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英文悦读  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2017-04-12 20:43



我在上一期的推送有哪些可以提升写作的工具书和应用?介绍了www.vocabulary.com上面的一个易混淆词表,今天在这里补充介绍网站上的一个功能:Vocabulary Lists

vocabulary.com 允许用户制作和上传自己的词表,同时官方也会推出一些专用词表。词表上的单词会调用网站的释义以及例句,非常便于学习。


1.The Vocabulary.com Top 1000


The top 1,000 vocabulary words have been carefully chosen to represent difficult but common words that appear in everyday academic and business writing. These words are also the most likely to appear on the SAT, ACT, GRE, and ToEFL. 


2.GRE High Frequency Words



3.100 Words Every Middle Schooler Should Know


American Heritage Dictionaries normally feature about 70,000 entries. From that multitude, the editors have chosen 100 words that are neither obscure nor outlandish that could give middle schoolers more aplomb and aptitude in their verbal encounters. 



Many people think that the government should spend money to explore the outer space, while others believe that it is a waste of public money. Discuss both views and include your own opinion.



Opinion is divided as to whether the government should invest in the exploration of space. It will set the stage for finding alternative energy at best and waste money at worst. I think we should welcome space exploration with open arms on condition that enough money is input into infrastructure construction.

Lacking necessary fossil fuel and other natural resources that are essential to industrial development, scientists go to great lengths to search for new energy. Chances are that the remote and untouched planets are buried various kinds of resources, so it is imperative to  spend money exploring the outer space. Furthermore, exploiting outside the earth mirrors the strong comprehensive national power of a country to some extent, which is one of the important target of a government. Last but not least, it is a arduous but rewarding process in a long run.

People who take a dim view of the exploration deem that it does not amount to much compared to millions upon millions dollars it has wasted and valuable social resources it has occupied, for the reason that the scientific exploration activities are likely to turn out abortive. What’s more, the unpractical research is of secondary importance when there are many social issues such as poverty, terrorism and the endless wars remained to be solved. Additionally, The governments are supposed to invest the public money in the fields that concerned to the daily life of people. 

As far as I am concerned, exploring the outer space is inductive to human being in long-term interests, and the government should support it as long as the country have a solid economical foundation.


Opinion is divided as to whether the government should invest in the exploration of space. It will set the stage for finding (help to find) alternative energy at best and waste money at worst. I think we should welcome space exploration with open arms on condition that enough money is input into infrastructure construction. (/)

Lacking necessary fossil fuels and other natural resources that are essential to industrial development, (To combat the problem of energy shortages) scientists go to great lengths to search for new energy. Chances are that the (/) remote and untouched (/) planets are buried (possess) various kinds of resources, so it is imperative to spend money exploring the outer space. Furthermore, exploiting outside the earth (space exploration) mirrors the strong comprehensive national power of a country to some extent (a country's scientific strength), which is one of the important target of a government.(/) Last but not least, it is an arduous but rewarding process in a long run (in the long run).

People who take a dim view of the exploration (space exploration) deem that it does not amount to much compared to millions upon millions dollars it has wasted and valuable social resources it has occupied, for the reason that the scientific exploration activities are (space exploration is) likely to turn out abortive. What’s more (What is more), the unpractical research (such research) is of secondary importance when there are many social issues such as poverty, terrorism and the endless (/) wars remained to be solved. Additionally, The (/) Governments are supposed to invest the (/) public money in the fields that concerned to the daily life of people. (in fields related to people's daily lives)

As far as I am concerned, exploring the outer (/) space is inductive to human being in long-term interests, (crucial to human's long-term interests) and the government should support it as long as the country have a solid economical foundation. (within its means)


Many people think that the government should spend money to explore the outer space, while others believe that it is a waste of public money. Discuss both views and include your own opinion.










Since the beginning of The Space Age in the 1950s, there have been debates about whether governments should allocate funds for space exploration. Although man’s venture into space is costly and often risky, the benefits it brings are enormous, justifying huge amounts of space funding.

Some people argue that space exploration is too expensive and should therefore remain a low priority. Launching a space mission would cost hundreds of millions of dollars, and too often with no immediate, tangible benefits. Given that there are still many people living in poverty in some counties, governments should use the money instead to solve pressing problems such as hunger, disease and unemployment.

Advocates of space research base their arguments on the benefits it can offer. First of all, space exploration has created new markets and new technologies that have spurred the economy and changed our lives in many ways. Many common everyday services such as GPS systems and satellite television could not have come into being without scientists’ efforts at space research. Secondly, space technology is crucial for the long-term survival of the human species. It is said that the Earth is the cradle of humanity, but mankind cannot stay in the cradle forever. Developing new technologies to travel between planets increases our chances of survival should the Earth is under threat. Finally, space exploration satisfies human’s desire to explore the unknown, and it is such desire that drove our ancestors to go out of Africa two million years ago and continues to inspire many to push the boundaries of our scientific and technical limits. Simply put, space exploration epitomizes the power of the human spirit.

My view is that space exploration can benefit the citizens of the world today and the generations of tomorrow, and it is not something governments should give up for the sake of some short term investment and effort.



Several languages are in danger of extinction because they are spoken by very small numbers of people. Some people say that governments should spend public money on saving these languages, while others believe that would be a waste of money. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.


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