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Call4Papers  · 公众号  · 科研  · 2017-08-29 09:27



Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science

Special issue on Marine Protected Areas: Science, Policy & Management

全文截稿: 2017-10-31
影响因子: 2.176
期刊难度: ★★★
CCF分类: 无
网址: www.journals.elsevier.com/estuarine-coastal-and-shelf-science

The aim of the special issue is to examine the emergence of current MPA conceptions and policies, and reflect on the relationship between MPAs in practice and any field of objective evidence with a bearing on their utility as a major plank of marine conservation policy.

The specific objectives for the special issue as a whole are to elucidate:

- The utility of current approaches on the basis of scientific evidence.

- Policy processes leading to the emergence of current arrangements.

- MPA conflicts and challenges relating to, for example, resource extraction (fisheries, aggregates, etc), population growth (water quality, recreational activities etc), energy (wind, tidal, hydrocarbon etc)

- The implications of climate change and non-native species for MPA policy & practice

- The efficacy of approaches to stakeholder engagement in the formulation and implementation of MPA measures

- MPAs from the perspective of other disciplines such as economics, politics and social science.


International Journal of Coal Geology

Call for papers for Special Issue “Critical Elements in Coal and Coal Ash and their Recovery” of International Journal of Coal Geology

全文截稿: 2017-12-31
影响因子: 4.783
期刊难度: ★★★★
CCF分类: 无
网址: www.journals.elsevier.com/international-journal-of-coal-geology

Elements including rare earth elements (REE) and other critical elements such as Ge, Ga, Nb, V, Mo, U, etc. play an important role in many aspects of 21st-century life. Shortages of these critical elements have elevated interest in rare metals in coal and coal combustion products from being a mere curiosity to investigations of the feasibility of the use of coals and coal products as sources of these metals.

We wish to invite you to contribute a manuscript to a special issue of the International Journal of Coal Geology devoted to the geology and chemistry of rare earth elements (including scandium and yttrium) and other critical elements, in coal and coal-bearing rocks; the REE+Y+Sc chemistry of coal combustion and gasification products; and methods and products of the processing and extraction of the latter materials. Guest editors for "Critical Elements in Coal and Coal Ash and their Recovery" will be Athanasios Karamalidis (Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University), Allan Kolker (U.S. Geological Survey), and Jim Hower (Center for Applied Energy Research, University of Kentucky).


ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing

Coping with Environmental Challenges in Latin America with Remote Sensing

全文截稿: 2017-09-15
影响因子: 6.387
期刊难度: ★★★★★
CCF分类: 无
网址: www.journals.elsevier.com/isprs-journal-of-photogrammetry-and-remote-sensing

Latin America is one of the richest continents in terms of natural resources. The preservation of those resources matters to the entire planet. Nevertheless, the region faces complex environmental issues that continuously call on the use of remote sensing methodology. In order to give greater visibility to the research being carried out in the region and to foster future developments, the ISPRS announces a theme issue dedicated to relevant scientific contributions to mitigate Latin American environmental problems, in remote sensing related topics.

The Theme Issue focuses on innovative methods and applications of remote sensing methodology to tackle environmental problems that affect the Latin American continent with global significance.

Submissions are invited on, but not restricted to, the following issues:

- Forest and natural resources conservation

- Urban environment and planning

- Agriculture and sustainability

- Natural or man-made hazards and disaster management


ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing

ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Theme Issue “Point Cloud Processing”

全文截稿: 2017-09-05
影响因子: 6.387
期刊难度: ★★★★★
CCF分类: 无
网址: www.journals.elsevier.com/isprs-journal-of-photogrammetry-and-remote-sensing

Over the past few decades, point clouds from LiDAR (light detection and ranging) and passive imaging technologies have been major data sources for mapping applications in the photogrammetry and remote sensing communities. In recent years, processing large-scale geospatial data, especially point clouds, has also drawn considerable attention from the computer vision, computer graphics and robotics communities. Workshops in recent premier computer vision and graphics conferences, such as the workshop on point cloud processing in computer vision at CVPR (computer vision and pattern recognition) 2012 and IQmulus workshop on processing large geospatial data at SGP (symposium on geometry processing) 2014, were focused on point cloud processing. Several ISPRS conference events, such as the 2014 Photogrammetric Computer Vision Symposium, have also placed an emphasis on point cloud processing. The purpose of this theme issue is to increase interdisciplinary interaction and collaboration in point cloud processing among photogrammetry, computer vision, computer graphics (geometry processing and geometric modeling), and robotics.

This theme issue covers a range of topics on point clouds generated from LiDAR and various image sources. Georeferenced point clouds collected from different platforms such as aircraft, UAV (unmanned aerial vehicles), vehicle, terrestrial scanning, hand-held devices, and backpacks of indoor and outdoor scenes, are particularly relevant to this theme issue. Point clouds generated from images such as aerial images, satellite imagery, street view panoramas, and camera phone images are also of relevance. The topics range from low-level processing to high-level understanding including feature extraction, segmentation, recognition, and modeling. The list of suggested topics includes but is not limited to:

- Deep learning for point cloud processing

- Point clouds from stereo, panoramas, camera phone images, oblique and satellite imagery

- Point cloud registration and segmentation

- High performance computing for large-scale point clouds

- 3D object recognition, classification, and change detection

- Large-scale urban modeling from aerial and mobile LiDAR

- 2D floorplan generation and 3D modeling of indoor point clouds

- Fusion of images and point clouds for semantic segmentation

- Industrial applications with large-scale point clouds

- Rendering and visualization of large-scale point clouds


Journal of African Earth Sciences

Special Issue on the Geology, tectonics and mineralizations of the East African Orogen

全文截稿: 2018-03-30
影响因子: 1.42
期刊难度: ★★
CCF分类: 无
网址: www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-african-earth-sciences

The timing of this special issue is propitious, it will resume the last two decades of intense research in structural geology, geodynamics, mineralization and new dating carrying out by several authors during the 2000s. Taking in account that the Precambrian geology of this belt was, in major part, mapped prior to the most geochronologic investigations; a major goal of this issue is also being a reappraisal of the EAO’s geologic models about metamorphism and deformation, and, a general tectonics events coupled with the history of arcs. This special issue will stand as a basic reference on the EAO’s geology and will provide a platform for the expansion of many additional studies. The choice of the scientific contributions will expose a wide geographic coverage of the EAO’s areas, including both detailed and syntheses of classical areas.


Ocean Engineering

Special issue on Manoeuvring of Ships in Waves and Confined Waters

全文截稿: 2017-12-01
影响因子: 1.894
期刊难度: ★★
CCF分类: 无
网址: www.journals.elsevier.com/ocean-engineering

New regulatory requirements on Energy Efficiency (EEDI) for reducing toxic gas emissions from maritime transport have imposed significant reductions for the installed power on ships, thus the manoeuvring ability of ships in waves and particularly in adverse weather conditions has become a major concern for designers and operators. This applies, also, to the manoeuvring in coastal waters and generally in restricted waters related to the approach of ships to ports. Therefore developments that will allow a better understanding of ship's behaviour in those conditions and their effect on the design of future ships are very welcome and in the focus of present and future research


Ocean Engineering

Special issue on Safety and Integrity in Harsh Environments

全文截稿: 2018-01-01
影响因子: 1.894
期刊难度: ★★
CCF分类: 无
网址: www.journals.elsevier.com/ocean-engineering

As more explorations for natural resources, along with short navigation routes, have moved into harsh environments environment, such as Arctic and sub-Arctic regions, safety and integrity become more critical issues. Industrial activities in harsh environments present significant technical and logistical challenges in the engineering design, construction and operation of onshore and offshore infrastructure and facilities. Due to lack of knowledge and data, it is uncertain whether engineering specifications are sufficiently defined to ensure the safety and integrity in harsh conditions. Further complications arise as engineering schemes fall increasingly under technological, economic, environmental and human constraints. The unique features of harsh environments, including ice and permafrost, severe operating conditions, higher and more complex material degradation rates, unpredictable climatic changes, and a high degree of uncertainty, pose a multitude of challenges that require a concerted effort from all entities involved in these endeavours. Extensive and intensive research is required to create new knowledge and provide sufficient understanding and information for safety and integrity engineering and management in harsh environments.

For the aforementioned reasons, the special issue intends to consolidate the literature on safety and integrity in harsh environments and also provide an overview of state-of-art of issues and potential solutions. This special issue invites original papers on topics that are relatedto scientific understanding and engineering challenges for cold region development with specific focus on ocean and offshore system. Review articles relevant to this field are also welcome. All submitted papers will run through peer review process and selected on basis of both their quality and relevance to the theme of the special issue.

The topics of this special issue include, but are not limited to:

- Process safety in harsh offshore environments

- Occupational safety in harsh ocean environments

- Reliability of component and system in harsh ocean environment

- Design, constructional, and operational reliability, maintainability and safety

- Risk assessment with scarce information

- Innovation in data collection and monitoring of remote offshore and ocean systems

- Integrity challenges in harsh ocean environments

- Risk-based asset integrity management

- Human factor challenges in harsh marine and offshore environments

- Emergency scenarios in harsh ocean and offshore environments


Ocean Modelling

Virtual Special Issue on Coupled Models

全文截稿: 2017-12-31
影响因子: 3.341
期刊难度: ★★★
CCF分类: 无
网址: www.journals.elsevier.com/ocean-modelling

Ocean Modelling is pleased to announce a virtual special issue that focuses on coupled models. Recent years have seen enormous progress in ocean modeling, in regard to the coupling of ocean models to associated models, showing the importance of the interactive processes, whether through direct observation, analytical, numerical, theoretical models or laboratory models. Advances have been made in the coupling between physical and biogeochemical or biological phenomena, and the intimate links of the atmosphere-ocean interface, and the influences of these media on each other. Coupling of models has occurred on multi-scales, ranging in space from local (e.g. sub-mesoscale) to regional and global scales, with applications in all ocean basins, including the Arctic. Timescales range from seconds, hours and days (synoptic), to seasonal, decadal and centuries (climate). Models are used for a plethora of studies, from hindcast studies, to dedicated field studies to assist interpretation of observed data, to ocean and marine forecasts, including practical outputs such as winds, waves, currents and climate change studies.  

Coupling interactions among different previously uncoupled models, including a myriad of dynamic processes, requires careful understanding. Basic model equations must support energy and momentum formulations with consistent parameterizations for transfer, growth and development, and dissipation. Numerical methods must consider coordinate transformations, grid structures, mode splitting, accuracy versus computational costs, and highly efficient parallelization schemes. Coupling schemes must consider cross-boundary fluxes, boundaries, and multi-, large-, regional- and local-scales. Integration with observational data must consider data assimilation, model calibration and validation. As an example, ocean models of surface and internal waves, tides and storm surges, ocean circulation and air-sea interactions have often been previously separated into uncoupled streams, with ocean general circulation models (OGCMs) as a connecting artery. However, surface waves, driven by marine storms like tropical cyclones, are among the most energetic motions in the upper ocean, and can modulate ocean circulation, affecting sea surface temperatures, mixed layer depths, and vertical mixing, by means of wave orbital motions and wave breaking, Coriolis-Stokes force, Langmuir turbulence, air-sea fluxes, sea spray and bubbles.

We are interested in studies that give the important new developments in coupled models involving the ocean, as well as new initiatives that can potentially lead to the next generation of coupled ocean and atmosphere. A special issue in Ocean Modelling will focus on these and related questions.

This special issue will be a Virtual Special Issue (VSI) of Ocean Modelling with submission being open until December 31, 2017. Normal review and editorial processes will apply and articles are fully published immediately upon successful completion of the review process. The special issue will get a unique URL at Ocean Modelling. If you wish to submit your paper to this VSI, please follow the instructions in the Guide for Authors, selecting “SI: Coupled Models”.


Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology

Special Issue on Underground Transport

全文截稿: 2018-01-15
影响因子: 2.192
期刊难度: ★★★
CCF分类: 无
网址: www.journals.elsevier.com/tunnelling-and-underground-space-technology

The world’s population growth and increasing concentration of populations in urban areas have allowed underground transport to become an appealing solution to urbanisation problems, such as land shortage, traffic congestion, air and noise pollution, and environmental deterioration. To date, many cities have developed various underground transport systems, including underground railway (subway) systems, underground roads and expressways, underground pedestrian systems, underground freight transport, underground car parks and, more recently, the underground components of high-speed rail networks. Underground transport systems have significantly influenced people’s daily life, land use, environments, economic development, urban resilience and sustainability. However, the various transport systems developed in different urban settings have unique characteristics with regard to planning, investment, construction, and operation. This special issue invites submission of articles that contribute to a better understanding of underground transport-related issues. The special issue will consider submissions that focus on various underground transport systems, and any of the aspects of underground transport, from planning to operation.

Suitable topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

- Planning and design of underground transport systems

- Underground high-capacity public transport

- Transport safety on underground roads

- The behavioural and psychological aspects of underground transport

- Underground transport and urban resilience

- Social and environmental impacts of underground transport

- Underground rail-based transit-oriented development (TOD)

- Underground transport and economic development

- The financial, investment and operational aspects of underground transport infrastructure

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