Daniel Abebe学术成果概览
Abebe D. Egypt, Ethiopia, and the Nile: The Economics of International Water Law[J]. Chi. J. Int'l L., 2014, 15: 27.
Abebe D. The Global Determinants of US Foreign Affairs Law[J]. Stan. J. Int'l L., 2013, 49: 1.
Abebe D. Does international human rights law in African courts make a difference[J]. Va. J. Int'l L., 2016, 56: 527.
Abebe D. Great Power Politics and the Structure of Foreign Relations Law[J]. Chi. J. Int'l L., 2009, 10: 125.
Abebe D, Posner E A. The Flaws of Foreign Affairs Legalism[J]. Va. J. Int'l L., 2010, 51: 507.
Abebe D. Not Just Doctrine: The True Motivation for Federal Incorporation and International Human Rights Litigation[J]. Mich. J. Int'l L., 2007, 29: 1.
Abebe D. Ethnic Federalism in Ethiopia: A Means to an End[C]. University of Chicago law School, Conference Proceeding, 2017.
Abebe D. Rethinking the Costs of International Delegations[J]. U. Pa. J. Int'l L., 2012, 34: 491.
Abebe D. Cyberwar, international politics, and institutional design[J]. U. Chi. L. Rev., 2016, 83: 1.
Abebe D, Posner E A. Foreign Affairs Legalism: A Critique[J]. University of Chicago, Public Law Working Paper, 2010 (291).