2012, when it won the ImageNet competition.'
'AlexNet Source Code: This package contains the original 2012 AlexNet source code as it was in 2012, when it won the ImageNet competition.'