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【保险学术前沿】 期刊Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 2024年68卷第1-2期目录及摘要

13个精算师  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-05-25 11:14




《Journal of Risk and Uncertainty》为双月刊,每年6期,每期发表文章4篇左右。2022-2023年影响影子为4.7,JCR分区为Q1,是风险与保险领域的顶级权威学术期刊。该期刊以研究不确定性下的风险承担行为和决策分析的理论或实证文章为特色,涵盖的主题包括:决策理论和不确定性经济学、不确定性下的选择心理模型、风险和公共政策、不确定性下的行为实证分析,以及对现实世界风险承担行为的实证研究。


●  在印度,个体对热浪相关的死亡风险(气候异常导致)的重视程度是交通事故死亡风险的两倍以上,这一溢价相当于0.37-2.61百万美元的统计生命价值。

●  新冠疫苗的使用在降低感染风险时,也会激励短期内的冒险行为;医生在面对新疾病未来的不确定性时,行为并不总是完全理性的,因此有必要进行消偏策略以改善他们的决策。

●  相比人造来源,人们对自然来源的不确定性更不敏感:在解释基于模糊态度的真实世界行为时,值得考虑对自然来源的模糊态度。


※ 68卷第1期目录

●  A double-bounded risk-risk trade-off analysis of heatwave-related mortality risk: Evidence from India

●  COVID-19 vaccine and risk-taking

●  Ambiguity attitudes toward natural and artificial sources in gain and loss domains

●  Menu-dependent risk attitudes: Theory and evidence

A double-bounded risk-risk trade-off analysis of heatwave-related mortality risk: Evidence from India



Susan Chilton 纽卡斯尔大学;Darren Duxbury 纽卡斯尔大学;Irene Mussio 利兹大学;Jytte Seested Nielsen 纽卡斯尔大学;Smriti Sharma 纽卡斯尔大学

摘要:As climate variability is increasing, extreme events such as temperature fluctuations are expected to become more frequent. Low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) are especially vulnerable to heat-related variability and its ensuing impacts on mortality. Therefore, there is an urgent need to understand how citizens in LMICs trade-off climate-related mortality risks with other risks such as traffic accidents, and what values they place on reducing such risks. As populations in LMICs are income-constrained, we adopt a non-monetary, risk-risk trade-off (RRTO) valuation method instead of the standard willingness-to-pay stated preference-based approach. We estimate the resulting risk premium for heatwave-related mortality risks through an adapted double-bounded, dichotomous choice approach to establish whether, on average, people value avoiding these risks more compared to reducing traffic risks. Using a sample of over 2,300 individuals from across seven states in India, a country with one of the highest heat-related mortality globally, we estimate the heatwave risk mortality premium to be between 2.2–2.9, indicating that on average, individuals weigh reducing heatwave-related mortality risks more than two times that of reducing traffic accident mortality risks. Based on a standard benefit transfer methodology for LMICs, this premium translates to a Value of Statistical Life (VSL) of USD 0.37–2.61 million for India.




COVID-19 vaccine and risk-taking



Shanike J. Smart(美国纽约州立大学);Solomon W. Polachek(美国纽约州立大学);

摘要:We assess whether the COVID-19 vaccine induces COVID-19 risky behavior (e.g., going to bars and restaurants) and thus reduces vaccine efficacy. A key empirical challenge is the endogeneity bias when comparing risk-taking by vaccination status since people choose whether to get vaccinated. To address this bias, we exploit rich survey panel data on individuals followed before and after vaccine availability over fourteen months in an event study fixed effects model with individual, time, sector, and county-by-time fixed effects and inverse propensity weights. We find evidence that vaccinated persons, regardless of the timing of vaccination, increase their risk-taking activities. The evidence is consistent with the “lulling effect”. While vaccine availability may reduce the risk of contracting COVID-19, it also contributes to further spread of the virus by incentivizing risk-taking in the short term.

我们评估新冠肺炎疫苗是否诱导新冠肺炎的冒险行为(例如,去酒吧和餐厅),从而降低疫苗效力。一个关键的实证挑战是比较接种疫苗状态下的风险行为的内生偏差,因为人们可以选择是否接种疫苗。为了解决这种偏差,我们在事件研究固定效应模型采用了丰富的调查面板数据,这些数据在疫苗可用性前后的14个月内跟踪了个体,该模型包括个人、时间、部门和县--时间固定效应和逆倾向得分权重。我们发现,无论何时接种疫苗,接种疫苗的人都会增加他们的冒险活动。这一证据与“安抚效应(lulling effect)”一致。虽然疫苗的可用性可能会降低感染新冠肺炎的风险,但它也会激励短期内的冒险行为,从而促进病毒的进一步传播。



Ambiguity attitudes toward natural and artificial sources in gain and loss domains



Masahide Watanabe(龙谷大学),  Toshio Fujimi(京都大学)

摘要:In this study, we compare ambiguity attitudes—ambiguity aversion and ambiguity-generated insensitivity (a-insensitivity)—toward natural and artificial sources of ambiguity in gain and loss domains with the participation of individuals with various attributes. In our experiment, we use precipitation during the rainy season as a natural source of ambiguity and the Ellsberg-type box as an artificial source. We find that people are more a-insensitive toward the natural source than the artificial source, even though the outcomes are identical. Additionally, people with low cognitive reflection ability are more a-insensitive than those with high cognitive reflection ability. Thus, people with low cognitive reflection ability have more difficulty in identifying likelihood under ambiguity and tend to view the likelihood of all uncertain events to be equal. Furthermore, we examine the relationships between ambiguity attitudes and real-world behaviors with regard to flood preparedness. In the group with high cognitive reflection ability, people with higher a-insensitivity are less likely to adopt flood preparedness behaviors in the gain domain of the natural source. However, we do not find any relationship between ambiguity attitudes and flood preparedness behaviors in the artificial source. Thus, applying ambiguity attitudes toward natural sources is worth considering when explaining real-world behaviors based on ambiguity attitudes.

在这项研究中,我们比较了不同的个人在收益和损失领域内对自然和人造不确定性来源的模糊态度——即模糊厌恶和模糊产生的不敏感性(a-不敏感性)。在我们的实验中,我们使用雨季的降水作为自然不确定性来源,并使用埃尔斯伯格型箱(the Ellsberg-type box)作为人造来源。我们发现,尽管结果相同,人们对自然来源比对人造来源更a-不敏感。此外,认知反思能力低的人比认知反思能力高的人更a-不敏感。因此,认知反思能力低的人在模糊下更难识别不确定情况下的可能性,并且倾向于认为所有不确定事件的可能性是相等的。此外,我们还研究了模糊态度与现实世界中有关防洪的行为之间的关系。在认知反思能力较高的群体中,a-不敏感性较高的人在自然来源的收益域中采取防洪行为的可能性较低。然而,我们没有发现人造来源的模糊态度与防洪行为之间存在任何关系。因此,在基于模糊态度解释真实世界的行为时,采用对自然来源的模糊态度是值得考虑的。



Menu-dependent risk attitudes: Theory and evidence



Zhuo Chen(山东大学), Russell Golman(卡内基梅隆大学),Jason Somerville(纽约联邦储备银行)

摘要:We test for a novel pattern of menu-dependent risk attitudes that forms the basis of recent theories of risky choice: Does expanding the range of potential prizes from lotteries in a choice set lead people to overweight those prizes and make riskier choices? Contrary to our hypothesis, we find no evidence of such a menu effect. Varying the potential prize offered by an actuarially unfavorable, high-risk lottery does not affect the likelihood of choosing a different, moderate-risk gamble in favor of a safer alternative. Our well-powered null results cast doubt on prominent theories of menu-dependent risk preferences.




※ 68卷第2期目录

Optimal e-cigarette policy when preferences and internalities are correlated

●  Choice under uncertainty and cognitive load

●  Does the COVID-19 pandemic change individuals’ risk preference?

●  Are physicians rational under ambiguity?

Optimal e-cigarette policy when preferences and internalities are correlated



Michael E. Darden(约翰·霍普金斯大学)

摘要:This paper studies the policy implications of correlation between preferences and internalities in the context of tobacco products. Using novel survey data, I show that cigarette smokers who misperceive the relative health harms of cigarettes and e-cigarettes—and thus for whom internalities associated with imperfect information are potentially large—are also significantly less likely to respond to changes in relative prices. I build this heterogeneity into a model of cigarette and e-cigarette taxation to show that the relationship between the optimal e-cigarette tax and the mean elasticity of substitution is relatively flat. This is policy relevant because evidence of substitution is thought to suggest low (or even negative) e-cigarette taxes. Even at implausibly large degrees of substitution, simulated optimal e-cigarette taxes are positive and large.




Choice under uncertainty and cognitive load



Adam Dominiak(奥胡斯大学),Peter Duersch(曼海姆大学)

摘要:Does exposure to cognitive load affect key properties of economic behavior? In this experiment, subjects face a series of simple binary decision tasks between prospects, testing for monotonicity in monetary payments, consistency with (first-order) stochastic dominance, reduction of compound lotteries, risk attitudes, and ambiguity attitudes. Cognitive load is manipulated via simultaneous memory tasks. Our data show treatment differences resulting from cognitive load for decision tasks with risky outcomes. However, cognitive load has no impact on monotonicity and ambiguity attitudes. Under a dual-process view of human decision-making, our findings suggest that ambiguity attitudes and preferences for “more certain money” are intuitive, not reasoned.




Does the COVID-19 pandemic change individuals’ risk preference?



Tomohide Mineyama (国际货币基金组织),  Kiichi Tokuoka(日本财务省)

摘要:In this study we exploit not only regional but also age and gender variation in exposure to COVID-19 to investigate its impact on risk tolerance. This study is the first to use age and gender variation in exposure to COVID-19, whereas the identification in previous studies relied on regional variation or simple differencing before and after the pandemic. Using a nationally representative household panel survey in Japan, we find that individuals who were exposed to higher risk of COVID-19, measured by the mortality rate, became more risk-tolerant. The result is in line with findings whereby the experience of standout adverse events and the large resulting losses increase individuals’ risk tolerance. However, the effect appears diminished after the vaccine rollout. An analysis using detailed vaccine records indicates that the vaccination offset the increase in risk tolerance due to the mortality risk, especially for individuals with a higher mortality rate for COVID-19. While the literature on this topic has been inconclusive with a few studies reporting insignificant changes in risk tolerance after the pandemic, our result suggests that granular information on exposure to COVID-19 helps identify its impact.
